
legacy I

With the rise of the sun, its ray bathing the room through the window, Alex awake. Yawning, he pushes the thick fur cover. Trudging toward the bathroom absentmindedly, he soundlessly slid inside the bath, with a content grunt.

It had been already six months since his arrival on the island, the 23 June 1987. Thank CS and the elves suggestion, everything had gone smoothly. Alex previous room had been cleansed from any past presence.

Rather than memory-charming the local social hub, like he had first thought, they had used a more subtle way. Through elven magic, Winter had appeared there, slightly confound them, making them easily accept that the case had been passed to a new worker.

Their last act, before the transfer, was at the bank, they made the account into a trust with a plastic. All were made through an official channel and untraceable to wizards. Alex numerical files were taken out of the local system and physical one out of the office.

Nothing was done to Petunia and Dudley, leaving Dumbledore without a single clue as to where Harry Potter had vanished, when he apparate there a month later. With Vernon in jail for already three years, he was too deeply buried into the system to be taken out without alerting the authorities, showing the first drawback of their secular exile from the modern world.

Without a hint of direct magic, the older man was completely thrown off the loop, without any means to track the Potter Scion. Even the trip to Gringott had been for nought.

With the ritual, every bit of his blood in possession of others had been wiped out, and since Dumbles had his vault key, it had been deactivated. While he had claimed guardianship on the boy, the fact that he had neither the blood nor the child with him had cut him completely to any interaction with the Potter's holding in the bank.


While Dumbledore was running low and high, trying to track him down, quite unsuccessfully, Alex had been roaming his new land. In doing so, he discovers quite a few 'bubbles' in the land. Those were biomes made for the different animals and crops, delimited by law wall and inscribed with runes, powered with the ambient magic. After finding a large map of Europe, he discovers that the island was sitting on the exact middle of international waters between England, Germany, Norway, and the few other countries around.

As the Land had existed for far more longer, he suspects that some magic must be at act there, but couldn't bother. Being in a buffer zone was protecting him from any Miniserial and international influence and rules, both magical and mundane.

Due to its location, the weather, while not as harsh a Norway or Scotland, was still icy at this time, thus biomes. Not all species were cold-sensible, but the orchard and crops, delimited by low walls, need to be protected and had been put under a sort of geothermal ward, providing enough heat from the deep to keep the ground unfrozen year long.

With the mix of the different magical and mundane manures, the land was efficiently producing year-round.


After the land, he had explored the ground around it on a broom provided by Winter. While a few centuries old, it had been carefully preserved and worked just fine for his exploration.

The island on itself wasn't the largest existing but still of a decent size. Formed in a rough egg shape, he had found the furthest points to be 9 km and 15 km, more than enough. Form its configuration, the 'top' of the egg was pointing toward the pole and completely unaccessible as it was a separate mountain range spanning on a fourth of the total surface. The highest pics were in fact a chain of seven sleeping volcanoes, their tips buried under everlasting snow, due to their height surpassing 5,000 metres.

The middle and centre of the island is a large grassland spanning on a fifth of the left-over surface. The rest, the 'bottom' and side of the grassland was one unique thick deciduous forest, also covering the lower part of the mountain, while higher height had a pine forest.

The island borders themselves where high cliffs constantly struck by a strong current, and only three small beaches exist, all housing ancient small harbours pointed toward England, Norway and Germany, respectively. All three stored with centuries, and possibly millennial boats.

From the broom, he was able to see that the land was in fact made in a triangular shape, with the corps and orchard on a tip each while the last was for a living quarter. In the centre, a 'small' forest of ancient oaks a be planted and house the four herds of Hippogriff, the restricted population of Acromentula, the twelves dens of kneazles and few others magical creatures housed within the walls.

As much as those had been intimidating, it was nothing to the mundane beasts living outside the walls. He didn't know if it was due to the ambient magic or the magical plants, but they had a ridiculous proportion, with wolves the size of deer and deer the size of small elephants. Needlessly, he didn't approach and only looked at them from afar.

Other than that, the land was untouched by man, leaving an impression of a savage land. All three landscapes were populated with their own wildlife too his greatest enjoyment. With the broom, he had passed the majority of the first week to observe different group from the sky. The island was an open zoo for him, and while the species were all mundanes, with and a dash of herbivorous and bird magical creatures, it was a real haven.


From the land, he had been introduced by the three elves to their workplace. Winter had given him a rapid turn in the Library, helping him navigate more easily in it. Thunder had been introducing him with the herds of Hippogriffs, while the adults hadn't been much interested, the foals had been curious. Under the warry gaze of the former, he had interacted with the later, and smoothed their relation, allowing him to come at them nearly as it pleases him, even if he leaves them mostly alone for now.

The excited elf had also brought him to a building behind the barn. It was his 'workshop', where he would slaughter and prepare the animals. Since they hadn't been someone there for centuries, he was now waiting for them to die peacefully. As there was no need to kill them needlessly, a practice Alex heavily supported the elf to continue.

Since the other carnivorous creatures prefered to hunt, he would only shear sheep for Acromentulas, or release a small swarm of ferrets for the Hippogriffs to keep their instinct.

Every product from the 'workshop' was stocked in enchanted cold storage, a separate building on the side of the barn. It was also a part of the income of the land. To procure Winter funds for her world book hunt, feathers, pelts, meats, eggs and the like are sold in the wizarding world. As the entire population of the pureblood would never lower themselves to go and purchase groceries, their elves pop to secured market. The land by-products alimented a part of those markets.

Ash also had a part in this, the majority, in fact. As the orchard and crops land extend on a 1 km square each, the production year long was monstrous. There were holding a majority on the supply market of the British community. Should he cut the supply, he would plunge it into chaos and famine.

Due to this, no one had been dumb enough to try and found them, fearing the repercussion they would have. No matter how much money you have, nothing will protect you if you are responsible for the loss of food supplies.

Due to this, the land had been racking Galleons for centuries, and, as being established before Gringotts, the goblins were yearly weeping at the tons of golds fleeing from their hand into a foreign pocket. Only the fact that none other bank had seen an increase in their gold stock had kept them for declaring war, among other things.


While the supply of the cereals and fruits had taken a large portion of the production, the land still had an ungodly amount put in storage, waiting to be used.

When he had seen it, Alex hadn't been long to make his mind on what he wanted to do with it. Other than the parts used to produces alcoholic beverage, a selection of fruits was turned into juices, with a few blends made. The cereals had been makes into energy bars, mixed with dried fruits.

This had led to a short search for free elves. After founding two other, named Autumn and Spring, Alex had assigned them to the production. Autumn, the second female, was of cooking duty, turning the different stock into a transformed product.

Spring, the third male, was there to lessen the astronomical burden on the three. This had free Winter enough time for here to roam the world for a longer time, and start to gather mundane books on Alex order.

Using his trunk of Pounds at first, they slowly build funds with the sale of the juice and energy bar in the mundane world, supervised by Spring, under glamour.

Not wanting to bring attention to them too much, Spring would only appear on Monday in London, with a fixed amount of bars and bottles. On Tuesday, he would pop on Paris to do the same, while Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were for Oslo, Sofia and Bern respectively. The weekend was for cooking and stocking for the week.

With five types of currencies available, it had made it more comfortable for Winter to venture into Europe.

As expected, the start had been slow, but they were slowly building loyal customers. With returnable bottles, their price was more than fair and their product much better than the industrial ones.


While the elves were trying eagerly to overtake the European food market, and turning the British wizard and goblin into poppers, Alex had been practising his ability, [craft magic] with the help of the vast library.

While his path was completely different than the common one, it didn't prevent him from taking base knowledge of the millennial-old wealth accumulated under his feet.

After a few days of trials, he grasped the basic of his power quickly. From his experiments, he had made three points. First, the very base of his power was like the Alchemy of FMA. He would first need to 'deconstruct the basic element to assimilate and remember it. From this came the 'knowledge', stored in his mind for the third use, 'reconstruction'.

The second point was like Momo Yaoyorozu from MHA, as long as he knew, he could produce readily-made complex components.

The last point came from himself, like any DF, his power runs on stamina, or for him, magic.

While deconstructing costs nearly nothing, the more complex the material, the longer the time and the more energy his need. Any pre-knowledge would reduce the time and consumption, as well as familiarity with the target.

This what spurred him to gather mundane science knowledge to add on the books of the clan, and the one collected from the goblin dwelling. Those were goldmines of information he wasn't going to throws aways.

Due to the nature of the power, he had rapidly obtained a basic grasp on it. All left for him to develop was his 'data bank', and his pool of magic to access to larger craft.

A welcomed side-effect discovered was that any knowledge obtains trough the 'deconstruction' and 'absorption' stage would stay ingrained in his mind. Even if he didn't know everything on the target, he 'knows' how much use they had. This would allow him to discover their entire potential easily since he knows their 'limits'.

Another one was, by the constant deconstruction of magically rich elements, and the use of his power, the discovery of the existence of a 'pool' within him. This metaphorical container was how much magic he possesses.

Due to the craft magic, he now had a clear idea of what was magical energy, from this came another boon. He had at first discover that he was unable to use common magic of the wizard until the legendary lightbulb had been lighted up.




It was during a session of deconstruction of magical plants, seeds and animal part, that his mind had wandered off his discovered disability. He had been disheartening to found that he wasn't able to use magic like the others.

While craft magic was a great tool, it was only an auxiliary system that wouldn't allow him to protect himself as magic could. While those thoughts were roaming his subconscious as he looks at the plants turn into dust and be absorbed, that CS had caught them.

-Didn't you used magic when you turned that Were into a eunuch?-

'Yes, but...'

-But what, do you forget that you had CRAFT magic?-

'What...' Started Alex before his eyes widen at the possible thought that flashed into his mind. 'Do you think it possible for me to craft magic energy into a spell?' Asked his disbelieving.

-I don't see why not? After all, your ability only became craft magic because you were born wizard. Were you born mundane, it would have run on stamina, like the other DF in One piece. You had already show you could in banishing the potion knife. While accidental magic, I did feel you use a mix of magic and ability. The only boon it would bring you is that you won't need a wand, as you had a sort of foci in your body who can channel it already. I don't speak of it until now, for the simple fact that this focus was still a little unstable. It was better to let it settle peacefully before straining it and harming your base. I know you are more mature than child your age, but I didn't want to take risks.-

'Thank, buddy.' Responded Alex, thankful for his guardian care.




Focusing, I stared at my palm. From the theories on the books, magical disciplines all could be boiled to three points, will, power and intent. I need to will to affect the world surrounding me to produce certain phenomena, could accomplish them and the intent to impose this will on the world.

From the past months, my training had made me quite in tune with my magic, allowing me to influence somewhat the amount of power I was putting in my craft. Channelling magic without a focus had easy, natural even, surely just as much as DF users feel when using their powers.

Willing to shape the photon in a simple sphere at the tip of my finger, I push power through my body into my hand.

As I feel the trickle of magic 'move' through me, I could see a near-inexistent point of light flicker on my left index, before vanishing.

While pushing magic with an extremity was easier than to force it out of my palm like I was doing previously, it is also more delicate.

Contrary to crafted items, magic need a constant and stable influx; otherwise the craft seems to die off prematurely. Even then, the fact that my finger' tip lightens for a second was proof enough that it was possible.

The following attempts were barely more successful than the previous.

-I think that the problem isn't from your lack of intent or will, nor power, but I think you control too lacking to be of any use for more fine arts. While you don't know everything about photon, your basic understanding should be enough for what you attempt.-

CS intervention froze my thoughts for an instant.

'It true that even for the other thing, it have taken too much time and more power than it should have been.'

Pondering on the issue, it was CS to came to a solution.

-What you need is better control, right?-


-Then, you need more of a resistance than a battery. You need to found something that will put a damper to your magic, forcing you to have finer control, rather to arm-strength things.-

'You means like control exercise from naruto?'

-Yes, those kinds, not only you would have better control, but it would be less exhausting to craft. What you need is the anti-thesis of a wand. While they help with the flux, empowering it, you need more control at the same power.-

'What do you think would be better?'

-Wood. From what we know, wands use magical creature parts to empower the spell. Perhaps it the interaction of the inherent magic of the part that helps focus, while the wood isolates it from outside magic. If you remember, when Ron' wand was breached, the spell the fraud attempts backlash, at that time the strand of unicorn hair was showing.-


What he says make sense...

'It that case, wouldn't it better to add creature part too?'

-What do you mean?-

'If you are right, those parts focus wild magic, so if I want better control, wouldn't it be better to have to learn to isolate my magic from wild magic? By building an immunity to it, I should see a leap in my control, and like in Naruto, I could hipe-up the difficulty. Magical creatures are ranked because of their danger; it also means that they had a better affinity to magic. If I were to start with X or XX creature part, and going up...'

-Then you would still have control but have difficulty to cast!-

'Right?' I couldn't help a small amount of giddiness on my thoughts. 'Also, wood would be a dampener if I do the opposite of taking a wand. I need to found with which I had the less affinity possible. Once I had a good grasp on my magic, I do the same with the magical part. By crafting a focus with wood at the core, surrounded by the magical part, it would up the difficulty.'

-... that actually possible.-

Eager to try, I called Spring.



"Master Alexander called Spring?"

"Yes, I need you to gather as much as different essence of wood possible, please. A small block enough to craft a bracelet should do it. Also, the oldest be better."

"Spring be doing!"


After ten minutes, Alex could see the elf return. What surprised him was that he wasn't alone and we're all holding an elve-sized large trunk each. One by one, the four elves open their trunk, showing either branches or tree trunk part. From a different colour, size and shape, he could guess that each has at least twenty samples differents.

'That nearly a hundred of different essences! This is only ten minutes, and he even enlisted the help of other elves too.'

Needlessly to say, Alex was touched by the care Spring was showing in accomplishing his task. Taking four 50 ml bottles out of his pocket space, Alex gives one to each of the elves. The brew was something he stumbled upon entirely by accident while trying to create something from fruits and magical plants.

While completely inedible for human consumption, it turned out to be a sort of magical brew for magical creatures. From the elves words, it was more potent than Firewihsky by a factor of three, and in small quantity, a strong pepper-up. As the workaholic there were, they worship the brew, giving them a good kick and allow to accomplish twice a much work for a little more than half the time! And, as long as consummate with a three-day cooldown, was without a downside for them!

Those bottles were worth ten doses each. At first, while astonished and happy from the gift, the three foreign elves didn't understand why Spring had nearly turn hysteric, but when he was able to do between his sobs, two immediately join, while one faint on the spot.

The brew' recipe was known of Alex only and considered as the greatest reward he could think for the moment. He had three levels, the 20, 50, and 100 ml bottle. He had wanted to raise the volume but thoughts again after thinking of it. He didn't want them to burn-off by continually drinking it.


After thanking the elves, and them popping away, he turns each sample into wood plank. Feeding magic to his palm, he slowly passes his hand on them, testing the reaction. Eliminating any of those giving a pleasant feeling, he gradually reduces the possibility to three.

"Spring, what are those?" Asked him to the elf still standing on his side, should he need something.

"There be Ash, Elder and yew, master." Say the elf while pointing at the beige, smooth-grained first plank, before the yellow-white in the middle and the tan-coloured wood.

Nodding while passing his hand on them again, he finally selects the Ash one. He was about to craft it, before stopping. Looking in the distance, his gaze falls on the majestic tree in the land.

"Spring, can you bring me to the tree, please."

Seeing his master gaze, he nodded, popping them both at the base of the tree. During the past half-year, he had visited the tree several times. During one of those time, he had observed that one of the roots was looking sick. He had to keep an eye on the progression and had seen that it was spreading slowing to the tree. If the sickness continues to spread the tree would be in danger.

Unwilling to left such tree die; he had searched if a solution were available, but nothing came out. Now that he had a use for Ashwood, he couldn't ignore it any longer.

Putting his hand on the ground, he slowly starts to excavate the earth surrounding the particular root. While he didn't know how old was the tree, he slowly begins to discover that it was possibly the oldest in existence, as he continues to dig deeper, unearthing more and more.


Thinking about it, he was starting to believe that, by placing the core ward stone there, magic must have bleed continuously in the tree, feeding it, and giving it unmatched longevity.

When he finally finishes unearthing the entire circumference of the root, he found that it was even thicker than some century-old tree. After ten more minutes, the five elves had appeared and help, moving the earth away, and digging with him.

The length of a single of those roots was mind-numbing. Looking behind him, he could see that the tree was a good hundred meter far. Once completely free, he returns to the base were the tree and the root connect. Looking at it, he could see that it seem kind of shivered up, and the unhearthed soil had felt lacking.

Nodding at the five, two stood under the root and two on its side, before they apply the elven version of a severing charm. As the root was levitated on the side, Ash uses a thick slave; they found a recipe in a botanic book. The salve was supposed to help tree healing after being submitted to a graft.

As the earth was put back, safe from the sectioned part, sudden, startling cries alert Alex. He had barely the time to turn that he hears the hissing sound. Acting purely in instinct, he morphs into a complete Evans while the large snake rapidly wraps around him, trying to suffocate him and sink his fang in him.

Thankfully it first strikes miss, if only for few centimetres. Unwilling to lost such chance, he clamps his maw on at the base of the snakehead, hard. Feeling the scales under his bite, and the lack of taste of blood, he didn't let go, and bite deeper, before suddenly twisting his head. As the sound of snapping bones resound, the snake continues to trash still, before slowly relaxing its hold on him and turn limp.

Letting go, he untangles himself in turning back to his human form.

Unbothered by his nakedness, he carefully looks at the snake. The beast was a good thirty centimetre thick and long of at least 10 meters, it green-brown scales perfectly melting with the bark of the tree. At where he bits, he could only make slight white scratches, showing the sturdiness of the scales. It was only due to his firm grip and the fact that he covered a good part of the neck that he was able to kill it.


The called elf immediately understand what his master wanted, and vanish with the corpse of the beast to harvest it. After being sure that none of the elves was injured, he looked at the root, the only possible place where it could have been coming from.

After carefully looked at it, he found a hole at around a third from the tip. Looking at the wood in, its natural beige colour had turned green, in a mix of teal and emerald.