
Tribulations of Abyss

A child born out of darkness, can he achieve greatness? ... A naruto fanfic. No harem, No OPMC and definetly no system. Some of the content will be graphic.

Atha_Z · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

The liquid

The figure with the black mask stood on the roof of the two-floor orphanage. The figure removed her mask to reveal her beautiful but sharp facial features. She had ice cold eyes that shone brilliantly with a thousand heaven's might as those beautiful blue eyes reflected the intense moonlight from the full moon. Her lips, that was as red as the setting sun, curled into a mischievous smile as she thought the first night that she met with that interesting baby boy. She couldn't forget how that newborn that was torn apart from her corpse of a mother stared her with eyes reflecting the abyss.

"I have met with many, killed even more but it seems that all I could think nowadays is that baby boy and his deep, lifeless yet shining eyes." She ridiculed herself while jumping from the roof to the garden. There was no sound in her landing, not even a spec of dust flew from her impact. As if the nature itself was unaware of her presence there was not a single thing amiss from the garden. She opened the orphanage's door just enough for her to squeeze and went in without wasting a single moment. First, she went to the nun's room and made a half tiger seal with her right hand. Her first two fingernails started glowing faintly as she used a miniscule fire release, using her fingernails she made a small bump in the lock mechanism that would be just enough for her to complete her mission and make a clean getaway when she unavoidably woke up the whole orphanage.

"Huh, those must be new. This is going to be messy." she thought to herself. She was pretty sure there was no other baby's presence when she brought the boy. She took out a syringe and the container that had the dark liquid from her bag. When she came in front of the crib that was in the corner surprisingly boy was already looking at her. At first the baby's eyes were wandering on her body as if it was searching for something but when she came closer, he locked onto her eyes. Those pitch-black eyes that was staring into her so intently as if he was trying to understand the complete integrity of her being amazed her once more. They were staring at each other's eyes for a while when she came to her senses and opened the container that had the black liquid. Immediately after she opened the lid an ominous chakra filled the room, she felt as if a thousand suns pressing down her as she felt the chakra crept upon her soul and started corrupting it with the black flames of the abyss. After a brief moment of panic, she riled her chakra and rotated in her own chakra path she could feel the pressure lessen as she sped up the rotation. Finally, chakra released her as she drew in a relieved breath. She observed closely as she didn't want to make a mistake as she sucked in the black liquid with the syringe. The baby boy was still looking at her eyes when she finished and put the empty container to her back pocket. She took the syringe and placed at the baby's stomach, right in the chakra center, right before she pierced the skin of the baby, she looked at the baby boy's eyes.

"He is still staring at me. That little pervert." Thought the woman as her mood raise. Then mercilessly she pierced the needle up to its end in one swift motion. The baby interestingly didn't cry or scream. In the eyes of the baby there was an expression of familiarity like he was used to the such treatment. There weren't any signs of pain in the baby boy's face, just discomfort and a slight frown. The woman was shocked again at the boy's expression.

"How?" she thought. She couldn't make the baby fall asleep as this procedure required that the patient to be awake thus, she was expecting a lot of screaming and crying. From the entry point of the needle the dark liquid was travelling thru chakra channels and infecting the tenketsu points. As the liquid got further from the entry point the baby's frown got deeper and deeper.

"Hmph, as expected." She said as she understood that the baby was going to cry. The dark liquid that was spreading on the chakra network made the baby looking almost inhuman. When the baby started wailing on top of his lung the woman was already gone. With one baby crying and screaming, the others woke up and started crying as well, then the whole orphanage woke up.

The Nun woke up with the babies cry and hurriedly light her candle as she rushed towards the babies' room, but to her surprise the door wasn't opening. She made a desperate attempt at opening it once more but to no avail. She took a step back kicked the door with all her might, the door shook but the doorknob's mechanism didn't let the door to be opened. She put the candle at the ground took five steps back, all the way to the end of her small bedroom. She started rushing to the door and molding her chakra at the same moment, when she was about to hit the door with her kick, she directed all of her chakra to the sole of her foot as she aimed at the doorknob. With an impact that even the kids upstairs felt, her foot blasted through the doorknob. She rushed and busted through to the babies' room.

The dark liquid spread through the entire chakra channel of the baby, from the chakra system the liquid materialized itself in the hart of the baby. As the baby boy's hart pumped the black blood, the black blood reached to the ends of the baby's muscles an organ, it was slowly being absorbed and losing its pitch-black color. The now greyish-black substance entered the boy's nerves he twitched with his whole body. The liquid made its way from the nerves to the boy's vertebrate. The baby ceased all movement when his vertebrate was invaded. The liquid now greyish white came to the brain stem through the vertebrate, it was absorbed thoroughly there. When the absorption of the liquid was finished, the baby had already stopped crying, in fact the baby wasn't even moving anymore. And at exact same moment that the absorption finished, the nun bust through the door with a worried look and holding a candle in her left hand that was taking its last breath. She saw that all the babies except one is crying, the baby in the corner crib was not crying, she first checked the ones who cry thinking that they could have hurt themselves during their sleep but found nothing that would raise such hell, she started checking all the babies who are crying and when she checked the baby who is not crying, which he was furthest away from the door, she felt as if she was dipped in boiling water. The baby was not breathing.