

A story of three highschool students and their chaotic, thrilling yet amusing school life Daniel, Jake and Ken are three normal but not-so-normal highschool students but due to a certain event their usual school life takes a turn and they end up in the world of delinquents. So how will they get out of this or will they make this world their own?.......

kurokun_07 · Action
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23 Chs


After yesterday's fight, the trio slept a good sleep but the next day....





"~Daniel~" said Ken and Jake.

"NO!" said Daniel.

"B*tch, let us say the whole thing..." said Ken.

"You want me to teach you for the upcoming test, right?" asked Daniel.

"Well...yes." said Jake

"How the f**k am I gonna teach you so many chapters in just 7 days?!!!" asked Daniel.

"We didn't tell you how many chapters we want you to teach us.." said Jake.

"You mean you did some chapters on your own? Well, that's great!" said Daniel.

"Yes, we did a ONE WHOLE F**KING CHAPTER!!!" said Ken.

"OMG! That's a great achievement!!! You guys pulled some high class s**t!!!" said Daniel.

"Oh Daniel! Stop it, we are not that great....." said Jake.

"A**holes!! I ain't appreciating you! You guys had so much fucking time on your hands since last month and you did just one chapter in that time?!" said Daniel angrily.

"Uh..um..." stuttered both.

"Well...f**k it. Meet me in here (school canteen) at 2:10 after school. I am gonna teach you as much as I can."

"WE LOVE YOU DANIEL!!!" said Jake and Ken hugging Daniel.

"Yeah, yeah....Now leave me" said Daniel



The trio gathered in the school canteen as planned. They all took seats. Daniel told the two to take out their books. He took out a notepad and textbook and started explaining them.

"Guys lets start with Algebra. We'll go with something easy. Look here guys, Δ = b² - 4ac. We have to replace the the coefficients from the quadratic equation we are given. This formula is called the 'discriminant formula'. So-"

"So you mean triangle = b² s**t." said Ken.

"What the f**k dude?!!! That's not a traingle, that's Delta! It's a Greek letter!!!" exclaimed Daniel.

"Wait! we had Greek letters?! Since when?!" asked Jake.

"How the f**k did you guys managed to enter highschool?!" said Daniel.

"Cheating....hehe...." said Ken.

"Well...f**k it. We have start from the start. Till the exam date you are going to study your a** out." said Daniel with determination in his eyes.

"YESS SIR!!!" said Jake and Ken

The next ten days are gonna be hectic for Jake and Ken. They are going on a trip to hell.....