
Trick of Fate

Here I am running to you again.

Wittyink · Urban
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2 Chs

Hi Stranger!


"My head hurts so bad"

"Fuck that was hell of a night. A near miss..haah...that freak..he'll die the next tym i see him."

"Morning! Vic....had fun last night?"

"Shut up Matt...you don't even know what happened"

"Wow! Looks like i have missed something really interesting"

"Tell me Big brother...what did you do last night"

"Enough already Matt...i'll tell you later"

"Okay... as you say.."

It's 8'o clock already and i am barely up...my head hurts and Matt is on with the bossy stuff.

Why can't i just take a break....this is so annoying.


"Good Morning!"

"How can i help you Sir"

Really...At night i was a freak for him and now when he is sober...he is calling me Sir. Looks like he doesn't remember me. Thats good.(Smirk)


" Can you recommend me a book?"

" Sure Sir"

"What do you think about me?"


" I mean what do you think...which books i would like to read?"

"Oh...Looking at you Sir...I think You are really an ambitious person....So maybe you would like to read this."

"As A Man Thinketh by James Allen"

"I'm impressed Mr. Vic"

"Thankyou Sir"



"My name is Jimmy...you can call me Jim"

"Nice to meet you Mr. Jim."

"So..before i leave would you mind giving me your number Mr.Vic?"

"Yeah Of course Mr.Jim"

"Since you are new here Mr.Jim...i'll give a discount"

"That's really generous of you Mr.Vic."

"Have a good day Mr.Jim"

"You too..Mr. Vic"


Later that evening.


"Hello.... Who's this?"

"Hi Stranger!"

(This sound...this sound seems familiar)

"Do i know you?"

"No..but you are about to"

"Tell me who you are or i'll hang up now"

"No..wait wait....Sorry i was just Kidding....Hey...remember me?.... I'm Jimmy"

"Oh! Mr.Jim...sorry i didn't thought that you would call"

"How can i help you Mr.Jim?"

"Haha...I don't want your help right now...but it would be a great help if you could meet me at a Cafe tomorrow evening...Actually i need your help in writing my Thesis...it's on Machiavelli: The Prince."

"You are really knowledgeable Mr.Vic....can you help me out?"

"Yes Mr.Jim it would be my pleasure helping you."

"Then Mr.Vic meet me at Sunset Cafe...at 7'o clock"

"Alright Mr.Jim"

"See you there pal...Good night"

"Good night"

Mr.Jim looks like he is a serious guy...i have to help him to the best of my abilities.

