
4 Idiots - 1

"Man, I'm excited for Christmas this year y'know." Aureli said, whilst kicking her feet up on a pouffe, laying back on the sofa with her arms placed behind her head in a really chilled out pose. She was chilling out, sapping the warmth from the fire and letting it warm her body up in this cold weather. The fire wasn't an open one, but one of those replica ones that imitated a real fire, they gave off more heat and look just as beautiful as the real thing.

"Why this year in particular?" Major was sitting next to her on his phone, also putting his feet up in a comfy position. He was playing a game that he'd recently downloaded that had a Christmas feature.

"It's not in particular per se, I just get excited like this every year. The thought of Christmas makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like when you start to shudder out of excitement and anticipation." She turned her head to him. Aureli had quite a natural Christmassy look, she's got bright red eyes and jet red hair, normally tied into two buns. Both her and Major were chilling in their winter protection suits, also known as fur lined onesies. They bought green and red ones, specifically for Christmas.

"Y'know, it's kinda crazy that tomorrow is December and all, the first day of advent calenders and the real countdown to Christmas begins. Damn, twenty five days and then it's the big day itself. You're right, when it comes down to it, it is really soon. Only twenty five days to go and Santa will arrive." Major smiled whilst looking into the fireplace, his eyes flicked back to his game and he smiled at that aswell, seeing the Christmassy themed event on his game, it really put him in an excited mood.

"Say, Major. Do you believe in Santa?" Aureli gave an honest look of confusion at him. Really not sure what to expect from his answer.

He smiled at her. "Of course I do. I mean I know he is real. I've got proof." He reached into the pocket of his onesie and pulled out a large paintbrush and showed it to Aureli. "This here is my proof."

"A prism brush? That's your proof? What does that prove at all. It doesn't make someone real."

I believe there's a bit of explaining to do before we continue. So what Major has here is a special object called a prism brush. In a world of Trickery, the prism brush is the required tool needed to create all respects of Trickery. Each Prism brush holds a clear crystal called the Prism. It allows you to brush or draw scriptic trickery and it draws in a prismatic shiny paint like thing, that floats in the air. All tricks require some sort of brush stroke, from small amounts to large amounts, the more accurate. The better the trick comes out. Most people in the world have them, they come free when someone turns eleven years old and they are given a prism. When a person touches a prism, it resonates with their personality and the rest of the brush grows from it, every brush is unique in design and style. Now, back to the story.

"I get what your saying Major, but trickery isn't a surefire way of making everything real. The real Saint Nicholas lived yonks ago, how to you know that this is actually the same guy. He could just be a descendant, his great great great great grandson of course. Or some other guy, like his best mates lineage or some sort of good dooer. It could be anyone, or no one." Aureli was trying to be logical and smart about her facts, but she couldn't help but think about the possibilities. Major did have a point, she also had just as much proof that he wasn't real as Major did for the arguement. It was a headscratcher for her too until she came up with a genius plan. "Fine then, well just have to go to Lapland, and verify for ourselves. We leave tomorrow."

"Great plan, well even get our advent calenders done first. Wrap up warm and head to Lapland with everyone. High five?"

"High five!"

Not too long later, the other two members of the group walked into the house. Holding bags upon bags of shopping. "We're back!"



A short woman and a tall guy walked into the room, looking out of breath and cold as hell. They plonked the bags of shopping down on the table and kicked back on the sofa with Aureli and Major. "Get up to much in our absence?" The short girl was sitting next to Aureli, she squeezed in between them and made space for her own feet In front of the fire. She pulled out a prism brush of her own. It had a strange shape, like many lollypops stacked onto eachother with a candy cane pattern. She started doodling in the air and her clothes morphed into a matching onesie, like the others were wearing.

"We had an idea when you were gone, were going to Lapland for a special reason. We've decided to verify if Santa is the real deal or not." Aureli nudged her happily.

"Oh right, sounds interesting. Ever since I was a little girl (you still are little) I've always believed that Santa does exist, I mean tricks are basically infinite, I don't see why he can't do what he does." The short girl had a headscratching moment aswell. "Okay, you can count Jelly in, I will join you on your holy conquest to find Santa. Hey Nox, you coming with?"

"May aswell. It'd suck being here alone for a few days otherwise." The tall guy nodded and flicked the television on. He put down the remote and picked up his own prism brush and started drawing, as he was doing so, the channels are changing.

Major raised an eyebrow. "Why are you using trickery to change the channel, you literally had the remote in your hand, it's faster."

"It's practice, for speed drawing. If ever we're in a fight, we need to be able to draw advanced trickery as fast as possible." He was fixated on the drawings in front of him, half involved in the conversation.

"Okaaaay, but this world is pretty peaceful, none of us have ever been in a fight, including you so why worry?"

"It always pays, to become prepared." He was trying to change the channel even faster now. Drawing at a rapid pace.

"I also want to get into dueling."

Everyone's heads snapped towards him after the comment. Dueling? It's the equivalent of Boxing in the real world, a potentially dangerous, yet entertaining sport all the same. Two, three or four people in a ring at the same time, with the goal to knock eachother off the side and out of the competition. One of the greatest sports to watch, that truely has a low injury rate and injuries can be patched up pretty quickly with trickery.

"Damn, I though there must've been another reason, you've been saying the thing about real life fight for ages. So then, need some practice with us, I'm sure we can help you." Aureli smiled welcomingly and Nox returned a rare smile.

"Thanks guys."

Later that day...

"Well, the TV is boring now, I've watched every Christmas advert there is, I'm currently watching a TV show I've never heard of and my mince pie package is finished." Jelly flopped her entire body on the sofa and stretched in boredom. "Anyone up for a walk out?"

"Sure... wait, did you say you ate all the mince pies?"

"Yup, all of em."

Major put his 'winter gear' on, which consisted of double layers of pants, double layers of socks, a thermal undergarment, a t-shirt, joggings and a jumper. Double gloves, a hat and a scarf. Somehow, he was still cold when he went out. Jelly was sitting next to him on the step, both tieing their shoelaces. "I fancy Chinese food. Maybe some prawn crackers, egg fried rice, beef in black bean sauce, chow mein, chicken balls, Peking duck, chips and spring rolls. You getting anything?" She looked over to Majors, now shocked face.

"I thought I was before you asked me." He refocused his mind back on his laces and away from the thought of how much that order costs and how little chance he had of getting any of it.

The two headed out into the dark evening, it was only five o'clock, but it gets dark early these days. Luckily, they didn't live far from a station so they'd get into the heart of London easily. At the barriers for the train. The two pulled out their prism brushes and dabbed some paint into a small socket at the barriers. Money left the account and the barriers swung open. "How come you wanted to take the train? The gateway would've got us there much faster. I know it's more pricey but it saves time." They were both sitting on a cold bench, waiting for the train. Major looked up at a powered down heater, staring right back at him. He pulled out his brush and sent a spark into the heater, bringing it to life. It beat down warm waves of heat at them, which felt like a hug from mother nature herself, well mother science technically. It was like that feeling of drinking a hot chocolate, or drinking the last bit of broth after a tasty bowl of ramen.

The train came, picked them up, and they were on their way, being taken all the way to central London. "To answer your previous question Major, I took the train because I want to kill time, the shows on TV are boring, I'm sick of seeing the same ads over and over again and I'm out of mince pies." She got weirdly flustered at her situation. I mean they're only mince pies.

"Makes sense, but how are you already sick of the Christmas adverts, they've only really just come about." Major was in slight disbelief that she could've already been done with the adverts. Yes, she has a low attention span and yes, she does watch a hell of a lot of TV, but even Major was surprised at that fact.

"Well, this time of year, as in early December, there aren't a whole lot of adverts released now. So the same ones tend to be repeated over and over and you get sick of it after a while, especially when you watch as much TV as I do." Jelly did have a point, I mean she does watch a hell of a lot of TV throughout the day and it's understandable that she gets bored of the Christmas adverts eventually.

"Makes sense actually, well now it's December, there will be a while lot more adverts coming though, I guess your boredom will be short lived if you ask me." Major tried to give a weird reassurance. This was definitely his first time trying to help someone cope with television adverts, strange reason that they had to get out of the house and break their wallets on expensive food in order to quench the thirst of their boredom from a simple advert being repeated. Most definitely not unexpected when the person at the center of all this is none other than Jelly herself, the crowned queen of unexpected.

The train halted at the prestigious Tottenham court road station, at the heart of central London. Possibly the most beloved place for tourists and london folk alike since there really isn't anything that you can't find over at this part of London, also known as Soho. Tons of bars clubs, restaurants and attractions alike, they all make for a tourist melting pot and an extremely noisy night. They walted through the Christmas lit streets, lights hanging from the trees on the pavements of the roads. Surrounded by smiling faces as families and friends alike were all here enjoying their time in the heart of the big city.

Major put his arm around jelly in a friendly manner, trying to make her feel at home and to be in the moment of it all. Her smiling face was like medicine to him, like steroids boosting his own happiness. In that moment, he found it crazy how someone else's smile can lay a metaphorical egg inside and hatch into a pure spark of happiness. The smile of a friend can warm any heart.

"Okay, lights are cool and stuff but can we eat something now. It's literally the reason why I came out." She hugged on his shirt, pulling his gaze away from the hanging lights and towards the street ahead of him, the very same street that led all the way to Chinatown, the same street that held the fate of his bank account after Jellys attack.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming." Major looked up as he walked, taking in the atmosphere, it was amazing. Lights flashing before his eyes, happy faces, smiling laughing and screaming. Screaming?

Both Major and Jellys gaze fixated on a car down the road who was driving abnormally fast, potentially hurting someone. He could hear a woman screaming about a thief and how he took bladdy this and bladdy that from her.

As the car zoomed past their position, a man came out of the sky and stopped the card dead in its tracks with his bare hands, he stood back upright in a manly position, standing with grace, but authority. He was wearing a silly blue, red and yellow costume with a cape flowing from the back brandished with a lightening bolt on it. He held a prism brush up in the air at the driver in the car and he spoke in a really cheesy way, like he was fresh out of a comic. "Stand down villain, or face my wrath. The wrath of the Great Thunder."

Jelly and Major turned to eachother and spoke in tangent. "So does England have, like super heroes now?" They were both a bit distracted by what on earth was unfolding before them. Dumbfounded until the woman next to them started blabbing on about new superheroes in England and the age of super heroes in the world, which, by the way, was anything but music to the ears of Major and Jelly.

"Yess, Great Thunder, I am your biggest fan, please marry me!" The woman next to them was now jumping up and down like she'd lost all composure. Major and Jelly looked around to see a large crowd of fans gathering to watch the action unfold, to see the great hero defeat his target in battle, which mind you, shouldnt be too hard since said opponent is a random thief that stole god knows what.

"Face me villain, and feel heroic wrath!" The hero dude was taunting the thief behind the wheel to come out and face him. The man in the car complied and stepped out before the hero dude.

"And who are you supposed to be? Just come from a kids party? Or you have a terrible taste in onesies?" The thief had one of those cocky natures, strutting about and acting far too relaxed. "Put em up then." He reached into his pocket and grabbed for his brush and launched a red bolt of energy at the 'hero'. He took it on the chin and it sent him blasting back into the crowd, who caught him and pushed him back into the action.

Major tapped Jelly on the shoulder. "Who is this dude and correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't heros mean to be strong or something?"

"Ahem." The crazy superman woman next to them struck conversation. "Ill have you know that the man before you is the legendary vigilante from the 60s. After all these years he's finally made his appearance in the modern day again, in the era of heroes." She held her arms out as if she was being blessed by some sort of divine intervention.

"Aaaaanyway, as I was saying, don't you think this guy's a bit weak for a hero, I mean I guarantee that there's someone else in this crowd that can hand it to that thief." Major shrugged his shoulders at the thought. Although that comment from the woman did spark some intrigue, the part about the 60s. She was referring to the great vigilante era. A time where the world was taken by storm due to an uprising in unofficial heroes nicknamed the vigilantes. Great Thunder was one of the more popular ones as far as my memory goes, but he went missing, late in 66, after a fight with an actuall villain, not some riff raff on the streets of London.

Action was happening though, the hero dude revealed a brush of his own, he started doodling in the air. Luckily for him, the idiot of a thief was waiting his turn. The hero dude started grinning as his brush started sparking with electricity. "Are you ready criminal. Lightning Bolt!" A jolt of lightning shot out of his brush and was blitzed towards the thief.

"Dude, this guy is so cringe, like who shouts out their tricks before they do them. Especially if the name hints as to what the trick does. Imbecile." Major and Jelly were there, chomping on popcorn that they pulled out of a hat. A massive sharing bucket, conjured by one of them.

The smoke from the lightning started to clear, to reveal a clonked out thief, laying on the car bonnet. The hero dude huffed and puffed like he'd just ran a marathon. "I swear trickery doesn't take that much energy. If any at all."

"I think he's doing the 'tough hero battle' schism. Like he's playing the part of a hero or something. I mean it's got the crowd loving him." The crowd started to fold in and surround the hero dude. Fans thanking him for his service and asking for photos and kissing up to him. It was like the entire crowd had turned into an uncontrollable paparazzi.

"Hey, Mr Great Thunder, why didn't you enter with your signature lightning bolt?"

"Mr.Thunder, what other tricks can you perform, can you give us a demonstration."

The whole shabang was a bit of a cuffufel and all Major and Jelly wanted to do was get food and go home. "Excuse me good sir, you seem to be the perfect height for taking a photo of us. Do you mind?" Major turned around to see the masked idiot holding a phone at him. Two girls were hugging him from the sides. Putting two and two together, Major realised that these were the super fans and they wanted a photo at his expense.

"Sure thing." No need to be rude at the end of the day. "Kay, ready?" He held the phone up, trying to get the best angle possible.

"Okay ladies, now say cheese." He had his arms around the two young women. Major's head poked around the phone.

"Why? Give me one good reason why you need to say cheese."

"Okay... We won't." Major took the photo and handed the phone back to one of the women. "Thank you Mr. Thunderrrrr. Well never forget this moment."

"No, no... You're very welcome." Major rolled his eyes and walked away. "How bout that chinese Jelly?"

"Sounds good."

Author note-

Hola mi amigos. The author speaking. Just thought i'd do a little extra paragraph at the end of each chapter to just maybe explain a few things that might get left out. I think it's better than trying to squeeze them into the story and break the flow of it. Also these author notes will just include a bit about me and my process of creativity. Not much to say on the first chapter really, just getting into it but I will say I am very excited for the story and also Christmas in general. Danke for listening. See you in the next chapter!