
Completing the magic system

Done with all of this, he was poped in Hogwarts by Bilby and made his way to his charms class. During the entire class, he could see that everyone was curious as of the reason why he wasn't here the entire day but, didn't bother. Strangely the carrot head and the grease ball were quiet, he event see them smirk for time to time. Even with that, he didn't give them any time, and directly go to his room, absorbing more books and keeping up with his missed class.

He had lost the numbers of books he was actually processing and how much he has digested, but his mind was going through an immense amount of knowledge in Wards and arithmancy. While now alone in his room, quills were blazing through his hand made grimoire, feeling it with the transcription, while another has started the magical one.

While they were doing his job, he was fully immersed in taking apart his own runic circle. By tracing the previous one engraved in his mind, he studies the second ring who contains only three runes. Taking a blank sheet of paper, he made appear three empty rings.

The center one was filled with a 'water' rune, designing the nature of the spell.

The second was filled with 'internal', 'magic', and 'link' runes.

The third and external ring was filled with 'full', 'ambient', 'element', 'ball'.

Those simple runes perfectly state the physical manifestation of the magic, but when he looks at he knows that something was missing.

'I have the nature of the spell, the source of the magic power, and the physical manifestation... But I don't have control of it! In this state, I will only be able to produce a ball of water but won't be able to do something else.'

As he thinks of it, his advanced knowledge of arithmancy and thus spell crafting kick in. First, he needs to control the size of the water ball and definite a standard ball. Thinking of it, he traces rune for 'magic', 'regeneration', 'output' and 'use', and will it to link with the second ring.

Continuing like this, he traces a couple of other runes to act like a locked missile, making him able to launch the ball. Before trying, he also traces another series of runes also linked to the second ring to cut of the magic of the ring at will or it would continue to form and launch water ball until his magic was exhausted. The moment the fifth ring was complete, the entire runic circle start to show change, as infinity symbol form, linking the second and four rings and the second and fifth rings.

As he pours magic in, the fifth ring collapse in the four, who collapses in the third, in the second and merge with the central ring, leaving only the 'water' rune and its ring, but if one were to look closely enough they would see the inscribed runes in the ring surrounding it. When the only way left, a water ball the size of a baseball one appear, aiming at the open window, the ball shout with a speed slightly superior of a spell.

The drain on his magic was barely felt and he would be able to shout a few dozen of them before he was out of magic. Cutting his magic, the already formed ball vanishes, and the circle fades away.

{[The Attribute [Runic magic: H] had evolved to [Runic magic: E]]}

Seeing that he was able to form a fully functioning circle he rapidly updates the drawn one before starting to experiment on the other element. Fire, earth, wind, each of them manifest while he looks if something changes in the circle. When it's didn't he add them with the first draw one on another sheet, keeping a face for each. Under the circle, the five rings roles were explained. When he tried to use ice, the rune circle didn't activate, following his instinct, another Two runes appear in the second ring. He simply bases this on the Naruto Kekkai bloodline, mixing a 'wind' and 'water' runes. He feels that the consumption of magic raise as he was using two elements at one time but would still be able to use it easily.

So following this, he had lightning to the basic elements. After a few experiments, he came to the conclusion that he could only manifest physical stable elemental results as lava, ice, and the like. Magnetic force and so on were out of his reach or would fall under another field.

Of course, those results weren't achieved in one night, he has past the past two months on this. His syllabary was completed in two separate books. His amount of complete runic circle was slowly raising and after exploring all the possibilities he could think of from dual elements combination, he has started to work on their shape. Needle, spear, blades, walls, and the likes, the more he was sinking in those changes, the larger became the numbers of runes present, and the amount of magic need to support, activate and launch a spell.

When he compared them with the wizard spell, he found that is was more heavily, magic consuming wise but freer. When they would only be able to shape a weak light on the end of the wand, he would be able to form a full ball of light where he would be able to modify the intensity, color, and even shape. When he had tried it, he became dumbfound that he could easily recreate a light spear similar to that of fallen and angel in the DxD franchise.

Because he was drawing in the ambient element, it was ridiculously easy to form a light spear, and combined with the fact that it was weightless, its speeds and dealt damage was ridiculous. While it wouldn't scratch the defense of scaled magical creature, it would sink easily in flesh.

It was also at this moment that he create variants of the circle. By exchanging a rune in the second ring, he would draw on the ambient magic. The spell would take more time to form but it would cost him near nothing.

The other variant was when he modifies the third ring. By changing the 'ambient' rune by a 'magical' one he would create magical related elements. This was only possible when the runic circle work on his own internal magic but the drain was enormous and he would only be able to shout a his best three spell before being drained.

He separates this in three stages of control, as one would need to be able to gather the ambient magic to feed the circle for the second stage and control its own magic for the third. He knows that for the moment he was strong enough to only freely use the magic of the first stage. each day he would pass three hours in the came and go room to exercise again automated dummy that would shout stinging curse at him. At first, it was only simple face to face be the rapidly change this in the environmental fight where he would have to move in a ruin background against an ever-rising number of opponents, simulating fights.

All this was done while keeping his school work done and passing some time with Hermoine and Susan. It has started in a bumpy way but it slowly changed when he started to know her. He was only able to do so after they both change, Hermione, losing her blind faith toward people in a position of power, and Susan to actually think for herself and not blindly follow the sheep mentality.

While they were some inevitable fight, they were, after all, eleven and twelve years old children, it was a natural outcome. The most important was that he would explain to them why they were wrong or apologies when he was in the wrong.

As for the other, it came to a big shock when a special evening edition of the Prophet was sent to all the subscribers. Learning that an actual professor sent as Azkaban was a heavy blow, that it was because of one of them, frightening. He also learns why the two loons where smirking, they were thinking that Lord Potter would do something. The two have lost their mind when they learn that they have both lost their house, and attack Alex, who send them to the infirmary, and James Jr receives in first blame of the possible three before he was expulsed of Hogwarts, being under probation.

It wasn't long before it was known that House Potter was actually ruined, unable to fully pay the debts they own to Alex. The land of the Weasley was brought from the Malfoy family for half a million, leaving three-four of the debts to be paid. William Weasley effectively lost his job at Gringotts and his entire account sized to pays of the debts since he was far from owning the needed 1,500,920.00G, it falls on Charlie Weasley to have a part of his salary take to pay it off as the elder was sent in goblins mines to work and pays for his parents. How much time would he spend time in them would depend on how quick his little brother would pay for the last 1,260,156.00G. Thankfully for him, his parents would follow his step the moment they exit Azkaban. With the pay of 5G a day in the mines minus the weekly 1G of fee for his food and sleeping place, he would spend the next 720 years inside if he was to be alone.

Since it was a family debt, every single one of them would contribute once they were out of Hogwarts, be it in the mines of by working. If the entire family works together, they could hope to pay it off in a single generation.

I know, I know, this one is also late but I can't control myself when I write and won't stop until the chap is complete so I go sleep at 2 or 3 in the morning each night, so I need to compensate with raising a little later, anyway, her chap 46. As of today, I have until the 61 one and I will near the end of this world soon so in around two weeks for you, a new world! YAY!


Linrimcreators' thoughts