
Tribal Reincarnation

Tribal Reincarnation is a story about a boy who was reincarnated into a small tribe after passing away due to an illness. With his new name, Hakkar, he plans to live a life unshackled by his past illness and uncover the mystery of his reincarnation. Will Hakkar’s life go according to plan or will grief befall him yet again? Follow Hakkar on his journey to unravel the mysteries that surround him and his new life. ========== This story won’t contain any brain-dead characters, Systems, and or Cliche Aspects. Also, this story will not contain a harem. Most of the time, harems ruin good stories. The Main Characters' emotions will change from arc to arc, and will always be going through character development. This story is a new take on isekai and how to do it. After getting tired of reading the same thing over and over, this story will expand on new isekai ideas and reincarnation as a whole. ========== Since this is my first time writing a novel I would greatly appreciate advice from anyone that is willing to give it. My style may be crude at first, but as time goes on I’ll adapt to be better. Thank you. ========== For every 25 Power Stones, I will release a bonus chapter. 5 Reviews: 1 Bonus Chapter 15 Reviews: 2 Bonus Chapters 25 Reviews: 3 Bonus Chapters

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24 Chs

Empires Envoy

After the 'discussion' in the Elders' hut, a month passed by with no complications coming from the tribe across the river. This was all thanks to the old geezer, he kept the men in check and led the village with an iron fist. He wouldn't allow anyone to cross the river and if they did... all you could do was pray for them.

I thought that the tribe would still be able to function during this time, but boy was I wrong. First of all, they can't think for themselves anymore without getting the old geezers' approval first. Can I do this? Can I do that? I sort of feel bad for him, but he's doing all he can to keep this village afloat... I guess it just comes with the territory.

Along the way, the old geezer has been teaching Kerr what it takes to be a leader. They've been setting up traps and going over hit-and-run tactics with our soldiers. I was surprised when I saw Kerr actually contributing. I think when I was 5, I was trying to figure out how far my finger can go up my nose. I guess when you live the life that Kerr has, you're bound to grow up fast. If I'm being honest, Kerr is going to make a wonderful tribal Chief in the future.

Once I knew that the old geezer had the situation under control, I started training in the forest again, but since there were fewer men that could hunt, I had to step up. I started hunting bigger game, such as Uub, which are just large deer with 4 eyes and 6 antlers, along with these weird pitch-black boars that had large tusks with sharp fur.

When I finished hunting for the day, I would spend my time training, and keeping an eye out to the North. Even though I was confident that the tribe across the river wouldn't make their move, you can never be too safe.

In the end, a single month wasn't enough time to drastically increase my barriers abilities, but now that I'll have Mr. Auger training me, I should improve faster.


"Welp... there they are, the Empires Envoy. A bit early this year though, it's not even noon yet." Kerr said as he stood next to me at the front of the village.

"Earlier the better, if Mr. Auger got permission to train me for a week, then I want to start as soon as possible." I responded.

"Oh yeah, I sort of forgot that my Father made a deal like that with him. Whatever the case, you must use that time perfectly, Hakkar. No slacking off!"

"Like I'd slack off at a time like this... who do you take me for?"

"Hahaha, I just wanted to make sure, that's all."

After Kerr and I had finished bickering, the Envoy was right in front of our faces. The Envoy consisted of 12 large horse-drawn carriages that all flew the flag of the Empire. The flag consisted of an eye that had a red iris, and a black pupil in the shape of a cross with its points shaped in a half circle. Behind the eye, was a silver sword with no crossguard standing straight up in front of a golden sun.

"Pretty elaborate flag they got, ay Hakkar." Kerr said.

"You can say that again, I can't even start to guess what that's all supposed to symbolize." I responded.

As we were looking at the Empire's elaborate flag, Mr. Auger walked straight in front of us without making a single noise.

"Hello there gentleman, admiring the Empire's beautiful flag." He said with a smile.

"Woah! Don't sneak up on people like that Mr. Auger, you almost made my heart stop beating." I said while holding my chest.

"Hmm, Where's Chief Tyu? He's usually here by now to greet me." Mr. Auger said while looking around.

"He won't be showing up anymore Mr. Auger. My father passed away during our last battle with the tribe across the river." Kerr said with a sullen face.

"I see… I guess you're the ones who put that last tribe into such a state of panic. Well, I knew something was up when I saw that brat's eyes... They've changed." Mr. Auger said while looking directly at me.

"Such is life, Mr. Auger." I responded.

"You're a weird kid, you know that Hakkar. I've never seen someone as young as you, act the way you do. It's pretty freaky." Mr. Auger said while pointing at me and making a weirded-out face.

"Would you stop that? The only reason I'm even talking to you is because I wanted to know if you got permission from the council, or whatever." I said with a blank expression.

"I did, but the council wasn't very happy about it, so this is a one-time offer. If I have to listen to another lecture from them, I might just go deaf." Mr. Auger said while wiping away a tear with his handkerchief.

"So when do we start?" I said impatiently.

"Slow your roll there kid, we still have to get some paperwork settled with your new Chief, and set up all the stalls. Since we'll be here a week, the stall owners have to spend time picking a good spot." Mr. Auger said while lighting a cigar with fire magic that was on his index finger.

"I don't have time for stall owners to pick a good spot. I need every minute of this training, not a second can be wasted." I said with a scowl.

"If you're that much in a rush, how about I start you off with Victor." He said while blowing smoke toward me.


"VICTOR?!! He couldn't tell a blade of grass from a rock, how is Victor going to help?" I was getting impatient.

"I heard that." Victor chimed in from the back.

"And so what if you did, Victor?" I said with an eyebrow raised.


"No response? You really know how to get under my skin." I said through a clenched jaw while my eye was twitching.

"Hahaha, don't worry. Victor is smart when it comes to combat, he'll teach you everything you need to know about techniques from the Empire. Hopefully... the ones you can actually use though. You know, maybe I should warn him beforehand." Mr. Auger said with a worried face.

"Whatever, tell Victor to come train me already. I can't waste any more time."

"Yeah yeah, but first, where's your new Chief?"

"Well, it may be hard to believe, but he's standing right in front of you." I said while pointing at Kerr.

As Mr. Auger looked in front of him, his face grew more and more upset.

"*Sigh* wonderful... I love dealing with children." Mr. Auger said sarcastically.