
Triplets Goddesses S2: The Unknown World

Xiandrellyn Blue, Crimson Red, and Sharlene Shine Yellow, triplets with unparalleled powers and breathtaking beauty, struggled to fit into the mundane world for seventeen years. Their destiny changed when they entered the Immortal World and found a sanctuary at Arbexuelon Academy. But fitting in wasn't easy. Isolated and unable to physically connect with others, they faced new challenges. One night, a revelation struck Sharlene, transforming the triplets and unsettling those around them. As fear turned to villainization, gods and goddesses emerged to mentor them. "You three have a greater purpose," said one deity. "You must uncover the true name of the Unknown World." As they delved deeper into the Unknown World, they unraveled the secrets of their existence, discovering an intricate tapestry woven into the fabric of creation. Each revelation brought them closer to the ultimate truth that would redefine their destinies forever. Let's Join Xiandrellyn, Crimson, and Sharlene on their incredible adventure in the Unknown World as they seek the truth about their birth and unravel the secrets of this enigmatic land.

NamhyeBlueMoon · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 142: The Continuation

The entire Ice Kingdom suddenly fell silent due to a massive explosion... many were burned, unable to scream anymore... even neighboring kingdoms were shocked by the explosion, which shook the ground.

A profound silence descended in the middle of that night... three full moons illuminated the sky.

Whispers spread among the people of other kingdoms. Until the entire Ice Kingdom brightened up.

In the prolonged light, King Dezeus opened his eyes and immediately felt the warmth.

King Dezeus was surprised to see Xian, Sharlene, and Crimson embracing him.

King Dezeus looked around, even at himself.

King Dezeus quickly embraced the triplets as they fell. He sat on the grass supporting them.

"Why am I in Gardellia?" King Dezeus asked himself.

Gardellia, the kingdom of gods and goddesses.

King Dezeus was greatly amazed by what he saw.

He thought Gardellia was destroyed... he thought it had disappeared forever, but apparently not.

King Dezeus suddenly remembered what happened in the Ice Kingdom... his mind filled with questions.

He looked around... the sun was shining beautifully, clear and windy, with birds and butterflies flitting about.

Silence... King Dezeus looked at himself and was surprised to see he was dressed differently. It wasn't his usual attire of blood and wounds. Even the triplets wore different clothes, white dresses with touches of blue, red, and yellow.

King Dezeus covered his eyes when the triplets' cheeks lit up. When the light disappeared, he saw it was a crescent moon... it was familiar to him.

"Right! That's what Ares had... but on the forehead... who are you?" the king asked.

"Dezeus, my love."

King Dezeus was stunned, knowing whose voice it was... he would never forget that voice.

He stood up and slowly looked behind him.

Tears fell from the king's eyes at what he saw.

"A-ares," he said.

Ares smiled and immediately embraced the stunned King Dezeus.

"My love..." Goddess Ares said.

The king also hugged Goddess Ares and kissed her immediately.

"I'm happy to see you again, Ares," the king said.

The king couldn't explain the joy he felt... he felt he could die from happiness...

They embraced for a long time until Goddess Ares held the king's face.

"My love... where is our child?" the king asked.

Ares smiled and looked at the triplets. The king was surprised; Goddess Ares didn't say anything, but he knew what she meant.

(Xian's Pov)

I woke up when something touched my forehead.

I sat up and looked around.

Wait, am I in Gardellia? ...what the fuck is going on?!!

"My children!!"

"What?" I asked... children? Me? Us?

"Xiandrelly, you've been a good older sister to your siblings," Goddess Ares said, sitting in front of me.

I just looked at her.

"I didn't know if you'd be angry... but Xiandrellyn, you are the eldest among you, you protected your siblings, you were the first to know the problems you faced, especially about family..." she said, holding my hand.

"Forgive me if I didn't tell you right away... I just wanted you to be ready..." she continued.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

King Dezeus also sat beside Goddess Ares and kissed her on the cheek.

"You are our child... you are the prophecy sisters," they said simultaneously, making my head spin.

They held my hand.

We are their children? Are they joking? If that's the case, then we've always been with our mother...

"What?!! You're saying we're your children?!" Crimson suddenly exclaimed, while Sharlene just looked at Goddess Ares.

They hugged us, and the gods and goddesses rejoiced.

"I brought you into the world of humans. You were supposed to be with me until you grew up and returned here, but when I took you through the portal, the Dark Queen attacked me immediately, so I couldn't follow..." the Goddess of Fire said.

"M-mommy," Sharlene stuttered, tears streaming down her face.

Goddess Ares approached and hugged her, and Sharlene hugged her back and cried.

I sighed.

Is this really true? Are they our parents? I didn't expect this to happen... are we the prophecy sisters? Does that mean we're supposed to save the world?

Wait! The Ice Kingdom!

I stood up.

"What's happening in the Ice Kingdom?!!" I asked.

"Sigh maybe we should talk about it later..." Goddess Ares said.

The gods and goddesses dispersed.

"Save the world, my children... I know you can do it," she said with a smile and kissed us on the cheek.

"Mom? Dad?" Crimson asked.

Goddess Ares and King Dezeus smiled... I still couldn't believe it.

For now, I'm still confused.

"Sigh Let's return and save the world!!" the gods and goddesses said.

The three of us, along with Sharlene, emitted a blinding light.

We closed our eyes, feeling our clothes change.

The surroundings were bright, all white and light.

I covered my head as I felt a crown... a crown surrounded by various elemental powers such as ice, water, and others.

My attire changed too... my hair extended to my waist, barefoot, wearing a dress-like outfit.

It was blue with white...

(Author's Point of view)

The very strong light of the Ice Kingdom disappeared, and three girls floated not far away.

They descended and Crimson unleashed her healing power, healing all the damage.

Sharlene exploded the bodies of dark users with her electric power, and the others who lost their breath.

And then Blue, who walked and everywhere she walked, the dead bodies disappeared, returning to normal, the destroyed plants restored, the damaged items and whatnot.

Using their powers, the three of them combined them and corrected the land where they stood.

It created a very strong impact of wind, and it cleared up the surroundings.

The three held out their hands to the sky, surprising everyone as the night gradually disappeared and was replaced by the sun.

The surroundings brightened... they saw the beautiful sky, clouds, and the sun.

Everyone stood up, including those who were still weak.

Everyone looked at the triplets standing among them.

The triplets opened their eyes... and everyone was shocked to see their surprised faces.

And King Dezeus appeared behind the triplets, smiling.

But King Dezeus's smile faded when he saw a woman glaring angrily at the triplets.

She formed a large dark ball, which would surely make anyone vanish if it hit.

And she threw it at the triplets, King Dezeus immediately hugged the triplets and took the hit.

Blue quickly supported King Dezeus who was in critical condition while Red and Yellow immediately attacked the woman with their powers.

Everyone was surprised when they recognized her before she slowly dissapeared...

King Dezeus's wife, Queen Daekira that they thought is their ally is the Queen of the Dark Kingdom.