
Chapter 17

"Mmmm", I moaned a little when warm water trickled down my body. My gaze swept on Callum's shampoo. It's tempting me to use it and I did exactly that.

I took a whiff of the shampoo before applying it on my hair. Sierra purred at the smell. I didn't hesitate to use his soap either. Might as well smell like him entirely.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my head, and another one around my body.

I'm not going to go out so I decided to just wear Callum's shirt. I had to fold the sleeves as they are too big on me. The shirt complete drowns me and reaches mid-thighs.

I removed the towel from my head ones it has absorbed the access water from my hair.

I applied moisturizer on my body really well before leaving the room. Dalton had already prepared the lunch and was setting the lunch on the table when I got down.