When power far above you decide that they want to wrench the canon, by bringing you in the game, sometimes the wisest thing to do it just to tag along and just try to make this encounter end the most rapidly possible. who knows, maybe something great will come out of it? After all, what could be worst than being taken out without your consent out of your world, only to be thrown in the darkness?
As he saw the kid who injured his wife and child walking aways freely, James Potter couldn't help but grit his teeth in anger. When he heard of Dumbledore, Lily, and James Jr, he wanted to storm to the castle and arrest the little shit that has dared to raise against him, but when he eared that the three would actually face charges, he nearly lost his mind.
In times like those, he would normally turn toward the elder man but unfortunately, the damage is done to his mind turn to be disastrous and he had fallen in a deep coma that the Healers were powerless to bring him out.
The crushed wrist of his wife was nothing, once the bones vanished, Skeletgrow would be made thing right by the following day. On the other side, his son's nose was another matter, being broken none the less than three-time in such a short amount of time, and with insufficient healing for the two first, he would keep a crooked shape, disturbingly not unlike Snivellus. He shudders at the through.
He wanted to use his position has senior Auror to keep the two of them out of jail but he was cut down by his boss, didn't the woman understand that it was bad for his House image that his Lady and Heir were in jail? Not that he knows that his House prestige have already fallen quite low with the publication of the story in the Dail Prophet.
So when Arthur Weasley came to him to arrest the boy, he skips the formality and directly goes to Hogwarts, acts that would bite him in the ass later, thankfully Kingley's hear of it and accompanied them. Since it was the procedure to have two Aurors, he couldn't say no.
Once again his family was made fun off in front of a large crowd and worst the kid humiliated him in front of political adversaries children! This was inadmissible!
Regretfully for James Potter, Alex was in perfect legality and was untouchable. Kingsley, seeing the man's reaction at this, rapidly vacates the place with them, knowing that if he blows up now, the consequence will reach for more than an official complaint. As they depart, the four other carrot boy followed behind to go see their mother. Percy was agast of the proportion him taking the Potter side have affected his family, Fred, and George was still numb that someone was able to overpower their mother in a Howler match and Ron... Dumbly follow behind, not really understanding the situation other than the two light of his life was out of the castle and their house, but happy that he could see his mother, he misses her meal after all.
Once again history has taken place in the great hall in front of all, and the tall first year has risen to a completely new high both politically and socially by taking down full grow up and wisen wizards, all by completely adhering at the law of the land and without underneath method. So much that a certain dour man was starting to regret that he hadn't landed in his House. Showing such a bright mind and resources at this age was uneared off, all of them have seen the amount of influence that the boy has on the younger students and not few of them were fearing to assist of the birth of another dark lord, but until now, if he has realized it, he did nothing of it.
Rather, the boy was somewhat of a recluse, his work was handled properly in time and neat, but they have until now hadn't seen him mix with children his age. Even the Head of Gryffindor hears that the boy didn't sleep with the other first year, no one was able to know where he sleeps but each morning, he exits the boy dormitories so she concludes that he must have found one of the present hidden bedrooms.
Those rooms have existed since the construction of the castle and been said to be here as recompense for adventurous students that wanted more privacy. Knowing that they were just that, bedroom, she let him do as he wants, after all, other than those times, he was a quiet and studious child, she had no reason to go after him for no reason.
On the Lion side, to young witch were torn has to what to do. For Hermione, the first week has been better than she could have wished for, Susan came to apologize for her behavior the very night and had since been of an agreeable company, she still can't think her as a friend yet but were slowly opening to each other. The same couldn't be said with the two other girls, being somewhat more of gossip girls than studious one, the dorm had rapidly separated in two sides with two witches in each.
Susan's experience of Hogwarts, on the other hand, wasn't as bright as her aunt has described. Her first error was to blindly follow the little grease ball, even with the warning of her relative to not be caught up in the politic scheme of the other House. House Bones, while light sided from years, was never under the thumb of Dumbledore, but as still a little girl she has been easily swayed by the opportunity to become closer to the BWL. When she sees him for the first time, her mental image of a handsome boy riding a unicorn was rapidly crushed.
While the boy was somewhat leaning toward the heavy side, he couldn't be bad right? Her through didn't make until the night when she assists, alongside the entire hall the at the very best poor attitude of the Heir of House Potter against one of the 'ones' they should help. His accusation and her previous attitude towards him made her ashamed that she had fallen for the git and go again the very word of her aunt. Starting this time, she wanted to present her apologize to the boy but he was unreachable that it was maddening!
He would be down to breakfast before they were ready to go themselves and leave not even half an hour later, done. After that, no one would see him until the class time where he would be already waiting at the door and vanish first when it finishes. He never goes down to the common room and Hermoine only had spotted him in the library the day before, after finally found her way there.
Hermoine, it was the sole bright point in her life in the castle now, ever since she didn't go in Hufflepuff with Hannah, they hadn't spoken once. Even then, she never has really been able to understand the girl before, she made an effort because she was the daughter of her aunt schoolfriend's but still. She knows even before it that she wouldn't be a Badger, and somewhat different than her aunt thinks her to be, but she never says anything and always be what she would think she should be.
That what had to lead her to her situation, unable to fully understand her aunt, had to lead her to make bad choices. Thankfully, she was able to spoke with Hermione. It hadn't been easy, the girl was still resenting her for the train ride, and honestly, she couldn't blame her. When she was able to transmit that she didn't want to speak to her to access Alex, they were able to spoke.
The start has been awkward but soon the two where able to bound from a similar childhood, Hermione for the belittlement from the children and a pair of the somewhat uncaring parent, and Susan, for growing faking her true nature to conform to the dogma that her aunt hold, unable to really connect to anyone.
Thus the two have rapidly heavily invested in this friendship where they would be able to be who they want and gain some courage and acknowledgment for being themselves without fearing the other rejection. They assist as once again those wanting to go against Alex were wiped on the floor in front of the next wizard generation eyes. His shadow growing stronger each time a little bigger in their heart, slowly overshadowing their authority figures a little more each time he accomplishes the impossible again and again.