
the elven bride

Taking the two with him to Henrietta chamber, he waits for her to awake naturally. As the potion had been administrated in a small dose, for them to not have to carry her like a dead weight, it wasn't long before she stirs out of he induced slumber.

She was at first lost before the previous even return to her. Before she could scream, she feels someone hug her from behind, rocking her in a smoothing motion. The moment she catches a strand of that particular red, all the tension she had accumulated vanish, making her broke into a tear in his embrace.

He let her vent her grief until he feels her fall asleep. With her forced slumber where her body wasn't able to rest, she couldn't muster the energy to stay awake.


Seeing her peacefully sleep, Alex sight. He had first wanted to ask her what she wanted for him to do but he knows that he hadn't much of a choice new. While he could bring her back now, he had caught a specific memory into Wardes head that hadn't made sense until he remembers his talk with Matilda.

Reconquista knows about Tiffania and was actively searching for her. He could not let her been caught. Being a half-elf and the daughter of the archduke, she was a primary target after Wales to the throne.

While he cares little for the crown prince, he had made a promise that the would take care of the girl, and he intends to hold it.

Looking at the heap of the two body he had carelessly thrown on the side, he sights again. Looking at Warde's room, he sees their previous clothes and leather pouches he surely attaches on the side of his griffon.

After a strong cleaning charm on the clothes, he transmutes it into a pink Jigglypuff onesie directly on Henrietta body. Her thin clothing would have been less than comfortable and isolated enough to keep her warm.

Putting the hood on her head, covering her distinctive purple hair, he brings the three on the roof of the inn, takes the plane of his storage and carefully put Henrietta in the crib like couch he transmutes from the two seats behind his own.

Creating a chest in wood, he throws the two still stunned into the magically expended chest sealing the lead shut. No one would be able to open it, so even if the awake, they would only see darken. (Think of the chest in with moody have been put in, in the fourth movie.)

Ready to depart, he closes the cockpit and takes place on his seat, launching his plane after activating the camouflage.


In la Rochelle, none was the wiser that two abductores had been abducted, their victim rescued and a state-of-the-art war machine had just taken flight from the roof of the in where they were staying.

Once in the cloud, he pushes the plane to a supersonic speed, blasting apart the surrounding cloud, and rapidly exiting the Gallian air-space to overflight the sea separating the floating island from the mainland.

What would have taken near a complete day in the flighting ship; had only taken a few hours. Arriving in the afternoon of his departure from the Tarbes village.

Landing in a patch of flat land not too far from the Albian airport, he leaves the plane concealed into a small wooded shrub.

Following the memories of Wardes after taking his appearance with the help of glamour, he enters the dank inn.

'That so cliché that I won't even comment.'

Subtilly looking around, he found the informant, making sure he was seen by it, he slowly made his way at the floor above, after reserving a chamber and made sure to let it see the number.

Two minutes after he entered it, the unlocked door open, leaving a cloaked figure enter.

Before it could even say a word, Alex enter is mind, running through eh information the man had. As he fears, Reconquista had located the girl, worse, they had already sent armoured troops to take her, or kill her if she resists.

Snapping the man neck, he hastily throws him into his storage before bolting throughout the room window, a raining shard of broken glass into the startled crowd outside.

Without caring for subtility, he transforms into a blur for any that were watching, wanting the rejoin Westwood the fastest possible. Thankfully the man had very precise knowledge of the island geography due to his role.

Jumping into the plane, he tore apart the shrubs, the sonic blast shatters more than one window of the house at the border of the town, ironically distracting the guards sent after him.


Has largely wooden area, Westwood wasn't the best place to land an aircraft and search for a particular house hidden in. With large usage of thermal imageries, he soon spots the large and condensed source in the wood.

As the house had been constructed in a clearing of the clearing made for the house, he had enough place to land. Seeing the crowd near the door, a rapid pressure from his two ring finger bring forth the cross on the screen.

He could feel the two diamonds hum with power before he let lose a salvo of rounds. The magicked bullets tear apart the eleven armed men standing outside the house, still unaware of his presence. The sheer power of the bullet where enough to turn the few that was left of them into mincemeat, before tearing apart the wood of the house, effectively destroying a good chunk of it.

Jumping out, he takes his knife and enters the house by the shattered window, just in time to see a blonde young girl being skewered by a sword, a good part of her clothes tore apart. His knuckles whiten under his grip before he lunches himself on the men inside the house, bursting the floorboard beneath him under the sheer power he produces by his leap.

It was only due to the silencing field of the bullets that none of them hears the part of the house crumbling. Had it be stone, they would have felt the slight tremblor it would have brought.

The lusting grin of the man leering at the downed and the still alive girl had the time to change when his head was separated from his body, still not knowing that he was already dead.

It wasn't the case from the eight being him that had all the pleasure to see his head separated, blood splashing everywhere, from the still-beating heart. Two throwing knives imbedded themselves into two others head, busting them apart from the power of the throws before they link the burst window, the destroyed floor, and the separated head still in the air.

Four of the six still alive were shredded to part before they understand that they were under attack, their armour effective as much as wet paper. The last two had just enough time to realise the horror around before the steel-like grip of his tails snaps their neck.


Completely dismissing the carnage he just left being, he rushes to the side of the downed innocent girl take into a conflict overwhelming her. seeing her state, his face darkens and his though shift too the possible bloody arm he would bring to Reconquista, before a choking sound attracts his attention, looking down, he realised with horror that the lung has been punctured, making her choking in her blood.

She would be dead in few second after agonizing suffocation. Any doubt he could have at the thought of what he was about to do vanish, knowing that he could always ask for forgiveness once she was still alive.

Morphing into his complete form, he deeply sinks his fangs into her left shoulder, pumping a large amount of venom into her. When she didn't react at the violent bite, he was starting to fear that it was already too late.


Tiffania day had started like any other before. All alone into the wood, she had gone outside, gathering wild grass, fruits and the few vegetables growing in the rich forest soil. Like ever, only taking enough for the day, she cooked a rapid meal before starting into he favourite hobby, creating balm.

Like a lone living girl, she needs to make a living, and those balms that her mother had shown her how to made where the only thing she could exchange for her daily needs.

Even if the village was a little far, it was a need evil for her security, even more after learning that the royal family had been murdered, her father included. While she had never known the man, she was sad to lose her last relative.

After learning of it, she had wisely decided to reduce her trip to the village to the barest minimum, but even then it wasn't enough to completely protect her.

Not long after lunch, she hears the soon of clinking metals, peering through the curtain, she looks with apprehension at the group of eighteen heavily armoured men approaching, blades drew.

She hastily made to the door, wanting to lock it, but before she could make it, it opens into a bang, the man feet still in the air.

"Well, well, well, what have we here? Who knows that the archduke had a daughter with an elf whore?"

She shudders under the leer of man, looking lustfully at her body. While still innocent of the interaction between man and woman, she hears of stories of a defenceless girl raped by less than savoury man.

Frozen by the feel of evil oozing of the man gaze, she only reacts at the sound of tearing clothes. The sudden breeze she feels on her chest let her know all she needs.


"While we were told to bring you alive, they didn't say that it was necessary, and it been quite long since I had a chick. So I will have you to entertain us a little before then, missy." Smirking widely, he grips one of her arms tightly, uncaring that he was hurting her, but knowing what he was about to do to her, it was surely the less of his concern.

While completely frozen at the first touch she had with a member of the opposite sex, her magic responds at the strong stress her psyche was subjected. The wild magic burned the man hand, turning his savage grin into a hurt glare.

"I don't need you alive to enjoy you, your colling corpse will do too, bitch!"

Before she could even understand, she feels the cold bite of steel plunge in her, and then came the pain. Like never before, her nerve burn like burning iron was cast on her raw flesh. Then came the worst, she could feel her lung growth heavier, her breath becoming laborious.

It soon changes as she feels herself drowning, bringing forth old memories when her mother had tried to make her learn how to swim, only to nearly drown the first time, branding the experience in her mind.

Her limbs growing heavier by the lack of oxygen, crumble under her. Her sight starts to darken and a buzzing noise was only adding pain' to her confused mind. She could barely make the shape of her murderer before another shadow appears on the corner of the blurring sight.

Barely seeing and understanding the signification of the shadows separating of a small portion of it, she starts to feel the cold and became sleepy. She didn't react when she barely feel her body being risen or the signal her nerves send to her brain when a foreign corps enter her body, nor the burning lava flowing in her veins soon after.

All she could feel was the looing darkness and her ever slipping conscious fading. Then a forgotten memory of her mother tales of the hero of old, fighting against the darkness and rising against the one that had enslaved one of her own long before. The hero that fought the heretic that would be known as the founder centuries after. The legend and promise made to him of a maiden for their kind to bear his offspring and bring prosperity to them.

That was all she needs, clinging to the memory of her mother, wishing for her hero to appear and save her from the clutch of death. Willing to give herself for her saviour, if only to perpetrated the memory of her mother, birth his children and leave her imprint in the history of her people to erase the stigma of her birth.


Before she could fall into eternal slumber, more than the pain, alone spark of life connect to her magic, bringing forth a moment of pure clarity. Pouring all her mind into the tenuous link, she was invaded with warm and knowledge of what she was offered. A bond of eternal love in exchange for her complete devotion, the promise of family, joy and acceptance.

This was more than she could ever expect and didn't hesitate, fearing that her mind would crumble again under the pain and rob her of her single chance to happiness. For what seems an eternity for her, nothing happens, then she was flooded with his magic, starting to change her into what she was mean to be.


As Reconquista wished, Tiffania Westwood died the very same day, at the price of bringing doom at their door for threatening the wife of the Evans.