
a tragic day for the dark side (2)

" It has been not more than fifteen minutes since he 'faint' he should not be too far from the third floor now, let's go." With a nod, the house-elf popped them in a near corridor and the two made their way in stealthy. As expected, Quirrell just enters the corridor leading to the door keeping a nasty surprise for the shade.

"Keep an eye around, if Snape appears, win me some time, will you?" whisper Alex to which is elf nod. During that time, Quirrell was about to open the door. Keeping to the shadows, Alex near him as much as possible before stopping ten meters far and start to trace. After two months of intensive training, the simple circle was complete in no more than three seconds. Taking aim, he launches his spell before cutting the supply of magic and starts to trace a second one. By the time the baseball-sized water ball impact on the back of Quirrell's head, eliciting a howl of pain for his resident, he was lanched inside the room without having the time to look inside. Before he could even react, the gap left behind between the door and the wall was filled in by a wall of ice.

While his attention was distracted by says wall and the howling shade in the back of his head, he never sees or hears the growl of the three-headed dog who takes a good bite in. Behind the cold wall of frozen water, Alex heard the muffled agonizing cries of Quirrell before a large splotch of red appear on it and the cries suddenly stop.

Not wanting the shade to spot him, he hides in one of the alcoves. But this was unnecessary as it snarl could be heard rapidly exiting the premise in the airs. Looking at one of the small windows, he was barely able to spot the foul dark-green shade flee away for the castle.

In a faint pop, Sunny appears.

"Snape not far."

"Good, could you vanish the ice and close the door? No one needs to know that someone helps feed the dog, after direction the second-floor lady restroom. We have a snake to end."

In a nod' time, the ice vanish as if never present, the door closed and he even splashes a little of blood on, making those who would see it think that it was closed when it happens.

When they pop in the restroom, they immediately hear the commotion outside. Taking a rapid look outside, he sees a good portion of the students present whispering hurriedly among them. When a red text inscribed on the wall caught his attention, he raises his gaze a little, reading the warning on it.

'The chamber of Secrets has been opened, the skeleton of its first prey will lie in the chamber forever.'

It was only after the professors were somewhat able to calm down the hysterics students, that they were lead somewhere else, that he could see the dead troll on the ground.

"Poor bastard didn't have the time to smash something before crossing the path of the snake." Shaking his head sadly, he goes for the group of sinks, looking around a little before founding the one with the snake.

"~Open.~" As the sinks break apart, revealing the hole, he speaks is second order. "~Stairs~" Slab of stone exit the circular hole, letting him go down followed by a floating orb of soft green light. Once at the end of the dirty pipe, he made his way through the cave, soon coming in contact with the molted skin.

"Can you still pop out?"


"Good, Mismy, Teally!" Responding to the call, two female house-elves appear. "Could the two of you be kind enough to take the skin back to the territory? I will call you again later."

""Yes master Evans!"" The two diligently grab the skin before popping away, leaving the two alone. As they continued, they soon arrive at the second door, separating the real chamber from the underground cave. Before opening it, he turns to the elf at his side.

"I will enter first, then you will follow, disillusioned. Inside the chamber should be a huge head craved in stone. The Basilisk, if he had returned inside will exit by the mouth. I want you to produce an overpowering light before the head is completely out, with any luck the exit would be to narrow for it to trash completely and do any harm. Once done, I want you to grab a black diary that should be near the body of the redhead."

"What about him master?"

"Frankly I don't know, he and his family have been a torn in my side since the moment I encounter them. More so the little shit has been annoying from then, let not concern ourselves with him from now, we need to focus on the task at hand first."

Nodding at that, Alex take a deep breath he takes a pair of tainted glass. He obtains them after a bit of research, those glasses were made on the same model that one-way mirror, when opaque particles were introduced in glass, making the illusion of a mirror. While he wasn't sure those would work, they where their just in case he crosses the gaze of the great snake.

theoretically, those should do the job as it was the gaze should be impedimented with the opaque particles present in the glass between the two gazes. With the reflection given by the external layer, he was hoping to redirect a part of the cursed eyes.

Putting them in his pocket, unwilling to give away is ace, he nods at the elf sporting a similar pair, he didn't want to take risks, before the door was open. When he made his way in, the chamber was already alit by green fires burning in snake-shaped torch holders. On the ground in the middle of the room was the body of a pale Ron Weasley. On his side, a young man in his teens, sporting green and silver trimmed robes, a prefect badge on his chest.

When he heard the door open, Tom was surprised that someone was able to found the chamber this soon, even he was able to completely absorb his target life force and retake a solid body made of flesh, blood, and bones. When he saw the one responsible for this, he was stunned for a moment before a smile bloom on his face.

"Alexander Evans, I wasn't expecting someone so soon, or ever to be honest. That you care here his most intriguing, tell me, how were you able to come in?"

"Same as the snake, the pipe, did the carrot head tell you about me?"

"Yes, young Ronald has been rather vocal at your subject and was rather agog to learn some dark curse to... well curse you."

"I imagine the moron was unable to do them correctly."

At that Tom sigh dejectedly.

"Yes, the boy was quite the disappointment, heralding from an old pureblood family, one would think he should have quite the gift in magic."

"You and I both know that those old House are nothing that a nest of inbreeding, magic atrophied cesspool of waisted space and air, but then again you know it for yourself, after, not anyone could pride themself to successfully being able to cast magic when coming from one if not the most inbred family that have ever walk the magical world, doesn't it Tom?" A slight smirk made its way on his face as he sees the smile twist in a snarl on the handsome young man facing him at the allusion of his past.

"I can trace my lineage to the greatest wizard ever, Salazar Slytherin himself!"

"So do I, but contrary to you, I am his rightful heir, not some lost kid with illusions of greatness." Say Alex calmly has he made his way slowly to the body of Ron.

"You lie! I am the sole Heir to the great Slytherin...!"

"But can you prove it?"

"Silence your mud-blood! The great Lord Voldemort doesn't have to prove himself to those like of yours !" Hearing him, he couldn't help the disappointed but not surprised sigh, catching the attention of the teen who feels that it's was somewhat not directed at him.

"He really is a disappointment, well, the rest of the wizarding seem either blind to it too, so it shouldn't really surprise me that none have made the link until now."

"What do you mean?" Ask him more lost than angry now.

"Nothing, just that the Evans Clan was their way before this castle was constructed, and while you may come from Salazar Slytherin family, he came from mine, from this, it made me his Heir by right of primogenitor as my line was more ancient than him."

"What?! How?! There was nothing about this in the Ministry archives!" Rent the now apoplectic young, fully trusting his words, after all, he has nothing to gain for lying from his origin.

"Of course they wouldn't after all the Evans Clan was, is and will always being free from those morons. Why would we be part of them and bow under their heavy restriction on magic when we could be free and keep thousands of years of history and magic long forgotten or banned and records destroyed by them?"

When he hears that Tom was burning from jealousy and greed, the sheer knowledge and power of more than thousand years old magic was a thing that has always escaped his grasp, while vampires have more old families, they don't touch upon magic or not the one used by the wizard and different for their own.

Alex know what was going through his head and now that the shade attention wasn't on its artifact anymore, the sneaking elf was able to take it along the old family wand.