

Hello, Linrim there!

I just wanted to give you some news.

1: I was the one who programs and launch SKYNET.

2: Cats are taking over the world and it too late to fight back, live with it, they forced me to prepare SKYNET.

More seriously, I came to a decision as for this fanfic. I won't make a copy-paste of the old one. That to say he won't return to one piece. The further I thought of it, the more it was turning more of a pokemon catching than a bicycle riding story. FOr those who are displeased with my decisions, sorry, they are loads of good fanfic on the site for you to enjoy.

After HP, he will be sent to another manga universe, and then to a cross-over. The last world will not be composed of two or more manga or story, but an original of mine mixed with an existing one. I won't guaranty the level of the fanfic further, but I will strive to made something fun and enjoyable for me, (not much so for Alex.) and you. While some of its capacity would be alternate, that doesn't mean I will nerf him, he will still have them, but under other forms.

I think I say all I could without giving to many spoilers. For those still there by the time we arrive at the final world, I say thank and hope you will still enjoy the story.