
Tying loose end

Being Tuesday, students of Hogwarts soon exit the great hall to their class, leaving Alex alone and nothing to do since students for other schools also have their schedule. The corpse of Lord Potter has been taken Away as well as Lockart who gain himself a holding cell in the DMLE, bringing his count of slain DADA professor at three.

Exiting the castle proper, he made his way to the territory via his broom. There was another of what could be done, should they have accepted mundane-born. Taking the base of broom runes clusters, mix with the knowledge of the mundane and its law in physics, he was able to construct a broom that would have not equal for the next century at the very last.

Even then, the use of broom rather than other constructs was still archaic in his eye. Taking a large pile of components, particularly basic elements, he didn't take Alex long to form the chain of molecules at the base of dragonhide. That right, he only needs to component once to be able to recreate it.

It has taken an abysmal amount of knowledge to be able to obtain this result but as long as he has enough time to deconstruct and analyze it's structure, alongside raws material, he would be able to recreate anything he needs. A large amount of molecule soon transforms in an even roll of Ironbelly dragon hide, the same as his boot and one of the sturdiest leather know to wizards. He could have gone for basilisk skin, but thee staggering amount of primary matter wasn't worth it for this situation.

Using the newly made leather, he cut a large part before transmuting a pair of pants, a jacket, and a pair of glove, the scrap soon transmuted and add to the roll. This was also one of his preferred part of his skill, nothing was left behind to pollute his environment.

It may sound silly but he couldn't caution the 'waste' mentality in his past, now that he can, every scrap where transformed in its most basic state to serve better use later.

Taking out of his storage the molt horn of the rabbits, he transmutes it into an organic handle perfectly fitting his hand. In the other, he takes a created light purple pigment before transmuting air. Little by little a light purple diamond appears. Shaped in a cube of one centimeter, he transmutes it inside the handle before closing his eye, thinking of rune version of his runic circle.

Invisible for the exterior, the surrounding of the diamond were soon littered by those minuscule circles forming the complete scheme. All around the handle, rune encrusted diamond lines appear, connecting his hand to the inner working of the weapon, allowing magic to supply the scheme inside. With but a will from him, a blade of pale clear purple light appears.

For his first lightsaber, he keeps everything to the minimal, no particular shape, the minimal thickness of the beam. It was a simple eighty centimeters long, two-centimeter width and three-millimeter thick blade but he made it, his very own lightsaber. Like his previous light-based weapon, it wouldn't be of great use against magical creatures with high magical resistance such as dragon or Basilisk due to his magical nature but for hunting Acromentulas, it would be more than enough.

That right, he was holding a grudge after their attack three years before and wanted revenge. Once fitted, he returns to Hogwarts, directly fleeing to the forest, above the canopies, to found the nest.

It was easy to do so as trees were dying after absorbing a huge amount of venom through the years since their arrival. Once knowing where the nest was, he drifts a little further and starts his preparation. Putting his hand on the ground, he searches for huge rocks while deconstructing poisoned trees, gaining cleansed wood and vial after vial of Acromentula venom.

Once the rocks found, he constructs a closed chamber with an entrance large enough for the smallest spider to pass in. After this, he recreates the odor of blood in a small amount, wanting to emulate a wounded small animal. From what he was able to learn on the Acromentula, the larger specimen would not move for small prey, the amount of energy they would lose wouldn't be compensated by the prey so they leave them to the younger.

Soon, the light sound of the spider leg was capt by his sens. For this, he has morphed in his half state, his animal hears giving him a better hearing and his tail will give him better equilibrium. The odor he spread must have been a little too strong, some larger specimens where among the young, but even then it wouldn't have an impact on his plan. The moment three made their way in, he closes the enter, plunging the chamber in the dark. unbothered by it, he lights up his saber before rushing to the nearest one.

Because of the sudden change of lighting, they lost focus for a second. It was enough time for him to sink the light blade in the head part of the spider, driving it through the brain and killing it. Before blood could split, he stores the corpse and goes for the second.

Seeing one of them vanish all of sudden disturb them against, and due to their low amount of sentience, those disruptions were fatal for them.

Killing those three only took him a few seconds and no effort whatsoever. Seeing this, he continued that way, raising the number to four then five, and keeping it at this, he slaughters the young Acromentulas.

Fifteen minutes later, all those that have gathered there were killed. Seeing none around, he moves to another place and start again.

In the following hours, he constructs twenty-five stone chambers all around the Acromentula nest and slaughters the entire younger brood before going for the older. Making slowly his way, he collected more than two hundred corpses before larger where send by Aragog to know why the younger have vanished.

During the following three days he would continue to kill the colonies bit by bit. As their size and intellect were raising, he only faces one specimen at a time. While it will extend the time he needs to kill them all, he wasn't willing to take risks for this. Along the way, he made modifications to his lightsaber, it was only with trial and error that he could obtain viable data. With only slight manipulation and change, his consumption of magic reduce while the light became more potent, easying his hunt.

As the weekend came, he was already in thousand counts and still raising. each night he would leave the corpse for the elves to go through and harvest them. Since they where too young the little spider has no value other than primary matters so he deconstructs them, but as they became older, they start to produce venom, their skin hardens, and their meat gain in flavor. All sold to goblins who were happy to have a constant supply of Acromentula meat for their feast.

Having already deconstructed his needed part, he keeps nothing other than few pounds every now and then for Skadi. While he was still processing the information, he would later be able to recreate it so why keep it when you could make money out of it?

It was only when the weekend came and before having yo past the day with Luna that he start to change a few things in the territory, namely his house. While he was happy to be back he more so than ever want a house on his own, construct by his own hands and power.

After a bit of differents construction rocks came from Gringotts and he analyses them, he asks for a huge amount of several different junks. Because of those where more garbage that worthy component, he was able to buy them cheap and in large quantities. After transmuting everything in primary matters, he starts to produce calibrate large slab of what the goblin call Rorik demise.

The name came from the very goblin to discover the particular rock. At that time he was searching for construction material and found this harder than goblin steel rocks. Exited by it discover, he starts to mine for it recklessly. His blow was so strong that he bring down the fragile roof of the cavern on his head, thus giving the name of Rorik demise to the stone.

This particular stone in itself is of a beautiful night blue crossed by clear green jade-like veins. This stone his highly sought after in the goblin community as it says to feed on ambient magic through those veins to resist natural disaster. those veins pattern only appears when those strikes and the stronger the disaster, the stronger they glow, while leaving a slightly dark blue like building the rest of the time.

Thanks to those same veins pattern, it didn't need any adhesive between the stone as once the building his done, it will gather the ambient magic to link the entire pattern, sealing them together. So while he was producing the stones, elves where busy follow his blueprint, stacking the stones, introducing beams of wood and steel.

With their help and the lack of loss time he would have a need to let the grout dry, the house was appearing at naked eyes. The entire house was more of a small building that a proper house but he did have the place.

Made of three floors, with the ground floor containing a single room made for an open kitchen, a living and dining room, and a restroom. A wooden staircase would lead to the story above and to four rooms with each their own bathroom. The last one floor would be his with only a bedroom with its bathroom and an office with its personal Library. Just outside, the two water tanks he thinks would be against the wall, connected to the house rune scheme network.

Done with the exterior of the house, the construction team then start to work on the interior. While he was providing everything, he also integrates the different rune schemes that will for a complete network once done. While it may sound as if it was imposing, in reality, it only concerns the plumbing and the lighting network, he also incorporates another network for the use of electric devices based on magic.

Those networks only consist in line of special material to conduct magic through the entire house as well as an external station to link them to the internal network. all sinks, shower, bath, and toilet were liked to the tank in the outside who have installed their special collecting and transmuting rune schemes, after thinking about it, he also had a moisture gathering and control rune scheme to fill the tank and keep a stable amount of water.

When they were done, the entire house was finished, leaving the interior decoration but Alex can proudly claim that he was the owner of the cleanest, environmentally friendly house at least in this world. While the house was under construction, he sends elves to buy all the available tapes in the world, be it music or film. He would create better support later but he would not be deprived of entertainment even if he goes to other worlds!

Leaving the walls white for now, the house was swiftly fully equipped like a modern house of his time, being in advance for this timeline. Before the day end, he was able to take his first meal, bath, and sleep on his own bed.