
Chapter 2

"Call us if there is any problem and I'll be there in a heartbeat".

"Eat your meal on time. I don't want to see my baby looking like a skeleton when she comes back".

"Don't have sex even if you find your mate", I groaned at my father's comment. Ever since my mom told him the possibility of me meeting my mate while I'm there he has been telling me no sex rules.

I looked towards Jack as he is the only one who has not made any comments... yet.

"call me if you see any hot piece of chick. You know my preference - tall, slim and blonde", I rolled my eyes. Of course, he would ask for a new girl to fuck. If you all haven't figured it out yet, Jack is your typical player with good looks, sleeping with everything that walks.

Ignoring his comment I looked towards my mom. "My baby", she squeezed me in a tight hug.

"Mom I'm going only for a month", my mom can be dramatic sometimes. Well, most of the time.

I hugged everyone goodbye and went behind a tree to remove my clothes. I put them in my duffle bag and closed my eyes, letting my wolf take over.

Hairs began to come out from my pores, my back arching, my nose turning into a snout, my bones cracked in an awkward position before taking the shape of the wolf. It wasn't painful at all... A little uncomfortable yes but not painful.

I opened my eyes to see everything from my wolf eyes. Everything seems ten times better, the greenery of trees, plants and grass, the sound of birds chirping, the air against my fur and the smell of earth.

Thank God today's weather is nice for travel.

I looked to check if my duffel bag is tightly bound or not. Satisfied I looked up and howl for my family to know I'm taking off. I can tell them by mind linking but what's the fun in that? We wolf loves to howl... It's in our nature.

My wolf form is really excited to run. I have dark grey fur, almost black that blends really well in the night.

I crouch down and take off, my fur flowing with the air, paws hitting the ground, leaving dirt behind me.

It will take one day to reach the Storm forest pack so I'll have to take a little rest before resume my running.

I ran at full speed until I was exhausted... At least I have covered half of the distance. I decided to take rest for a little bit before I take off again. But I will eat my dinner first.

I strained my ears and slowly paced around...listening for any sound of animal that will be my food tonight.

I continued to walk forward at a slow pace and that's when I smelt it... A for...a pregnant one at that and I licked my canines in anticipation.

Ever so slowly, I crept behind the doe, making sure not to alert her. She looked around when she sensed danger and I smiled wolfishly.

I crouched down and waited. I can hear the blood flowing through her veins and my mouth salivated. I waited till she calms down a little before I sprinted at a fast speed, sinking my canines into her neck... Efficiently snapping it. The doe dropped to the ground...dead.

I didn't waste any time munching at my dinner. I slowly devour the doe but kept my ear strained so I will know if there is a possible danger.

Once I was finished I looked around for a safe place to rest for a bit. The safest place I found was between two trees. They're so close to each other that it seems like they look like they are combined but when we get too close to it, it has lots of space between them. It is a perfect place for me to take rest without any fear and the branches will hide my body from prying eyes.

Before going into space between the trees, I rolled around in the mud to hide my scent and replace it with the scent of earth. When I was sure that I have covered my smell, I get between the trees and let myself drift off.

About two hours later, I woke up. The sleep I got wasn't enough to replenish my energy but it is enough that I'll get to the Storm forest pack.

Cracking my muscles, I checked if my bag is tight enough before resuming my journey. It's pitch black now and it's giving me the advantage to hide in the shadows. Avoiding the area where moonlight is illuminating the forest, I ran at the fastest pace, which is a lot faster than an average werewolf, almost as fast as a Lycan.

That is because I used to run with Lola whenever she visited my pack, she always challenged me and I pushed myself to be as fast as her. It was difficult and it took a lot of time but I managed to do that and I'm proud of it.

I continue to run in the shadows, hiding in the dark from any possible danger. I haven't washed the mud off of me so it'll hide my scent from any other creatures that can pose a threat.

With excitement for the new adventures my wolf, Sierra howled inside my head.