

Retrieving the blade in the skull, Alex realised that he ingested some of the blood when he felt his magic violently lashing against a foreign body attempting to take over. Unwilling to risk his life, Alex threw caution to the wind and spelt a low-powered Agamenti in his mouth before swallowing. One sure he washed any remaining blood, he threw a second spelt, making him violently regurgitate his stomach content outside.

Retching a few times, Alex felt the difference immediatly. While the foreign body was still present, its potency significantly lowered but not completely gone. Scanning his body, he tore his jacket apart and threw the contaminated cloth on the side of the room.

"Are you alright, Marikawa-sensei?" Asked Alex, still lightly out and weaken by the still ongoing fight inside him. Turning his head to the woman, he recoiled, seeing her practically on him, making him light-headed at the sudden movement.

Before he could fall, his head was caught by the nurse arms and brought to her. Unable to fight back as his state worsen, Alex could only look hopelessly at the woman enthralled gaze. Her flushed face and raging breaths were even worse than Rei and Saeko, as even her mind was influenced by the blast of magic he was radiating, attempting to fight the parasite.

'How it's can be happening?!' Shouted him in his mind, fighting to keep awake from his declining health. Pulling his head gently closer as Shizuka eyes glazed for a second before she jumped on him, crushing her lips against his. In his stunned state, he didn't even hear the chime of the system, nor felt the seed appears in his mouth, until the nurse bit both is and her lips, drawing blood. As their essences mixed, her invading tongue brought the mixture to the seed before broke the seed to get a part for herself.

He snapped back as the sound of the nurse moans, and the rush of magic invading his body. With the ritual accomplished, both their bodies rippled and morphed. In his most natural form, he took conscious of the strong link he shares with Shizuka. What astonished him was its strength and deepness. The connection was too strong for a newly formed bond and was equal if not slightly stronger than the one he shared with Saya.

In it, he felt Susan, Lily, and Saya will, telling him that the situation was already known of the three and accepted. He was still unaware if it was by acceptance or the urge of the situation. What was, was the fact the woman was now his and his fourth mate.

The thought was strangely smoothing for him, knowing that she would be far less powerless against the raising situation.


Snapping out of his thought, he felt the infirmary's cramped space, now that the room was housing both of their forms, pushing some furniture aside. Opening his eyes, he could see the gaze of Shizuka on him. Through it and his link, he could felt the woman fear of rejection and insecurities. Shizuka, while aware of the outcome, feared his wrath, that he would reject her.

She wasn't sad about her sacrifice; instead, she was thrilled to be is, seemingly having no problem for her side. He could felt her wish of being owned in some sort. Looking through their link, he could see her insecurities, born of a tormented childhood. The hatred and jealousy her intellect brought her in her younger days, the betrayal of her ex-boyfriends, more after her blossoming body than herself, or wanting to use her raising success for themself.

Alex couldn't understand how they could wish to use her rather than be with her simply. He now knows how sweet the woman was, her still slightly naive personality, not wholly destroyed from all those years, and her mindset. Shizuka wanted to be owned to completely abandon herself to someone who would make the difficult decision. This personality was born from her previous stepbacks and reinforced by a natural inclination and fetish.

He could see her using her hair head personality to test men, to found the one she would be able to give herself entirely. While she wanted someone who would handle her as he wishes, she also longed to cherish and love. She would only give herself once she was sure she would be owned, but not abused, and accepted as she was.

Plunging deeper, he saw why the link was so strong already. It had already started to form on the first day when she cared for the two teachers' first aid—seeing their state and hearing the story behind them had made her greatly interested in Alex. From there on, she orchestrated some encounters. It was nothing confrontational, just crossing his paths in the corridors, staying briefly in his presence and the like.

In the passing weeks, since the first days of class, she kept her eyes open for any tidbits about him at each of their encounters, trying to understand his personality and mindset. She had been unaware of the passive action of Alex magic, pushed by her behaviour, had on her. Still, even then, she completely discarded the age difference they had, showing her twisted convention, who rebuked the little men she found compatible with her.

Unlike them, Alex knows that he wouldn't be bothered by her fetishes; on the other hand, his domineering nature could be said to be a perfect match of her submissive one, as if she was born to be his.


Even after the change, he could see how deep her trauma was when she still feared his reaction at their bounding. Even seeing his past and acceptance of her flaws by his mates hadn't totally cured her.

Licking her nose, he chuckled at the surprised look in her eyes and the cute sneeze it's triggered. Purring lightly, Alex cuddled the wounded woman, transmitting as much warmth as possible through the contact and link. Saving the other's life by their action had made them connect to a level he hadn't felt yet, and he found the experience as frightening that it was exhilarating.

Like he did with Susan and Saya, Alex mind and magic saturated his mate with warmth, love and care, trying to bury it under all the fluffiness he could before transmitting a strong emotion.

Alex thoroughly washed over her fears momently, making her shudder in delight and arousal at feeling his mind dominating her, ordering her to stop fearing her action and simply be his. Crossing gaze again, both their nose touched as they lock into the other eyes. She was coaxed by Alex magic, and both return to a more human form.

Both left completely naked in the wrecked office, among corpses, shredded clothes and raising cries of fright, pain and dread, Alex wrapped his arms around her thin waist, dragging Shizuka back into a heated kiss while his hands roamed her generous backside.

Shizuka moaning voice at the sudden squeeze was muffled by Alex's tongue lashing inside her, making her feel weak in the knee. Holding her tightly, Alex broke the kiss, leaving a bridge of saliva connecting them.

"You're mine, shizu-chan." The nurse nodded and buried her head in his chest at his authoritative voice. Shuddering at his touch, roaming her body, she marvels at the sensation of clothes forming on her as he moved. His pencil skirt and tight shirt under her medical blouse were replaced by faded blue jeans seemingly painted on her thicc tights and a light green t-shirt.

She shuddered again as she felt the lacy pure white pair of undergarment form around her. His hands explored every nook and cranny of her skin before feeling a deep sense of contentment as he imperceptibly cast a very low-powered cheering charm on her.


Knowing she wouldn't be impaired, thank her newly enhanced body, Alex weaved a tight mesh of steel tread in the jean and red turtleneck. Crouching, he delicately took one of her foot, making her took support on his shoulder, as he draped white socks and a durable pair of knee-high brown boots for her.

A simple charm braided her hair before forming a bun at the base of her head. Completing the set, Alex crafted a flesh-coloured glove pair to protect the last vulnerable part of her figure. Useless an undead aimed for her nose or head, it would be unable to bite her.

Taking her hand in his, he made her turn on herself to look at his work. Happily obliging, she trilled before letting out a light moan and flirty look at the sharp slap he gives her backside.

"Now, I need to bring you to a safer place. I still have Saya-chan to fetch before we move to a more secure location," Said Alex as he crafts two large bags to store the medical supplies. He rapidly opens the glass display, storing the different medicine present. Snapping back when she saw him act, she slapped her cheeks lightly.

"Right, get yourself together, Shizuka; you're the sensei here! Naughty things after securing the supplies" After spiriting herself, she open another display, storing a large amount of gauze, aid band and one-time-use tools.

'She may be a little of an airhead had strange fetishes, but she a good girl.' Thought Alex catching her from the corner of his eyes.

-She wouldn't have made it nurse on a school if she was just an inflated doll. She doesn't seem repulsed by your action in killing them in front of her; well, she wouldn't have initiated the mating ritual if she was.- Chuckled CS back after cutting the feed before their intimate moment. They may be partner, but he had no wish to intrude or spy on Alex sex life and intimate moments. Thankfully, he could feel Alex general mindset, alerting him when those end or start.

'Hmm.' "Are your done, Shizu-chan?" Asked him after filling the bag while storing the rest in his time-stopped space.

"Mn! Let's go, hubby!" Said her cheerfully before looking at him contently and showing her full bag at him, earning a head pat for her effort. "Mn! Hubby head pat. Hehehe!" Hummed and giggled her, letting her inner child out more than ever.

"Call me Alex in front of others for now; no need complicating the situation." Said him before exiting the infirmary, holding her hand.


"Alex-kun, what happens, before?" Asked her, knowing it was better for her to call him that or she would slip in public.

"You were attacked by what we would clinically call an undead. Before coming to you, I was bringing a student in the same case. I felt its heart stop; his eyes show a lack of any intelligence or sentience before degenerating. I think it was basically blind but able to express an inhuman strength.

What defies logic was its inhuman regeneration. I snapped its neck and caved his skull. The brain damage should have killed any human, but it didn't and healed in a matter of second. It seems that only once the brain stem is cut, one could kill them, as the two healed even from a damaged brain stem."

"But... that... No, it evident, I see you do it too, but to think of such a thing." Whispered her while mindlessly following him. Looking at the class, they passed silently; she could see some students already passed out, like the one she had been auscultating, before being attacked.

The rest of the students were either at their side, worrying or throwing a ball of paper and jeering at them, unaware of the calamity that would soon befall them.

Catching his sleeve, she lightly pulls on it, attracting his attention.

"Can't we warn them, I mean..."

"No." Alex decisive rebuttal stopped her mid-sentence. "Can you imagine their reaction if we did?"

Alex words made her ponder for a second before she realises. "Chaos, or indifference." Whispered her dejectedly, knowing that no matter the result, this would only made them lost time or hinder them, potentially making them in danger. Even with her new mindset, she remains worried, showing how strong her aspiration as a nurse was. Even then, she rapidly let her intention vanish, unwilling to bring harm to her hubby and herself. She clearly remembers that Alex had some slight difficulty dealing with the previous three, and she wasn't about to make him face a dozen of them for selfish and ungrateful brats that would scorn and jeers at her words.

She may have taken an oath to came in the help of those needing it, but she realises that for now, none of it applies to the students, as the first part was dead, while the others weren't suffering any ailments at the moment.

Alex hears her step slow and looks at her after sealing another door. Feeling her bleak look at the grim realisation, Alex stopped, making her bump in him.

"Why did...Owie!" She cutely cried when he flicked her forehead.

"You're too kind for your shake, even after all that happens to you. In our nature, we seek mates protection before thinking at one of the others in the presence of life-threatening danger, that you still think of others in this situation that shows how great you are and that those morons missed a treasure. Too bad, so sad, now your mine!" Said him before putting a hand under her knee and her back. Before she could realise, Alex had into a princess-carry position, forcing her to wrap her arms around his neck and push her chest against his not to fall.


Once sure she was holding tight, Alex burst into action, rapidly sprinting through the corridor and up the stairs. "The first will rapidly start to slip; if we want to be in a safe place when chaos erupts, we need to hasten and rejoin the fourth floor. From their odour trail, Saeko and Rei should be there. If I had to guess, they would have taken positions in the kendo club room. The space is huge and free, allowed ample movement and visibility."

Helped my brother move out today, so chap a little late. The good news is that he is still relatively close from home, barely twenty minutes afar, and had little to move so we did everything in half-day a two, yay!

On a completely different topic, I chose to not send them to DxD. While the world is magical, I found that ending the sort on this world was good. One of the reasons I chose to do so is quite simple.

As Skadi said, (me), gods can't interfere with this world. With the cut connection, Alex is now free of their influence and like very much the freedom. While he would still worship them and his roots, he would be the own master of his fate.

Concerning the harem, the number is now fixed and will not move anymore. I will stop at six, Why? SImple, I found that any more was too much. While I like Harem story like all those of the same taste, I don't want to send him on a pokemon adventure.

Due to this world be the last stop, this would rapidly go out cannon, as much per wish that the own situation of the manga.

This will get me the freedom to mess around as much as I want. I don't know how much more chap there will be but I will try to develop the future as much as possible. However, I don't see myself pushing it longer than 200. It will be winded at the time and better cut thing short with a good ending rather than throwing bullshit nerfs and plotholes to continue the story when it shouldn't. Yes, I speak to you about the following movies cough* Highlander* cough, and the like!

Linrimcreators' thoughts