
Triggered Hearts

Alex's past wasn't great, she lost her dad 'cause of divorce, her mom had gone wild about money and uses her sister Katie for producing money and forces her to be a model. They got separated, Katie had to go with her mom and Alex had nowhere to stay but remain in the house with nothing but bad memories... Then later on, when she got into college she finally had found her long lost sister and reunited, now they both share a dorm nearby the University their currently studying in. P.S My grammar ain't that good considering english wasn't the first language i learnt.✌️

canned · Teen
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9 Chs

Dine in with Me

"god damn, its a thursday.."Leo said with a sigh. He continues walking in the hallways and suddenly bumps in with Alec and Alex Black.

"Wassup BRO!"Both siblings said happily.

"Well you guys know Katie right?"

"Hahahahah, How could we forget the girl whose ready to kick asses. So whats the problem?" Black replied

"I just wanna surprise her with something special."Leo whispered to them and they had an idea for the perfect event.

"Yes. So that's our ULTIMATE plan you guys!"

Leo said as he was so excited that he could burst into a million pieces.


*YAWN* (Why is there school, when there is homeschooling...)Alex thought in confusion.

Katie walks to the seat where Alex was sitting on. "I know what you're thinking.....sis, It's better if we have friends and the fact that we're in a public place.... it's fUn! Interacting with people,

meet friends like EVERYWHERE!, Drama's, and especially the one you love, HANG OUTS!!!"

"Yep. You really do know how to lighten me up with your inspiring speeches".

Katie giggles and goes back to her seat quietly.


The Squad assembled to the canteen and talked for a while.

"So Katie.."

"Yes, dear?"

"Can I take you somewhere later the day?"Leo asked nervously.

"Of Course!"

Alex heard their conversation and smirked "Telepathy on"

(So Katie he want to take you out huh?)

{I figured you might say that, and im surprised you heard that from a far the table, you've got cool abilities sis}Katie gave Alex a warm smile and laughs.

(Thanks for the compliment..)

{No Problemo, So can I?}

(You have my permission, little sis but please...be careful)Alex sent her those words worriedly and Katie replies.

{Hey, Im big now but I can always call you anytime around right?}

(Of course, I'll go shopping again today after school for stufffff)

{Well thanks!}


Alex and Katie hugged and separated in their own ways."Hey Katie, I was wondering...why does your sister rarely hangs out with us?"Le said. "Dear, she has her own reasons to be absent from our group"

"If you say so"He puts his right arm around her shoulders and kisses her forehead.

~At the Beach~

"So here we are!!"This beach was like no other, it had a mat on the sand, a fancy romantic table to dine in, candles and service.

"Wait a minute....YOU prepared all this?"

"Well, I had friends to help me"

Alec and (Alex)Black appeared behind a mini stage and Alec started to play a tune.Katie was shocked, Leo held her hand and escorted her to the table and acted like a gentleman.


Without further a do,

Alec played rock music and almost everybody in there was about to be good as deaf. Leo bursted like a volcano eruption and ran like the flash heading towards the annoying guitarist, Alec.

"STOP THIS INSTANT ALEC!!!!!" He shouted with all his voice box could let out, he was clearly annoyed about what happened.

"This wasn't the piece I gave you a moment ago!"

"Sorry boss, I didn't know how to play the guitar. ;>;".

"Let me lead the beats of this!" Black grabbed the guitar and played a much more romantic tune and made everyone's heart melt.

"Hey! you never told me you could play with that thing!!" Alec pouted as he said those words in front of his big brother, Black.

"Well I don't have to share everything with you yah know?"

"True...true, but still! we are brothers for crying out loud!"

"Being humble is the key to success little one..."

"Don't lecture me with such maturity"

"Well I am older than you, so I can lecture you whenever I want!"

Alec sat there and watched as Black plays the guitar smoothly and amusingly.

Going back to Leo, he ran back to the table where they had their food ready to eat.

"Sorry, there was technical dificulties during the musician's performance. Heheheh.."

"And I assume those 'musicians' you are talking about are Alec and Black,hmm?"

"Yeah you got me.."

"Anyways, having this first date of ours is quite...how do I put this..UnIquE!"

"Oh, Ahahahah"

"I was quite amused by the drama you guys had back there." Katie stared at Leo and gave him a warm smile and tilted her head to the right, to cheer him from his stressing day.

"Do you know why I dated you, Katie?"

"I want to know :)"

"It's because of your smile.."

"My what?!"

"It's always the cure of my dark days, and ever since I started talking to you back in highschool you changed my life and it lead me to the road of light. From depression to being a complete oblivion of joy, and I am grateful to have you with me all the time!"

He giggles.

"I've got the same reason too..."

They we're both in shock after they hear words from each other.