
Hestia Familia emergence

She had made her decisions, more than making one of her children she would be standing on his side. Like kindred souls finally able to be all. She would embrace as much of him that she would give of her.

Still linked to her, he had feels all of her reaction at his past, her grief against the injustice he faces, the joy at his success, the laughs at the expense of his enemies, but most than everything, her acceptance of his dark side, of his past, of his birth and is loneliness.

He was as if he had live through all of this again, but this time, she was her.

'She has always been her, somewhere, bringing comfort in the darken hours, spreading joy in the moment of elation.'

It was a strange experience, to re-live all of this, knowing that she was never there the first time, but unable to contest her presence from the start. He could feel the change in his mindset, but rather than reject them, he embraces them with open arms, basking in the warmth of his Hestia.

'Alex.' Her soft call makes him open his eye.

The darkness has returned, Hestia at his side like always, like it should and would be. He looked at her, and she leads his gaze to the same scene as before. He could feel her take his hand in her, her determined gaze told him all he needs to know.

A genuine and caring smile draws on his face as he gives her a slight nod. Her bright smile illuminates her face with glee.

At the same moment, the two accept each other, the two souls leap in the other, melting in a single one in a large flare of power, divinity, and mutual acceptance. None of their previous self remains behind, as a new them emerge of the roaring fire of their fusion.

The giant Evans made of white and blue fire standing tall on his hind legs, guarding proudly the quivering small blaze of green flames. At each passing second, the small blaze seems to grow bolder, stronger under the watchful eye of his guarding, to soon turn in a flaming little kitten nestling between the giant's paws.

Feeling their souls stabilize, they look at their ethereal manifestation of their soul. mortal and immortal, blazing bounds and cold solitude, guardian and lone. Separate, they exist, together they thrive, to never again be one without the other.

Peacefully settling with their new future, both of them return to the reality, Hestia still standing on the back of Alex. Slowly, carefully, she traces her first Flana, blessing her other half with the means to grow and protect them and their Familia. She gives the last stroke before he received the notification.

{[Hidden Objective: Side. "He's alive!"

While you are powerful enough to roam the firsts floors, you will one day face a wall.

Condition: Join a Familia

[Completed, unclaimed]

Reward: Updates of your skills and Magic.]}

{[Hidden Objective: Side. "Screw the plot!"

You have already sent back the old fart in heaven, time to screw the plot deeper.

Condition: Found MC related people willing to be changed.

[Completed, unclaimed]

Reward: Skill [Mates] transferred back definitively.

Warning: You need to feel genuine interest (romantic or friendly) to the target.

Failure: All of the ones inside your inner world would be send back and this world forever rule out of your reach.]}

{[Hidden Objective: Side. "True half"

None was made to be alone, somewhere your true all await for you to fount it.

Condition: Found your true half and bond with her.

[Completed, unclaimed]

Reward: A skill from your true half.]}

'CS, claims the rewards, please.'

-'Sniff' Good for ya, buddy! Sure, will do.- *Blowing noise sounds*

While he was reviewing those, Hestia was bringing the last touch of his Flana. The same intimidating Evans was proudly standing, flame blazing on his body as the kitten was sleeping peacefully between his front paws, giving a feeling of warmness and innocence that would put on the mind at ease by it sole sight.

Complete, the Flana flare in the form of a translucent blue half bubble, bringing out his level rank and the five columns of specs, as numbers stacking above the others, appears. Updating his status, she plays the slots and the numerical value starts to fluctuate before stoping and gives a number concording to his actual status.

Once stable, she pushes on the bubble, making sink in his body, locking the stats value until the next update. Taking a sheet of light brown paper, she applies it on his back before tracing an alpha sign on it, imprinting the stats value for him to see. Even if she knew he could see them without it, it was a needed proof for allowing him to register as an adventurer.

"Here you are, Alex." She says after gliding off his back, on the mattress, and giving him the sheet.

"Thank, Hestia."

He sits on the edge of the bed as she came but her arms around his shoulder and rests her head on his left shoulder, pushing her cheek against him.

[Alexander D. Evans]

[LVL 1]

[STR: F-360 --> C-630]

[VIT: D-530 --> A-815]

[DEX: E-469 --> B-734]

[AGI: E-490 --> B-745]

[MAG: D-586 --> A-843]

[Magic: [Runic Magic A]; [Sacred Fire I]]

[Skill: [Alchemist S]; [Item Storage F]]

"Could you erase the skills and magics? The guild doesn't need to know more than necessary."

"Sure!" She takes the sheet and starts to scratch the two lines, making the four vanish from the sheet. "Here you go."

"Thank, want to go to the guild now to register the Familia and the house? I didn't really ask the permission to build it so... I need to rapidly buy the land before someone sees it."

"Hmm, let go." She jumps out of the bed, energetically making her way to the ground floor, soon followed by

Alex, shaking his head at her antics. Taking a step out of the bed and doing his gambeson, it was only now that he realizes that, it wasn't only his status that had be update, but his body seems to have too.


[Name: Alexander Daren Evans]

[Age: 14]

[Race: Sacred Evans]

[Familia: Hestia Familia]

[Level: 1]

[STR: C-630]

[VIT: A-815]

[DEX: B-734]

[AGI: B-745]

[MAG: A-843]

[Magic: [Runic Magic A]; [Sacred Fire I]]

[Skill: [Alchemist S]; [Item Storage F]]

[Racial Attribute: [Mate: S]

When he sees that his race had changed for [Sacred Evans], he understands that it had something to do with Hestia. As for his height, it had fallen from 2m to one 1m70.

-It's perhaps due to your rapid size change, it was only a few months ago that you had a growth spurt in Azkaban, your body would need time to calibrate itself, or you have a longer growth period? Anyways, yous still had at least 3 years, you should be worried about for now.-

'I know, but still... Thankfully I hadn't used sword and the like, it would have been bothersome to need to adjust to it.'

Mumbling under his breath as he fixes his Evans' themed pouch on after having transmuted his clothes to the right size, he joins Hestia, seeing that, effectively, the two of them had the same size.

Should not for her ridiculous breasts, the two of them could have past for children, as his facial features also soften, making him pass from a handsome man to a charming young man. As the two made their way to the guild, Hestia could be seen thinking about something, half-way see seems to make her mind and say.

"Alex, do you think our Familia could produce something? I don't want to do nothing while you are in the Dungeon."

This was another different thing, here, Hestia seems to want to work for giving the Familia another source of income. He was slightly surprised by her demand but was happy that she didn't want to laze around all day while he's away.

"I was already thinking about this, and have a few ideas. I was thinking of going with Dungeon related goods. From enchanted pouches to first-hand knives. Perhaps bento box with heating enchantments and stasis, for adventurers that want to go in for hours, not having to return to the surface in between. Why not plushies of monsters in chibi form from civilian too."

"Won't enchanted pouches attract bad attention?"

"Nah, As soon as I made my hand on level 2 crystals I will create wards to defend the shop. Those above wouldn't bother to attack because I won't make pouches above level 1 for now. The moment I step on level 3, I would have sufficient power to hunt for same level crystals and remake the ward. At that time, with any luck, we would have good relations with a powerful Familia for it to act as a deterrent. Plus there is the guild, I doubt they would allow such precious items to be controlled by another Familia other that the creator one."

"Hmm, plushies?"

"There are a lot of people going to Monsterfilia, I can't believe their children won't want cute plushies. I can even make realistic figurines too."

"Ok, where should we make the shop?"

"I was thinking not so far from the house, we did have direct access to one of the main streets, it would be a waste to not use it. If I can, I will buy the land from the house to the front of the main road, that way I would b able to put a shop there, under the land' wards."

Once arrived in front of the Guild he Hestia to any free employee, and, low and behold! A pink-haired and eyed human was. Being the same that had to answer his question the first time he came, Alex goes for Misha Flott. He also sees that Eina was free, but also already lost the adventurer that had made her change her behavior. Unwilling to have to seat on the long, boring lecture, he goes for the says irresponsible girl in the hope of being done with this the fastest possible.

"Hello, welcome to Orario guild 'Pantheon', what can I do for you?"

"We came to registera Familia."

"Certainly. Please, complete this form for registering the Familia, and another for an adventurer? There."


He rapidly completes the two, giving them back to Misha, who goes to create his ID. While she was gone, he approaches Eina.

"Excuse me miss, we would like to buy land on Orario, could you tell me if the land I have in head is available if is it, how much?"

"Yes, give me a second, please." She goes retrieve a lodger from a shelf behind her, before returning. "Thank you for the wait, what land have you in mind?"

"It on the other side of the block, near the hostess of fertility, there is an old abandoned church there the last time I have a check."

With all his precision, she rapidly found what he was talking about.

"Here it is, yes, it for sale, the entire parcel count, the church, the immediate surrounding building, until the main street. I under the selling price of 750,000 valis."

"Rather cheap."

"Well, the building needs to be brought down, the debris take away and the land constructed, so..."

"When you say it like that... That good, Would I need to pay directly or could it be done partially? I don't have the entire sums right here."

"Under the premise of 10% the price, you would have to pay fully under a month otherwise the land will be available again and you would need to re(pay the 10% if you want to make another attempt."

"If it only that much then that good." Alex sigh in relief as he counts the 75,000 valis.

"Take it off the market for this month please."

"Thank you for your patronage." Says Eina brightly, happy to have initiated the sell as she would receive 1% of the total if she is able to go through it.

Happy to be able to reserve it for a month, Alex rejoins the waiting Hestia, their ID in hand.

"How was it?"

"Good, if everything alright, the land will be us next week, perhaps before."

She smiles happily at this, going to the Hostess to celebrate the day.

Hi everyone, been a while since I use this. Just to says that I still have few chaps in advance, so I don't have planned to stop this any time soon. Other news, I started another Fanfic. I see that I can keep up with the two I will publish it, if not I will wait a little longer and turn it into a slow-release one. I am trying to do something I rushed in this one, relationship. I rushed one of the HP worlds. I will try better for the incoming one but can promise anything.

One of the reasons is the number of girls I give him in a short time.

In the other one, he is still young and had only one at his side so it should develop nicely.

Anyways, I will see how the week goes and if everything alright, I will start to release it next Monday. Take care, don't go out without your mask and keep your social distancing!


Linrimcreators' thoughts