
a new start part 2

Glupping the last of the bottle of juice, and taking the last bite of a substantial meal, Alex was ready to start on the most dangerous part of the process.

-Be careful buddy, this is your field of work, and I can't help you their, other than a supportive role.- CS said worryingly, the task he hosts and friend was about to start, was suicidal a best and would put him in a dangerous state, no matter the conclusion, but it must be done, and both know it.

Only mentally nodding, Alex took a second to calm himself. During his previous half-hour of rest, he warded the place as much as possible to prevent anything from leaking outside. This would mean that Alex would be in a similar situation than inside an oven, trapped in a box with an ever-rising temperature.

Adding Fyenfire in the equation was just a disaster in waiting, but when one adds that he would be using the near nexus of crossing Layline, any mishap could lead to an incident worst than a nuclear explosion. The fallout would be disastrous and could potentially wipe out a part of the surrounding country, not forgetting that the island would fall into the strike zone.


Forming a fireplace with a sheet of mithril, alongside a small hemispherical indentation made of mithril-gold alloy, Alex slowly levitates the Fyendfire seed of the blast furnace. Putting the seed in the indentation, it immediately connects with the lay line. The temperature immediately raises, drying the humid air instantly.

Alex gritted his teeth, feeling the scorching heat searing his skin. Even by pushing his frost ability to the maximum, he barely feels a breeze on his skin, before the blazing heat slightly lower.

The tip of his finger slowly turns into a charcoal colour as he approaches the two rings to the heart of the heat before they hover under the enchanted fireplace.

Wrapping them with his magic to keep their integrity while still melting them, Alex started the operation next step. Were the single error would mean his and Susan death, along with the destruction of his legacy and the destruction of the east side of the British coast, the north one of the French, German, Netherland, and Belgium, the west coast of Denmark, Sweden and Norway.


Banishing any parasite though out of his mind, he sends a brief message to CS, before starting.

'I count n you to keep an eye on me buddy.'

-Always.- CS respond solemnly.

Without CS, the task would be impossible, as he had to monitor the state of the rings already. It now would need to start to create the runic array inside the mineral alloy by using the veins, and keep the second ring still in its shape.

Everything was forgotten by Alex, his past, his present, his future. The island, the elves and Susan was cast off his mind, but his feeling for them keeps in his heart.

"I'm the son of winter, the lord of the mountain, and the child of the North, the weak will fall, and the strong prevail!" Alex softly starts with an iron-clad conviction; raising is voice until shouting the last part of his verse.

As the last world ring out of his parched throat, Alex pushed every last strand of magic he had in him in the two rings.

Using his mind as anvil and magic as a hammer, the result was instantaneous. The golden-green alloy ring flashes with magic and immediately lost its integrity, thousands of threads raised from the collapsed, hovering form. As if animated, all struck the nearly melted mineral alloy.

Going up the veins pattern, the threads formed microscopic arrays on every extremity, seemingly turning the veins into blossoming silver-green tree of golden-green leaves. The ring pumped an enormous amount of magic from the nexus just through the connection.

Alex immediately feels the strain and nearly faint, only kept awake through sheer stubbornness. Cutting the connection of the fireplace to the lay line, he shut down the seed. Not losing an instant, fighting his body again shutting down, Allow push any remaining force into flash freezing the ring, and fixe it.

He didn't have the time to know if he was successful or not, finally wholly drained, he lost consciousness as he stood.


-Wake up buddy, you will have all time to sleep once we took care of the atrocity.-

'CS? How much time I was out?' Alex asked him groggily, barely able to catch himself before falling. He nearly puked as his mind was assaulted by a sensory overload inducted by his weak state and overcompensating body.

Dry heaving, he forced himself to calm down before slowly drinking nutritious juice, knowing that he wasn't in the state to swallow anything solid.

-You were out for a good day, I think.- Alex immediately panicked, thinking at the state Susan must be from his absence. -I know you're worried but it not the time for that yet.- CS said sternly.


-Don't be, I know what goes through your mind.- CS said, his tone softening. -But we still had some priority to deal first, let start by looking at the ring.-

Having sufficiently recover during the small break to clear his mind, Alex looked at his bunker. The previous heat was nowhere to be, and the steamed humidity had formed icicles all around, safe from the fireplace.

The refreshing atmosphere was what significantly contributes to his fast recovering, after the exposure to scorching heat. Carefully putting away the Fyendfire seed back, and securing it before storing it in his pocket space, he sights in relief once its gone.

Looking at the only left item, he slowly took the ring in his hand. While the mineral alloy kept its original colour on smooth appearance, its surface was covered in a complex network of crisscrossing strand of golden-green metal alloy. Inside the crystalline mineral, a forest seems to have bloomed.

'It beautiful.' Alex exclaims softly, playing with the ray of light passing through the ring.

-And a creation that had needed the power of a nexus of two crossing lay line to an anchor. The amount of magic this ring could contain and produce easily put nuclear plants to shame. This thing is the magical equivalent of an arc reactor and will need an ever-larger amount of energy to kick start, but once it is, you will never need to use sunray to power your toys.- CS said dryly, but Alex knows that he was awed and frighten, just like him at the fact that he will be holding a tool able to blow up continents in his hands.


Knowing that he can't just use the ring at it was, Alex started to work on the easiest part, the confinement chamber. Eating the furnace again, he wipes up two batches of alloy, one made by gold-mithril and the other made by steel-mithril. Keeping a spherical shape, he first constructed a network made of gold-mithril, who will be covered by strengthened steel-mithril alloy, through diamond dust.

The network would be used to transfer energy from inside to outside, and absorb from outside to inside. The core, made by the ring, will store and use the energy to produce more energy, a self-sustaining circle, once powered.

To minimise the external appearance, a layer of aquamarine envelop the strengthen the steel-mithril alloy. Once the containing and other essential enchantment were put on the alloys, the last layer of the ordinary steel-mithril alloy was applied on the surface and modified for aesthetics.

Powering the enchantments, the energy ball size reduces from handball ball to a ping-pong ball.


Looking at the black ball with a crimson belt and dark blue button, Alex marvels at creation, before looking at the inform mass laying on the number of human bones.

It was plain to see that the heartbeat-like pulse had quickened and stabilised.

-It must have felt the magical backlash of us momently draining the lay line nexus and quicken its maturation, we don't have much time.- CS was worried then there action had worsened the already precarious situation. -I still hope that we don't have made thing worst.-

'Their only one way to know.'

Steeling his mind, Alex carefully aimed and threw the energy ball. He nervously followed its course, his stress rising every second that the distance shortened. The instant it lands, Alex couldn't help a slight sigh of relief escaping his lips, as it struck its target true.

His relief was of short duration, as strident scream popped his ear the second the ball started to drain the creature's energy.

Bringing his hands to his hears and crouching against the wall, Alex curl upon himself, fighting back the mental assault threatening to tear his mind apart.

It was so sudden and powerful that he was nearly unable to fight back, and even with their might reunite, Alex and CS were nearly powerless against the crushing presence.


The mental pressure and the cries stopped as abruptly as they emerged, leaving Alex in a shivering mess, his mind hiding in the deepest part of his consciousness.

CS needed few hours of hazardous works and coaxing to bring him back to the surface slowly.

'What the hell was that?!' Screamed Alex internally, after gathering his bearing, still shaking like a newborn calf.

-I don't know but I don't...- CS started, only to be interrupted as a window popped out.

{[Hidden objective: main. "world-ending abomination."]

Dementor had never been a natural creature, but a human-made one. During his search for immortality, Herpo the foul had violated every taboo of soul magic until becoming magic, and the world, nemesis itself. Feeding on the soul of any being magic or mundane, He first created the Dementors. Born of devotees' willing sacrifice, the Dementors had only a single task, bringing substance to their master and creator, for Herpo to awoken and complete is metamorphosis. For centuries, the Northern gods had to keep an eye on the abomination, forever banned to interfere under the threat of hastening its maturation.

As the child of the Norths, you brought honour, and once again prove your loyalty, to your forefathers, in getting the world rid of its threat.

Condition: Summon the Allfather and share the news of the vanquishing of Herpo the fool.

Reward: ???]}

Merry Christmas everyone

Linrimcreators' thoughts
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