
Desire For Revenge

"What do you need?" Drake asked, ignoring Merlyn's words.

Merlyn looked perplexed, as she was certain that she didn't know anyone who owned a penthouse among the people she knew. In fact, Drake was right. She didn't own any units in this building at all. She had only come here to seduce wealthy bachelors and had rushed over when she heard that one of the expensive penthouses in the city had finally been occupied.

"Won't you come out? Let's talk. We're neighbors now," Merlyn said, not giving up on her seductive approach.

"Don't lie," Drake retorted. He finally opened the door, and Merlyn looked at it with anticipation. It took only seconds for her to drop her act once she recognized Drake.

"What the heck? Where's the owner?" Merlyn said, annoyed.

"I am the owner," Drake replied.

"Don't give me crap. I bet you're just a utility boy or a cleaning boy here," Merlyn said with disdainful remarks. "How's life after being fired?"

Drake looked at the woman he once loved, wondering where the sweet and kind Merlyn he used to know had gone, as the woman in front of him was full of arrogance and conceitedness.

"I was not fired," Drake replied, trying to calm his temper. "I resigned."

"Who would even believe you?" Merlyn snorted. "Bellrox is one of the most prominent companies here in Magrao. Who in their right mind resigns from such a place?"

"I did," Drake responded. The more Merlyn spoke, the colder his expression became. "If you have nothing to do here, please leave. I own this whole floor, so you better leave before I call security."

"What?" Merlyn snorted. "You're getting good at acting. Is this the result of being dumped?"

"Merlyn Spenser, I am asking you nicely. Leave."

"Hey, Drake Chwe," Merlyn sneered. "I didn't come here for your nonsense. I came here for the owner of this penthouse, so just screw off. Do your job, clean the floor, or take out the trash."

"You really don't listen to me, huh?"

"Why would I? Stray, filthy dog?"

Drake and Merlyn exchanged deathly glares at each other.

Drake then dialed his phone and called security. Merlyn was not intimidated at all, as she was too sure of herself that Drake definitely didn't own the place.

"Sir, what's wrong?" the security personnel arrived.

"Hey, this janitor of yours is claiming that he's the owner of this penthouse," Merlyn interjected before Drake could speak. She laughed mockingly. "Can you believe that?"

The security personnel looked at Drake awkwardly, as they all knew that Drake owned the place. "Ma'am, who gave you permission to come in here?"

"Who? You should ask the owner of this place," Merlyn said, still laughing. So the security turned to Drake and asked, "Sir, may we know what's wrong?"

Drake sighed and said, "Sir, please escort this lady out of my place, and make sure that no one enters my place without my permission. I would never have bought this place if I knew the security here was so weak."

"W-we have no excuse, sir. We will make sure this doesn't happen again."

Merlyn's jaws dropped, but she didn't give in. She said, "Hey, are you friends with the security? Nice try."

Drake no longer had the energy to deal with Merlyn. He turned his back, and as he closed the door, he could hear Merlyn's high-pitched voice screaming as she was being dragged out of his place.

As Drake leaned against the door, the memory of Merlyn's betrayal, his tormentors, and the humiliation he had experienced came rushing back to him. He felt the anger and rage building inside him, and he wondered if it was finally time to make those who had caused him so much pain pay for their actions. The fire of determination burned in his eyes as he contemplated what steps to take next.

"Who was it, Drake?" Eleanor asked.

"Nothing, just some salesperson," Drake replied.

"Oh, really," Eleanor said. "Anyway, are you going to start working at Aunt Beck's company?"

"Yes, Ely," Drake replied, reminded of what he needed to do about his wealth and his system. "Don't worry, I'll make sure I always make it home before dinner."

"It's okay, Drake, don't push yourself too hard. I am fine now. We are fine now."

"Of course, Ely, thank you."

The next morning, Drake went to DearBeck Co., the arcade and game store owned by Aunt Beck that had grown significantly in a short time with the help of Drake's system and coins. The small store branches Aunt Beck owned had expanded and upgraded within just a few months, gaining recognition in the city of Magrao.

"Drake, you don't have to return to work," Aunt Beck said, not taking her eyes off her computer while addressing Drake.

"Why can't I?" Drake asked.

"Drake, you've never had a vacation. Reward yourself. You're wealthy now. You don't have to work anymore. Trust all the businesses to me."

"But, Aunt Beck, I'm not used to doing nothing at all."

"Find a hobby or try something you've never done before. This is your opportunity to enjoy your life. You're still young. Date!"

"But, Aunt," Drake grumbled.

"Oh, don't tell me you don't trust your money to me anymore. I am extremely transparent about everything related to your finances."

"It's not that, Aunt. I trust you. But I actually..." Drake paused, unable to tell his aunt that he wanted to get back to the people at Bellrox Corp.

"You don't have to worry about Eleanor. She'll be busy studying. You know she has a lot to catch up on her studies."

"I know," Drake sighed. "I can't bother her either."

"Then what is it? Tell me."

"Nothing. Just suggest anything I should do," Drake asked dejectedly.

"Go play golf or tennis. Find a hobby. Go spend your money. Go shopping."

Drake let out another sigh, finally giving in to his aunt's relentless insistence. He exited the DearBeck Co. building, feeling lost and uncertain about his next steps.

"It's not like I can just stroll back into Bellrox and brag about having more money than them now," he muttered to himself, contemplating how to make the folks at Bellrox Corp. regret their past treatment of him. "I'll just look even more foolish."

"User Drake, if you have nothing else to do, please consider making a tribute at the temple," the tribute system chimed in.

"Hey, system, a hundred million is more than enough to change my life. I'm doing fine now. Thanks for the wealth you provided, but I don't feel the need to rush to find that temple," Drake responded.

The system fell silent as he once again rejected its suggestion. It had been persistently urging him to make a tribute, but Drake couldn't fathom how he would even begin to locate the temple when its whereabouts remained so elusive.

"Oh, Drake, is that you?" a man in business attire suddenly approached Drake, peering at the signage. "Are you applying at DearBeck Co.?"

"No, don't bother me," Drake bluntly replied, attempting to walk past the man. But the man grabbed his arm.

"Dude, don't be embarrassed. I heard you got sacked at Bellrox, but what made you brave enough to apply here?" the man said with a condescending tone.

Drake simply stared at the hand gripping his arm, contemplating how low he had fallen for people from Bellrox to think they could look down on him anytime, anywhere.

"Let go," he said.

"Oh, you're feeling brave now?" the man sneered. "Just don't get too cocky, or you'll end up with nothing. You—"

The man couldn't finish his scornful remarks. DearBeck Co. security arrived and promptly separated him from Drake.

"Sir, are you alright?" the burly guard asked.

"I'm fine, thank you," Drake replied.

The man's jaw dropped when he finally noticed how the DearBeck Co. security treated Drake. He was utterly baffled by the sudden change in Drake's status, and his surprise grew when an expensive-looking car pulled up right in front of Drake, with a valet handing him the key.

"Don't loiter in front of my company," Drake remarked before hopping into his car.

As Drake drove off, the bystanders were not only stunned but also filled with speculation.

"Wait, is he the owner of DearBeck Co.?"

"No, I thought the owner was a middle-aged woman."

"Did you not read the article properly? The founder was a woman, but the owner is a young man. I'm pretty sure that was the owner."

"Wow, he's so cool, and he's so young."

The murmuring of the crowd around the man brought him back to reality. He straightened his tie and yelled in embarrassment, "DearBeck Co. is still a new company! What's so special about it?"

"Oh, he looks like he's from BellRox Corp. Is he feeling threatened?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. DearBeck Co. is a real market powerhouse; the company's growth is off the charts."

"He must be out of his mind to confront the owner of DearBeck Co. in the street."

Not wanting to feel more embarrassed, the man hurriedly left the area, his face flushed with embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Drake sat in his car, seething with frustration. He had impulsively stopped in front of the Bellrox Corp. building, overwhelmed by his anger and uncertainty about how to deal with the emotion.

His phone rang, and he picked it up, listening to the voice on the other end.

"Drake, I heard about what happened in front of the building," Aunt Beck said.

"Oh, Aunt, I'm sorry about that," Drake replied.

"No need to apologize. Are you okay?" Aunt Beck inquired.

"Actually, no," Drake admitted in frustration. "I... I really want them to know that they can't look down on me anymore, but I just can't."

"You should have told me about this, Drake."

"Aunt, I didn't want to burden you," Drake explained. "You're already swamped with managing the business. I thought I should just help you."

"Drake, I'm not stopping you from helping me, but what I want most is for you to take a break. You've been through a lot. Rest before you set another goal in life," Aunt Beck advised.

Drake fell silent, torn between his desire for revenge and his aunt's plea for a peaceful respite.

"Are you still there?" Aunt Beck asked.

"I am," Drake replied.

"Well, if you're really set on getting back at them, I have a way," Aunt Beck said.

"Really? How?" Drake's energy surged, and he straightened up, eagerly awaiting Aunt Beck's response.

"Bellrox Corp. sent me a portfolio. We reviewed a candidate but decided to pass. You can do what you want with it. I'll send you the details of the meeting. Can you go to Bellrox later?"

"I'm already here, Aunt," Drake replied, excitement in his voice.


"I'm in front of Bellrox! I'm itching to get back at them!"