
Trihexa:Birth of the Empress of Greed

in a battle for pride a clan lost and their only heir lost but now that heir has become a girl named Emily whose parents were missing for as long as she knew how she became the heir she has no idea , but she begins to challenge the order of the world, fighting deities , monsters . she will destroy all. How long before that power destroys her and everything around her ( this is my first book so please don't be upset if I make mistakes , comments and power stones are highly appreciated ) As I first started I was shaky but I feel I am getting better as I have started doing better so I suggest you should try and read till chapter 35

Xander_Emerald · Others
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69 Chs


" did you call on me ".. a teddy bear sized bone creature appeared with red dark wings on it's back

Emily was startled by it's appearance but adjusted in seconds .

" you're my guide right "... Emily poked it's head checking the bone creature out

" Yes .".. it simply said .

" explain everything you know about God's valley ".. questioning the bone creature immediately

" God's valley is a new world created by the God's for humanity sake , in God's valley there are tons of monsters and treasures placed personally by the deities , there are also time quest which will grant points as well as legendary weapons. every human went through a mutation to aid them in this world "..

" hmm about the rules how many points would one have. to pay to command all life on this world ".. she asked this question her eyes knitted

" approximately sixty billion points ".......

" That would be a massacre no one person can achieve this .. ok is it possible to become the God of this place "..

"... No amount of points can do this but you can get blessings that can give you equivalent power to that of a god "... The little bone creature said

" now that is of my chest the mutation thing you said everyone went through it are you able to tell me what I am now ".. Emily asked anticipating her creature.

" ... you're half dragon , Half Angel "...

" ( So I was mutated with a dragon , at least it's not a vampire or devil that have holy weaknesses ) I see , can you be used as a GPS "?

" Yes I can track anything "..

" ok give me the location of the best sacred weapon, Longinus , beast , treasure , dungeon "..

" sorry Mordred Arjun you will have to pay a price for more than half of the items I can only Track three items for free "..

" what did you call me,"

" Arjun Mordred players name "....

" My name is Emilia not mordred Arjun ".. Emily was confused at the name

" sorry players name has already been registered it cannot be changed ".. .

" why "??

" Because player has already been registered ".

" why did you put Arjun Mordred ".....?? Emily started questioning the little bone creature .

" Because it is the name of the player ".. the bone creature seemed to have no expression .

" hmm well at least there is a good side to it right , this way no one will be able to know who I am as I am sure no one can trace mordred Arjun back to Emily "...

rubbing her hands on her temples .

" ok give me the location of the best sword in this world "... ..

"(saving my second Free search would be wise I don't want to have to use points all my points should go into my savings to find a way out of this God's valley , I get a bad feeling from it , but never the less getting stronger here would benefit me when I leave this world )"

" Beginning Gate creation ten , nine "..

" so it comes with free teleportation , how convenient "..

" eight seven six five four three two one "...

as that sound went off Emily was transported from her very location in an instant.

soon after she opened her eyes finding herself in a cave .

Calming herself down, as she felt uneasy from the ride