
Chapter 21

She stared at her reflection in the long mirror over the sink. That wasn’t her. That was a ghoul, a gaunt shadow of her previous self. Her pale skin molded over bones she shouldn’t have been able to see, and scars riddled her abdomen, reminders of only a few of the “exercises” she’d been forced into. Strands of gray shot through her hair, and it hung to her waist, thick and untamed though mercifully clean. That had to be Josh’s doing. Hygiene wasn’t a top priority with her captors.

What frightened her the most, however, was her face. She didn’t know it. Her already high cheekbones were even more pronounced, as was her strong jaw. Her mouth looked swollen without the balance of some of the fullness in her cheeks, but the eyes looking back at her made Sara want to smash the mirror. They were dead.