
Trickster's Passion Project

A man who feels nothing killed by the infamous isekai causing Truck-chan gets assigned to an evil self-serving god. Sent into a world of swords, shields and magic. Charles is tasked with finding his emotions. Being nothing more than an experiment to see if one can develop emotions and fight back or simply succumb to higher powers. Follow the adventure of Charles and the Trickster god that leads him, as he dives deep into the world he has been reborn in. Will Charles ever gain emotion, or will he fully succumb to being just a puppet following the orders of a self-serving god? (Strong Parental Guidance. Contains Drug use, Violence and Criminal Actions)

MintBlood · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Death And Reincarnation

"You really don't care," Her breathing staggered with tears in her eyes. "Do you?" This wasn't the first time Charles had been broken up with, nor did he really plan it being the last. He opened his mouth to speak only to close it again in thought.

After what seemed like ages to his now ex-girlfriend Charles gently replied with. A shoulder shrug. "I hate you. Why would I ever think you could be fixed." She said, the tears now streaming down her cheek, her knuckles a hot white clenching her suitcase full of clothes.

Charles ran his hand through his hair, the most emotion filled thing he had really done all day. Which he had done it out of stress.. "You're the one that wanted to date me, thinking I wanted to be fixed." He cooly said hoping it'd make her leave quicker and it worked. With a flash of anger on her face, She gave him a glare that'd kill a bear, which he casually brushed off.

Following that fiasco, she opened the door and with a small final sentence being a very predicatable, "I hope you die." She stepped outside and slammed the door behind her.

"Well," Charles sighed. "Atleast that'd be a different experience. Death and whatever lies beyond." With yet another sigh, knowing that he'd have to clean up the mess she left behind in her break-up rage. Which consisted of; smashed glasses, dishes and what could be considered his favorite pair of sunglasses. "Guess I need to buy a new pair, boss doesn't like my stare." He quickly jotted down the brand name of them before tossing them into the trash. "All cleaned up and with 2 hours to spare until my shift." He ripped off the piece of paper he wrote the brand name on and stuffed it in his pocket.

Charles had decided on waiting out some time to assure that his Ex wasn't just hanging out around the neighborhood ready to ambush him out of rage. After 40 minutes had passed he was ready to head out. He lived near a small market center, where he had originally gotten the pair of sunglasses and decided on walking there since it'd be easier to duck into side streets than if he was in a car.

Following his plan, he put on a tight jacket a small baseball cap and left his home. He had lived in a rented out duplex house for the better part of 3 years. Having been forced out of his home by his parents who called him, as he quotes, 'A passionless deadweight.' They said that making him leave would. 'Inspire.' Him to get a passion to start living, which it didn't, he just ended up working for the first person who offered him a wage and rented out the small place he lives in now.

He walked along the concrete sidewalk wondering what he'd have to cut back on since his ex used to pay half of his rent. 'I think I could probably stop paying for cable now, which should be an extra $20. I mean, she was the only one that wanted to watch cable anyways.' He kept thinking about it up until he had to cross the street. He looked up to see a flashing red hand. "I've got enough time to make it." Charles said to himself, but he did infact. Not have enough time.

The moment he had made it a quarter of the way across the hand turned a solid red and a truck came barreling down the street. "Oh." He gasped, eyes wide open with a feeling he had never felt before. Fear.

His legs were stuck, he was a deer in the headlights of a 6 ton chunk of moving metal. 'Is this. Feeling?' He pondered moments before the truck slammed into him. His head slammed against the grille of the truck, his body shot backwards from the impact, sliding across the rough ground road. All exposed skin didn't end up so well, being shredded and all.

"Wow, that was kind of brutal wasn't it?" A voice said to Charles who's surroundings changed from his neighborhood road to an endless expanse of white.

"I mean. I guess, I only really felt the hitting my head part so everything else was just a black out." He responded back with his cool usual voice. The voice he heard started laughing and wheezing.

"Dude I'm about to start weeping, I've never had someone so unphased by this. I mean your response was lame as can be but," The voice interrupted itself with more wheezing. "But it's just the. 'I guess' that really got to me. Who just says. 'I guess' to their own demise?" The mixture of laughter and wheeze stopped abruptly. What seemed like a small clearing of the throat echoed through Charle's head. "Okay well, I've been laughing for long enough. Time for introductions, Welcome Charles! Do you want to know what we call your death?"

"My death?"

"Yes your death Charles. We call it End by

Truck-chan. We have no clue why it's so common among unique people, like you, to die by a barelling truck. I mean, like every other hero the gods have had ended up dead by a truck."

Charles was taken aback and replied how he always did when people called him unique. "First, I'm not unique, I just think different. Logically. Second, what do you mean hero."

"I mean, your soul is unique, not your behavior. Apathy is uncommon but not as unique as you. Ah right but hero. I'll respond to that with a question since I just feel like it. Where do you think you are Charles?"

Charles brought his hand up to his chin and thought, 'Endless white expanse, final moments, voice in my head. Quite obviously a limbo.' With a small sigh, "I'm gonna take a shot at this. It's... limbo?"

"First of all, there was genuinely no reason to sigh before your answer you dramatic wannabe. Second: Ding, Ding, Ding. You've got it right on those nose! Yes, this is Limbo, now Charles, I've got yet another question for you which I think I already know the answer to. Do you want to go back?"

Without a second of thought Charles just shrugged, "I mean, I Gu-"

"Gonna stop you right there, your response was. Expected. However, before you finalize your answer that let me ask you something else. If you had the choice between living a life injured, hurt and well overall painful since you won't fully recover vs my offer which is. A new life in a different world?"

"In my opinion you should've led with the," Mocking the God's tone. "'being transferred to a new world.' But. Yeah, I don't quite have a preference. A new life would be easier to deal with. Less debt and all that jazz. So I'll go with that but. What's it like?"

"Well Charles, I am so very glad you asked. So you know isekai things right? Quite popular in your world and all that. Well think of that. You're going to have special abilities, you can increase your strength and speed to superhuman levels. Quite easily. It's quite a fun experience for those who like action. I know you could care less about an action packed adventure but if you let me be your god into the new world I could give you something I think you'd love." Although Charles could not see it, the god he had been assigned to was grinning, out of excitement for his new toy.

"Well yeah, I do know about isekai, had to learn about it since the people I interacted with could talk about it for ages. I've only really got one question though. What do you mean by my god?" Charles questioned.

There was a small delay in the response to Charles' question to the voice. When it finally responded. It had a confused tone. "Wait really? Your only question about an ENTIRE NEW FANTASY WORLD is the me being your god part?"

"I mean. It really isn't often you get to meet the god you're going to be worshipping."

"You know," The god had laughed. "I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with you."

"Cool, I guess. But are you going to answer my question?" Charles said.

"Dude cmon. It's self explanatory. I'm going. To be the god your worshipping. You pray to me and all that. I guide you and give you quests or tasks and you obey." The God had sighed.

Charles nodded his head in understanding. "Okay well. Two more questions I forgot to ask. What type of god are you and. What's your name?"

The God had chuckled. "Finally. You ask me a real question. My name is Kuses, God of Self-enjoyment. Quite frankly, I'm just a trickster god. Everything I do is to enjoy myself, I like anything that amuses me and you. Would be it. Bossing around a man with no feelings and seeing how far I can use your apathy is going to be quite a fun experience."