
Trillion Subsidy - Mysterious App

Lin Fan, who was about to lose his job, unexpectedly received a trillion-dollar subsidy app. There will be some unusual items on the shelves every day. [Villa No. 1 in the eastern suburbs Subsidy price: 0.1 yuan] 【Porsche Limited Edition 911 GT-98 Subsidy price: 0.1 yuan] [House 120, Building 1, Junyue Huating Subsidy price: 10 yuan] [Penguin Group 10% shares Subsidized price: ...] In addition, there are some weird things that will appear in the APP. 【Charm buff Subsidized price: 188 yuan] 【Martial Arts Master Subsidized price: 99 yuan] [Point to the future information card, master of time management, perfect body...] … After several years. Lin Fan looked at the mountain of wealth piled up in front of him. I can only let out a long sigh: "I'm really not interested in money!"

mohdmoinsaifi00 · Urban
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88 Chs

Scout: Are You Interested In Becoming A Star?

Not for a while.

The two people here were thrown out by the security guards!

After the two were thrown out by the security guards.

He Tianning, who was there, walked up to Lin Mo with a smile.

He said: "Mr. Lin, these two cancers have already been wiped out by me!

And, I also assure you that such ridiculous regulations will never exist again!

So, look, the contract renewal between you and our property company..."

He Tianning smiled obsequiously.

Facing Lin Mo, he said with a smile.

Lin Mo listened to this.

That is to say calmly.

"Contract renewal is of course possible.

However, today this kind of thing, I don't want to happen again!

If it happens again, when the time comes, just terminate the contract! "

"Yes Yes!"

He Tianning, who was there, quickly answered!

Then, with a smile, he continued.

"Then we will not continue on our side and disturb you, Mr. Lin.

I wish you a happy time in the mall, if you have anything to ask, just ask! "


Watching He Tianning leave.

Xie Yumo, who was there, was smiling and said.

"Unexpectedly, brother, you are actually the boss of this ipam building!"

Listen to Xie Yumo's words.

Lin Mo there.

He also smiled and said.

"What? Surprised?"

After finishing speaking with a light smile.

Lin Mo, who continued, asked Xie Yumo.

"Do you want to go to Happy Valley together later?"

"Happy Valley?"


Xie Yumo's eyes lit up.

Then, naturally, he hugged Lin Mo's arm.

In Lin Mo's mouth, there was also a breath of cold air, and he took a deep breath!

And Xie Yumo who was there.

A look of expectation appeared in a pair of clear pupils.

Looking at Lin Mo, said.

"Okay~ I also want to experience those exciting projects!

In the past, people never dared to go alone! "

Listen to this.

Lin Mo also smiled.

Then, he looked outside.

Said: "However, it is exactly one o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun outside here is a bit harsh, we have to buy some protective equipment. "


Lin Mo brought Xie Yumo along, and the two of them were in this shopping mall.

I bought two sun hats, some Anesan sunscreen, and two pairs of sunglasses.

Although there are few things.

However, it also cost Lin Mo six or seven thousand dollars!


Lin Mo just drove the car and went straight to Happy Valley!

And along the way.

Lin Mo is also holding the steering wheel with one hand.

The right hand was also placed on Xie Yumo's big white leg!

Gently, just touch.

All of a sudden.

Xie Yumo's face was slightly red, but he didn't push Lin Mo's hand away.

Not long after.

The two came to Happy Valley in time.

After applying sunscreen.

Bought two tickets.

The two of them went all the way to Happy Valley.

"How about we play with the big pendulum first?"

Looking at the big pendulum in front of him, Lin Mo chuckled lightly.

"Well! Good!"

Xie Yumo looked forward to it.

Then, holding Lin Mo's hand, he quickly ran towards the big pendulum!

Not long after, the two sat on the big pendulum.

Sitting on it, Lin Mo held Xie Yumo's hand and said.

"What? Nervous?"

Xie Yumo blushed slightly.

Then, after a soft "hmm".

Just nodded.

"If you get scared later, just yell out loud!"


Not long.

The big pendulum began to turn.

As the speed of rotation becomes faster and faster.

Lin Mo also felt it.

Xie Yumo held his hand more and more tightly!

And her breathing also slowed down a bit!

But also at this time!

The big pendulum also rose to a height of nearly 90 degrees!


Suddenly it was a fall!


Xie Yumo couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly screamed out!

The same is true of many girls next to her!


As the pendulum continues to swing.

Lin Mo is smiling.

Then, just gently.

Hold Xie Yumo lightly.

For a moment, Xie Yumo's complexion turned red.


The big pendulum has ended its rotation.

Slowly, it stopped there.

With the big pendulum down.

Xie Yumo next to her, her legs are already weak!

Eyes, appear blurred.

"Look at you, your legs are weak."

Shaking his head, he helped her straighten her hair.

Xie Yumo, who was there, blinked.

In the depths of the eyes, the affection is stronger!

And then.

The two played a few more projects.

Almost every item.

This Xie Yumo was too scared!

Especially when playing jumping machine.

Xie Yumo's face was extremely pale!

The whole person hid in Lin Mo's arms, and the screams almost pierced Lin Mo's eardrums!

This is what Lin Mo thinks.

It was a wrong decision to bring her to play in Happy Valley!

"Hey, you really are."

Lin Mo shook his head helplessly.

Then, said.

"If you are so timid, you still have to come to Happy Valley to play."

Listen to this.

Xie Yumo stuck out his tongue and said.

"Where do people know that the facilities in Happy Valley are so exciting~~~"

Listen to this.

Lin Mo looked helpless.

Then, pointing to a cold drink shop there, said.

"Okay, let's go to the cold drink shop over there to have a rest first, and then go back later."


Gently nodding his head.

Xie Yumo here.

Just followed Lin Mo to a cold drink shop not far away.

After buying a cold drink separately.

Xie Yumo took out his mobile phone and took a few photos.

Then, it was compiled into a nine-square grid.

"No matter how scared I am, I still feel safe in my warm embrace!"

A paragraph of text, plus Jiugongge.

After sending the circle of friends, it is almost equivalent to an official announcement!

Moreover, this Xie Yumo is still special, highlighting this suit of clothes on her body!

after all!

This is a set of international big names!

Naturally, I have to show off in front of my group of girlfriends!

To this, Lin Mo just smiled lightly.

This is Xie Yumo's character and habits.

Naturally, he won't say anything.

Besides, after this trip to Happy Valley.

This Xie Yumo is also more dependent on him!

And Lin Mo finally figured it out.

There is no such thing as green tea in the world.

Yes, but she is just a good sister who only loves Giegie!

But also at this time!

A well-dressed middle-aged man.

It also came in front of Xie Yumo.

With a smile on his face, he handed out a business card in his hand.

Then, he opened his mouth.

"Hello, I am a scout from 91 Entertainment!

Excuse me, are you two interested in becoming stars? "