
Tribal Reincarnation

Tribal Reincarnation is a story about a boy who was reincarnated into a small tribe after passing away due to an illness. With his new name, Hakkar, he plans to live a life unshackled by his past illness and uncover the mystery of his reincarnation. Will Hakkar’s life go according to plan or will grief befall him yet again? Follow Hakkar on his journey to unravel the mysteries that surround him and his new life. ========== This story won’t contain any brain-dead characters, Systems, and or Cliche Aspects. Also, this story will not contain a harem. Most of the time, harems ruin good stories. The Main Characters' emotions will change from arc to arc, and will always be going through character development. This story is a new take on isekai and how to do it. After getting tired of reading the same thing over and over, this story will expand on new isekai ideas and reincarnation as a whole. ========== Since this is my first time writing a novel I would greatly appreciate advice from anyone that is willing to give it. My style may be crude at first, but as time goes on I’ll adapt to be better. Thank you. ========== For every 25 Power Stones, I will release a bonus chapter. 5 Reviews: 1 Bonus Chapter 15 Reviews: 2 Bonus Chapters 25 Reviews: 3 Bonus Chapters

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Mana Network

"As I said before, Mana Network deals a lot with external mana and not so much internal. For the most part, it's just a substitute for Mana Awareness since my internal mana is lacking. First off, I'll use my internal mana to connect to every external mana partial, within a 2-foot radius of me. After that, I will use the external mana I've connected to, to branch off to other external mana particles. This would allow me to-." I was saying before Mr. Auger cut me off.

"WRONG, that's not how it works. Many people have tried the same technique as you... but it's just impossible. You can certainly get to your 5-foot radius doing that... the only problem is, you'd be 100 years old by the time you achieve it. In fact, I even tried it at one point, thinking I could be the one to break this barrier, but I soon came to realize the complications that came with it. You see, natural mana isn't as easy to control as internal mana. Once you connect to a natural mana particle, it won't allow you to use it any further, since you're 'invading' it. After we found this out, our race as a whole became content with the 1:1 ratio. Which resulted in the thousands of 'Mana Techniques' we know today." Mr. Auger said while taking a deep breath after talking.

'Should I tell him I've already reached the 5-foot mark?'

Before I could speak, Mr. Auger started talking again... almost like he was an actual teacher.

"Don't get mana techniques mistaken for magic though... since the only way to use magic, is to use the natural mana in the surroundings without interacting with it. For some reason, the natural mana... moves on its own accord when it comes to magic. You never have to worry about the natural mana when it comes to casting spells, you only have to worry about your internal mana running out. This is why mana techniques have plateaued, and magic has continued to rise. I hate to break it to you, but since you're lacking in internal mana... you'll never be able to push past that limit." Mr. Auger said while leaning back.

"Uhhh, Mr. Auger? I've already used Mana Network to breach my 5-foot radius." I said while scratching my cheek.

"Yeah yeah, I know it's unfair, but… wait what did you say?" Mr. Auger said while sitting up and interlocking his fingers.

"I've already been able to use the technique past what my internal mana allows. Yes, the mana control is different, but once I got used to it, I felt like the natural mana was working with me. For some reason, I also felt pity." I said while smiling.

"Pitied by mana... what does that even mean? Hey Hakkar, show me that technique real fast." He said while lost in thought.

After he asked me to show him my technique, I connected my internal mana to every natural mana particle within a 2-foot radius. After that, I used the natural mana I was connected with, to branch off to other natural mana particles until I had a web of mana, about 5 feet around me.

"It's real... you truly are using the natural mana to branch off. I don't believe it though, even if I see it... I just can't believe it. Millions have tried, but never succeeded... so what makes you different." He said with shock all across his face.

"Like I said Mr. Auger... the mana pities me for some reason." I said while blankly looking at him.

"You know, Hakkar, I've always thought you were a weird one, but this right here… tops everything you've done while I've been here. A 4-year-old using a technique that was thought to have been impossible. There's no other way to describe you, you're just flat-out weird." Mr. Auger said while flailing his arms.

"Would you shut up… I finally figured out how to push past my limits that were set upon me before birth, and all you have to say is 'You're weird'. You know what I have to say to that? I don't care one bit, and you're to blame for that. You told me that your mana capacity is above average, meaning that almost everyone in the world would have around the same amount of mana as you. Unfortunately, I'm one of the few who wasn't blessed by such an average… and yet I clawed my way forward... just to get called 'weird' by my own teacher. You see how that makes me feel." I said while raising my voice.


Silence, neither Mr. Auger nor myself made a single noise for what felt like an hour. That was before Mr. Auger broke the silence by apologizing.

"Yeah, maybe I jumped a little overboard when saying all that, but how could I not? Even the smartest mages couldn't figure out how to push past that barrier... and yet in one day, you do exactly what they couldn't. In fact, they even made it one of the laws of mana... 'natural mana can never be forced'. Everyone believed in that, but now you've thrown that law out the window. *Sigh* only if you were born in the Empire... you would be able to become far stronger. I guess, I can kinda see why the mana would pity you in a sense." Mr. Auger said in a genuine tone.

"Thank you for apologizing, but after hearing what you said… I'm not too sure if I want to be the only one using this technique. I mean, wouldn't the Empire catch wind of this, and send people to come capture me?" I said with concern.

"No need to be afraid, brat... your amazing wonderful teacher, will not allow anyone to catch wind of this. You just have to promise me one thing." Mr. Auger said while leaning forward even more.

"Yeah? What am I agreeing to?"

"Promise me that you'll side with the Empire if a war were to ever break out. I'm not asking you to go to war... just promise me you won't join those detestable Demons. So what do you say?" Mr. Auger said with hatred in his voice.


"Uhhh… sure, but might I ask who the Demons are?" I said while tilting my head.

"What? You don't know about Demons? Well, I guess you've never seen a map before." Mr. Auger said with surprise in his voice.

After saying that, he proceeded to leave the carriage and come back with a large piece of paper, that was rolled up. When he sat back down, he placed the paper on the table and rolled it out.

"Ok, so let's start with the Empire. It is located on the East side of the continent and makes up 20% of the total space. On the West side... is the Demon race, who just like us, take up around 20% of the total space. Unlike us though... they aren't human, they come in all shapes and sizes, and although some may look human... they're not. Let me just tell you, that when you see one... you'll know." Mr. Auger said with a serious face.

'I'll know when I see one, huh? This world just keeps getting more interesting by the second.'

"Wow... so both of your areas take up 40% of the total space on the continent... then what's the remaining 60%." I said with enthusiasm.

"The rest of the 60%... is taken up by millions of different tribes, and around here would be where you live, right next to the south side of the continent." Mr. Auger said while pointing at everything.

'Questions... I still have thousands of questions to ask him, but I should hold off. Every time he talks, even more questions arise... but I guess that's the fun of this new life. There's always another mystery I can pursue.'