I layed on old boxes I smashed down to make a bed, the lantern was powered by a solar battery, there were a couple of candles left in my bag, I grabbed one of the candles than lit it with a magnesium flint, it was cold in the concrete room but I had no choice, the surrounding tribes in the city patrolled all day and night which made moving around very difficult.
Nobody really knows how this all started, but we remember watching out loved ones fall I'll and suffering before passing. Luckily, for me my parents had passed away when I was younger, I was spared that fate but the others of my age and a little older were not so lucky. I pulled out all the contents of my green military duffel bag to my disappointment I only had three twenty-four ounce bottles of water, seven tablets of water purification, a compass, a hunting knife with a bone handle, four cans of canned food, a pound of tobacco, seven packs of rolling papers, a three ounce bottle lighter fluid, a first aid kit, a small bottle of antibiotics, a roll of gauze, three books of teaching you about basic carpentry, electronics and survival. I put one of the cans to the side, I tied the hunting knife to my upper leg, I I pull out an open pack of rolling papers, I rolled myself seven cigarettes, I put the papers back with the tobacco and I put everything away. I pulled my box of matches out from my right coat pocket on the lower part of the coat. I sparked the match to life an I lit the cigarette, I took a puff from the cigarette, as the nicotine built up in my lungs a familiar calmness washed over me and of course I got light headed for a few moments, I pulled out a bottle of water an poured myself a cup, I sipped on it for a few, the room became quite an still. The flame from the wick which burned on the tip of the candle, danced from side to side as the wind blew into the room from the poorly covered window due to the tattered plastic, which at some point covered the window but now it had holes an tears in it. Than the howls came, the Wolves tribe was out for blood for their missing leader, which his lifeless body would be found, sooner rather than later, I puffed on my cigarette as I sat there making a plan, I turned off the lantern and blew out the candle. I did kill the leader to the Wolves tribe but for good reason, his name was Vulch, he was a nasty piece of work he was, his anger and viciousness knew no bounds. He killed my older brother and my little sister, my siblings belonged to a tribe known as the Exos, my sister an brother were took captive by Vulch and he sold them to slaves. I tracked them down, which took me seven months to do so but when I did they been raped, beaten, they suffered from malnutrition and the worst of it they asked me to end their suffering. Tears fell down my face as I thought of them, my brother Joe was the strong an wise one, my sister Carolann she was the smarts an the heart and as for me I was the black sheep or the trouble maker. Nothing I did seemed to be right or I was just can't get right my brother and sister always did right by me, so when I found out what happened to them and I finally did right by them. I gave them a proper burial with their fellow tribe the Exos and after their burials I set off for my revenge, I got it in full one hundred percent. I heard footsteps but I could tell they were far away, I put out the cigarette bagged up the lantern an the candle, I closed the duffel bag afterwards putting it over my left shoulder, I quietly an with a quickness I got out of the building and kept moving to the next sector. I was in sector one out of eighteen, I was on my way to sector twelve because that nomad territory, where free people with no attachment to any tribe go to disappear or to form a new tribe just as long it is okayed by tribal leaders. As long as one tribal leader says its okay than its okay. I moved without stopping, the night was pitch black out out except for the bright moon light that pierced through the darkness of the night. I moved throughout the night without stopping once for a break, as sun began to rise, I stumbled through a darkened alley with debris all over, as I forced myself onward I fell forward and before I hit the ground I passed out from exhaustion. I dreamt of my brother and sister, they looked at me and smiled, their was a cloth on the beautiful green grass with food and fruit in a basket off to the side. They waved for me to come over I smiled and an old familiar feeling came back to me as I ran to hug them an to hold them.
"How have you been brother? Joe asked me with his suave grin, which all the female's loved about him.
"Don't be pushy you cheeky bastard, he only just arrived. So do tell me brother how have you been?" Carolann nudged Joe in his left side, Joe shrugged it off but was taken a back by her response.
"I've missed you both, I'm sorry I couldn't save you, but-" I began to speak to them as tears fell down my face but before I could finish my brother cut me off.
"You got revenge? Sometimes little bro revenge isn't the key. I know right now you dont understand but you will someday. Go now and don't forget that we love you an we will always be with you." I fell to my knees, my sister took my hand an put a necklace in my palm, my brother kneeled beside me as well but what was strange is that I never seen her wear it nor in her possession.
"Wake up!" my sister screamed but it wasn't her voice, it was a stranger's.
"Wake up!" the voice of the shout escaped my sister's lips but again the voice was not hers.
I was shaken awake by a young women dressed in white, black and red feathers in her hair. She was a beautiful woman around the age of seventeen or eighteen, she pulled me up and we immediately began running full on sprint toward somewhere new an strange. Mixed emotions flowed over me, I just talked to my dead siblings, I killed the man an the slavers who tortured and murdered my siblings, plus not to mention a surge of adrenaline was coursing through my body. We ran on an on, it honestly felt like forever, I wasn't used to this country because I wasn't born here nor raised here, I was raised in United States Of America but my family moved to London a year before the breakout that murdered practically most of the human race, so I must admit a fear come over me as well, I pushed my emotions far down and mustard all of my strength an energy into sprinting as fast as I could. We ran for what seemed like forever, the hot sun grew hotter as the morning came closer to noon, we finally crossed through a dense forest and as we moved further an further into the forest, the echoes of angry voices began to disappear, finally we were safe. I collapsed against a tree, I ruffled through my bag grabbed a bottle of water an through it to the mysterious woman who just saved my life, I breathed slowly to calm my pacing heart and within a few minutes my heart went back to a normal steady beat, I even checked my pulse to make sure. I pulled out my bottle of weather, I unscrewed the top an starting to drink the surprisingly cool water, after a few moments she approached me and sat down in front of me.
"Two things I need to know first before we travel any further together. The first being the most obvious what is your name?" she looked at me with a serious facial expression with a slight mix of worry. I pulled a leather pouch out of my left inner jacket pocket, which had been tattered and worn due to how old it was. I quickly rolled a cigarette and lit with a match that was in the leather pouch with the tobacco. I inhaled the fist hit, my body became calm an relaxed enough to talk.
"Louis." I responded simply as I exhaled. I took of sip of water waiting for the next her final question, a sense of dread came over me and a swirl of thoughts filled my ears.
'What if she knows who I am? If she did would I be dead or something more than meets the eye to this mysterious woman? In any case she did stick her neck out for me and I should give her the benefit of the doubt.' I thought to myself after I answered her question, I inhaled the stale nicotine from the tobacco within the paper. after a few moments I began to get uncomfortable because she just stared me and I think she was just as curious about me as I was about her, but it didn't make it less creepy.
"Where's your tribe? Where do you come from? I only ask because your accent is different and I get the feeling you aren't from around here." the only way to describe her expression of emotion would be excitement, she leaned closer to here my response.
"I was born in the United States of America, as for a tribe I dont have one, nor do I belong to one. I am what you would call a Nomad. Someone who is like a lone wolf, just in case if you were wondering." I flicked the cigarette and we both got up and holstered our bags over our shoulders.
"I would call you crazy Nomad but in these times it makes sense why you would, but where I am going I'm going to the Battle Of Arms tournament that the Knights of Kal are holding in a few days. You more than welcome to tag along." She didn't even wait for my response she just started walking, I think she knew I would follow her, I looked down in my left hand was the necklace my sister had given me in my dream an now here it lied in my hand. I put on, whiped the tears away from my eyes and I immediately started moving forward to catch up the mysterious woman who I still didn't know the name of, yet.
It taking us long to make our way to the Knights Of Kal stronghold, which surprisingly much like a small castle, with a thick metal fence, there was alot of people pitching up tents to sell their wares for the tournament that was to come. I followed the mysterious woman to sign up for the tournament and that's when I found her name, she went by Raven. We were greeted by the young man in charge of where people went to which category of combat wether it be archery, hand to hand combat or the battle master challenge, but the only way to qualify for the battle master challenge one must first become first in archery and hand to hand combat. Without a second I signed up for the battle master challenge, it was either out everything on the line or live the rest of my life in fear an shame.
"Name and challenge." the young man spoke without looking up. He was 5"8, husky built, sandy brown hair with brown eyes and he looked about 20 years old.
"Nomad and the battle master challenge." I responded boldy.
"Nomad huh? Well Nomad you got guts kid, but who am I to stop a dreamer. Good luck kid your gonna need it." the young man laughed and ushered the contestants forward.
I was handed an arm red arm band, a bag with mysterious contents and a tent roll with a blanket. This was all for me to keep, I smiled and I went somewhere off into the distance to set up my tent, I found somewhere nice near a the creek away from every surrounded by some trees and bushes. I set up the tent immediately, the tent took twenty minutes to set up, after ward I pulled a nearby log closer to me for me to sit, I gathered fire wood, some stones to make a small fire pit, I found a freshly killed elk by the creek, I dragged the carcass to my camp, I grabbed my hunting knife from my bag which inside of the tent I started harvesting the meat, I took the hide of carcass laid it down, I cracked open the skull of the elk and used it's brains to moisturize the hide before letting it dry. I cleaned off my blade an reholstered it, I grabbed my empty bottle and refilled it by the nearby creek which had stones in it to purify the contents of water an making safe to drink. I went back to my camp, surprisingly I found Raven sitting on the log and she had the fire already started, she was rolling a cigarette for me an herself.
"Here you go Nomad. I hope you dont mind me making myself at home, but I didn't know anybody here and I thought since I helped you out you would help me out." she spoke softly and innocently. She looked at me with you pouty eyes and I caved.
"Of course Raven, like you said I owe you a debt. So help yourself." I responded with kindness and sincerity. Raven wasn't a bad person, not by a long shot and it was nice to have the company.
Raven went to slicing up some of the elk meat to cook it, she handed me a cigarette, it was already lit so I inhaled the nicotine from the stale tobacco, I pulled out the bag from the servant handed it to me, I poured the contents out, I found a bag of one hundred chits, a basic set of clothing, newer boots, fingerless gloves, three blocks of metal ingots for making my weapon of choice and a couple bundles of leather for tethering for making a basic armour set. I hit the cigarette again, I looked in the bad again to see if there was anything else, in a secret pocket I found ten rare golden nuggets worth a small fortune and I called over Raven.
"What's up Nomad?" Raven responded as she wiped the sweat from her eyes from being so close to the fire. I showed her the golden nuggets and her eyes immediately went wide.
"I know where we could trade those in, after we eat we can go in the Bizarre market, if you want to that is." Raven voice almost squeaked as she spoke from shock. I gave her two golden nuggets out of seven total, she hugged me so tightly I thought I was gonna choke to death.
"Sound like a plan to me, but Raven you're choking me." I spoke with a pause after so many words because of her squeezing me so tightly and my breathe was in short supply.
"Oh sorry, but we should eat quickly, so we can get to the Bizarre market before they close. I think we should get some help, maybe perhaps buy some slaves their freedom and they might swear their loyalty to you. Plus, you might want to make a banner for the tournament and you might want to choose a song for your entrance for combat. I'm trying to be helpful is all." Raven let me go, as I regained my breathe I put the gold nuggets in a bag, she spoke quickly as if she was excited for what she could buy.
"If I did make a banner, would you ride under with me? I only ask because we work better as a team versus against each other, the rules state if we were under the same banner we couldn't be matched against each other. Besides, there's no one else here I trust, so what do you say Commander?" I picked one of the nuggets out of my leather pouch and as I quietly waiting for her response before making my next move.
"Well....Ah fuck it, I'm in." Raven walked up, she spit in her hand and I did the same an we shook on it.
"Here, consider this one of your bonuses." I tossed her the nugget, her smile grew wickedly wide.
The food cooked, Raven and I talked about our lives before the virus wiped most of the human population, our interests, and we decided to roll a lot of cigarettes an split them between us. The food was finally done, we chowed it down relatively fast, afterwards we found a nearby guard we paid him a fine price to watch our stuff while shopped.It didn't take us too long to find the closest vendor for the basic essentials such as; water, dry food, clothing, and electronical inventions, etc.
"Welcome to Marley and Harley's shop, where you can never go wrong with our wares. How can we help my lady and my lord?" two identical twins, young beautiful women, both looked like they could take down an army a piece. They spoke loudly but with a mix of elegance and softness, which was rare in my opinion.
"Yes were looking to shop in a medium size chest full of equipment." Raven spoke up immediately as she tossed a single gold nugget on the table towards the twin on the left.
"For this single gold nugget we will give you each a single medium size chest of our finer wares, which camp is yours?" the twin on left spoke to Raven, as the other one waved me over, I walked over to her an she brought to the back of the shop where she gave me a rectangle box with no visual marking nor deterioration from aging, so it was a prototype of sorts, I opened it and inside was a single vial and gun to inject the vial.
"I found this in a military base, everything was destroyed but a single room was left untouched, my sister doesn't know of its existence, the serum in theory is not just a cure for the virus but it slightly alters ours as well, you will be stronger, faster and smarter. If you do this, you can't tell nobody this and I mean ever." her hands were shaking, her nerves seemed wrecked, but she was sincere as anyone could ever be. I nodded, I took the vial, loaded it into the injector and injected it into my shoulder.
"Awesome, the effects wont hit you until later on tonight. Take these as my gift to you. They are gauntlets that had hidden blades under the wrist for a quick and silent takedown. Use them wisely an with care." she fitted them on my wrist and ushered me out towards Raven where our chests were waiting for us an armed patrol set to watch us as we shopped so we wouldn't end up being robbed. We left Marley and Harley's shop, we told the four soldiers to take these chest to our tent, on the far side of the encampment.
"Next stop to get our banner done. Got any ideas on a symbol? If not, I got a few." Raven asked as we started making our way to the Banner craftsman shop.
"A Phoenix on fire with a black cloth in the background and have the Phoenix be red with a tint of yellow." I replied as I grabbed a smoke for Raven and myself from my leather pouch which was located in my left coat pocket. I lit mine and I lit her as well with the same match.
"Sounds like you have given this some thought, an a Phoenix is considered almost immortal in a sense because it's reborn from it's own ashes. I can get behind that." Raven spoke, she paused and hit the cigarette.
"If we do this, starting a new tribe, than we have to stand for something that can be immortalized and stand the sands of time. This world has been thrown in chaos with a mix of hell on earth, The Phoenix will be there to fight that evil, so children, mothers and fathers an the people can feel safe from the horrors outside our gates. We will be that sanctuary for them and for a better world." I hit the cigarette after my little rant, Raven slapped me in back and smiled before speaking.
"Man you can inspire people you know that." she whispered to me.
"What? What are-" but before I could speak another world, a small group of twelve people started cheering and clapping, I didn't realize that I was speaking so loudly, I got a little over passionate about the subject.
"We agree with you stranger, if you're starting a new tribe we wanna join, we have been traveling for a very long time, an this chaos of hellish proportions you speak of exists and if you are offering sanctuary than we wish to join you? What is your name my lord?" the older man of the bunch, looking in his early twenties, spoke desperately but truthfully at the same time. I looked at Raven, she never spoke only nodded.
"My camp is at the far end of the encampment, you can make yourselves at home, there's food there as well. My name is Nomad, I will be with you all shortly, but at this moment I am going to get our banner made. I will not be long." a soldier ushered the travelers to my camp safely.
"Not bad Nomad. If I didn't know better I would say you were born to lead. No need to be afraid, my name Tibuyas. I'm known for my banner making, I just hope you can make up on that promise." a young man stood against the wall, arms crossed, he was around my height just less muscular and he weighed less than me as well.
"Nice to meet you Tibuyas, this is my first in command Raven and of course you know who I am. Here catch!" I tossed a gold nugget to Tibuyas, his eye's lit up as he caught it. He didn't speak he just ushered Raven and I quickly into his shop, he shut the door and locked it.
"Here are a few deed to lands nearby, that I personally own, pick one it's yours. I have a few banner's already made you can browse through or I can make you one, here's a few sets of basic armour styles for your army once you get enough population growing in your tribe. Oh I almost forgot you have to choose a title if your a leader of a tribe-" but before Tibuyas could finish what I answered his last question.
"Lord Nomad." I cut Tibuyas and spoke boldly and true, if my words could have force, they would've knocked down Tibuyas.
"Raven would you be so kind to select a deed of land and the armor set. I will talk to Tibuyas about our banner, you know our colors commander." as I spoke the words, she immediately checked the deed, shortly afterwards she selected a deed, Tibuyas smiled.
"Your commander is smart Nomad." Tibuyas spoke out of respect, I offered him a cigarette as we smiled, he accepted the cigarette and he admired the smell of the stale tobacco, Tibuyas went over to a small box, he came back over with a carton of his custom brand of regular cigarettes, called Kal blend. I accepted the carton, I lit my cigarette with a mach and I lit his with the same match.
"I can set you up with a few vendors at your new land if you want and I could even set you up with a farmer, so you can have a self sustaining tribe." he went through his papers, not even waiting for my response but I wasn't gonna refuse this offer.
"I would be most grateful, thank you Tibuyas." I bowed slightly, Tibuyas looked honored that he had someone bow to him out of respect, he bowed back in respect.
"This world needs more people like you Nomad, trying to unify the people, not control. Plus, you gave this small fortune, so you need the pleasures that come with it, my Lord." We both smiled and Raven came up to the table with armour set, they were made for both males an females.
"Excellent commander." as Tibuyas spoke to Raven, a small red light flowed slowly toward the banners, I followed it until I came a bunch of banners on the wall, I reached with my hands with my eyes closed, than I felt it and the banner gave, it fell into my arms, it was a little dusty but I dusted it off. It was an old fashioned black leathered banner with two Phoenix elements facing each other to form one perfect form of a Phoenix, for some reason this fitted the dream I had with my siblings, my necklace, Raven and now the birth of a new tribe.
"I want this Tibuyas." I put the banner in Tibuyas's hands, his jaw dropped for a few moments out of shock, at first I didn't understand why.
"What?" I asked out of annoyance.
"You both chose an armour set and banner that was her before I was. It's just a little too much of coincidence." Tibuyas went to work drawing up what he had to, he ushered a few soldiers over from his open window of his shop, he pushed four large chests over to the soldier's that had just entered his store after he moved to the door to unlock it.
"How can we be of service to you Tibuyas?" the soldier was wearing color's that matched Tibuyas's uniform.
"Dedric, I am transferring you to a new tribe, they will need a true hearted Knights, such as yourself. Will you do me this honor my friend?" Tibuyas spoke kindly to this young man as if he was his little brother.
"Of course Tibuyas, I owe you my life, you saved my sister from that cannibal tribe." Dedric bowed to Tibuyas and than he turned to me and kneeled before me, with his head down.
"Rise Dedric, if he says your strong hearted warrior than I need you to be my second commander, in charge of my army. Will you do this, swear your undying loyalty to me and above all else the tribe?"
"I do my lord." he raised as he replied. Dedric took two men with him to our camp, with them they took the four large chests, the banner and the armour bundles for some of our soldiers. Tibuyas signed the deed over to me, I rolled up the deed, he handed me candles stamp with a Phoenix on it, he put in a medium leather pouch, and he handed a large bag of chits to Raven. With that Raven and I left his shop, she smiled and lit her cigarette with a lighter she got from Marley and Harley's. I still had a little bit of my cigarette left, we stopped for a few moment's before Raven waved at me to follow her, I did and than I realized we were in the weapons amour smithing district. I saw a small shop with a tall, skinny, pale woman hard at work, I went immediately to her shop. Of course I wasn't disappointed in the slightest, she had different weapons styles, armoured styles and special traps or contraptions of sorts. I didn't speak, I just put a gold nugget on the table, it rolled slowly over to her forearm, she looked down, she looked back up at me and than back down to the nugget.
"How can I help you today?" she spoke nervously and she fidgeted with tools that were closest to her.
"I needed something special made for me, and my two commanders. I just started a new tribe, I'm kinda nervous and I need a skilled hand at making the finest weapons for my tribe. Will you do me that honor?" I explained the situation to her hopefully she would understand and hopefully even want to join my tribe, but I was jumping ahead of myself.
"On only one condition. If I can join your tribe?" she turned around and went back to working a sword that looked simple but it's own way elegant too.
"Deal." I answered, to me it was a no brainer. She turned around swiftly, tears running down her eye's she smiled and hugged me. She told me she would finish her day off at work an join the camp afterward. She tried to give me back the golden nugget back.
"No, use it for the various different materials or different tools for making weapon's." I turned around with out hearing her rebuttal.
"Any luck boss?" Raven asked me as she wiped sweat from her eyebrow which now I realized was blood.
"Raven, what's that?" angered began started to boil up inside me and this won't happen again to someone I care about. She didn't answer me she just pointed, at a group of three men, who were holding her bag, Raven looked down, I think she felt embarrassed. I took on a full sprint not even thinking about anything but what I was gonna do to the men who hurt my friend, my commander and most of all my savior. I closed in, but soon I was slowed down by innocent pedestrians that were shopping in the market unaware of what happened to Raven. I shifted, twisted, and turned as I dodged people, the three men were unaware of who I was and what I was about to do to them. my jacket had a cloth hood, I put it on and I slowed down to slow walk, an I started to blend in with the people nearby. A small group of shoppers were talking about random gossip within the Knights of Kal, I moved with them, a large boom came from the stadium, the first match will start in a hour, the three men jumped from the explosion and turned away from me. I dashed quickly I flicked my wrists to extend the blades I stabbed the two closest to me in the neck, snatching up their chit purses, an the last one I quickly jammed the blade in the side of his neck, he dropped the bag in my free hand. As I walked away they were still standing, in a few moments they would bleeding like water flowing from a stream. I quickly made my way back to Raven, who hadn't seen what I had done and for that I was thankful. I took the hood off and put the four bags of chits in my empty duffel bag, I found Raven talking the woman who was shortly about to join our tribe.
"Raven are you okay?" I asked Raven as I pretended to be out of breathe, she nodded yes in response. I handed her bag back from the guy's who beat her up and robbed her. Raven and I said goodbye to the woman an we quickly made our way back to our camp, screams and yells came from behind us as we made our way back to our camp an to safety. We were greeted by Dedric and three men we didn't know of personally but who were a soldiers basic armour set, instead of having one medium size tents to now having two large tents, two medium sized tents and four small tents. I was in shock their was a small wooden spiked fence made around our camp ground, their was more hides hanging up, more meat being cooked, fresh bread was being made an cooked, three kids ran around playing, two cooks were talking in a different language but it must've been about the food because they kept pointing at it, Raven and I stared at ourselves in shock of what has transpired in a manner of like four maybe five hours.
"Are we in the right place?" Raven asked me in a slight whisper.
"Yes, you are Raven. Now Chephla!" Tibuyas ordered an a lowed yellow dimmed light brightened the camp.
"I forgot to give you this as well my friend, if you guys are moving into that land you're gonna need this. I had some build it personally for you, he will be here in the morning with the other two vehicles. He is how do you say a tinkerer. Enjoy." with that Tibuyas jumped on his dirt bike and rode off into the night. I turned to see a four seated, spacious, four cylinder engine with a slow burning gas modification, made for long hauls, with an automatic transmission and can top out at one hundred miles per hour. I put the thick booklet down, I remember when I took driver's education before the virus, shouldn't be any different now, if anything probably easier. I opened the back seat and I found even more supplies, I opened the trunk and I found two five gallon jugs full of gasoline strapped in tight, three cartons of Kal blend soft packs of cigarettes, a sliver zippo with a red Phoenix on it, a duffel bag of clothes, two brand new pair's of boots, two big comfortable feathered pillows, a hide blanket, a rectangular wooden box and inside were pieces to build of my own sword, but the blade was black. I closed it and took it out, I carried the duffel bag full of clothes, a feathered pillow and the hide blanket.
"Where am I sleeping, does anybody know?" I asked outloud but not in angry way.
"Of course over here Nomad. You too Raven over here, follow me." a woman standing next to Dedric spoke up and ushered us along to the nicest tent in the center of the camp. She held the tent open for us to go in and when we did we were shocked, there were two big beds, their was a small area made for the kitchen with a hot plate for cooking an making coffee, their were two small tables, our belongings in our area's, two medium sized chests and four large chests sat on the far side of the tent.
"Who did all this?" I asked in shock and I wanted to know so I could thank them for this act of kindness.
"We all did, those of us you have inspired, helped without knowing about it and we haven't had in hope in a very long time, only fear. You gave us safety and hope, we just wanna repay that kindness pack in return, plus you gave us a home." she turned away as she started to cry. I slowly moved closer, I slowly raised her chin up with my index finger curled in a hook shape under chin, I softly spoke to her.
"Even of the darkest time's, we find fear all around us, monsters that terrorize us, but throughout time good has as always overcome evil, maybe not in the way we would like or think but good does prevail. Sometimes though, you have to fight fire with fire and sacrifice a part of yourself for someone you care about because in the end, it will be worth it. Now take a sip of water and rest for a moment or two, I insist." I spoke to her softly as I would have a close friend, passed her cup, she held it as I poured some for her from a wooden pitcher that was located on a nearby table. She took a sip from the cool water, looked at me, smiled, she arose an hugged me before she spoke.
"Thank you Nomad. Even in a time of chaos you stay hopeful and inspire us to have faith an hope for you. Dinner shall be done shortly and if you wish to shower, you two have to share the shower, I mean take turns." she got nervous and embarrassed because she quickly moved away. Raven and I looked at each other, I waved her to go first. She quickly grabbed a towel and a fresh pair of clothes, she kissed me on the cheek as she passed by the couch to go take a shower. I put the rectangular box on the table, I pulled up my medium sized chest, my two large chests and my mysterious bag from Tibuyas's truck which I found in the back seat. I pulled up a wooden small bowl closer to me as I took a seat I decided to use the small wooden bowl as an ashtray, I pulled out a cigarette, I pulled out my matches I picked one out an sparked it to life as I lit my cigarette, I pulled up the mysterious bag duffel bag fist, I pulled two basic clothes shirts, basic work pants, some male underwear, a few pairs of socks, a small bag of chits, a pair of fingerless gloves except for the thumbs, a manual for making basic clothing, basic traps, basic weapons and hunting strategies. I hit the cigarette, I put the manual to the side I put my five bags of chits together, at the very bottom of the duffel bag was a custom clothed package marked making the best blunt weapons possible or even a pair of plated gloves for hand to hand combat situations. I unraveled the bag and inside were some pieces to create studded leathered knuckles fingerless gloves, I grabbed the fingerless gloves and I started to mess with the pieces to see if they fit my gloves an to my astonishment they did, almost perfectly. I tried them on an they felt light, I punched a chopped up of block of firewood and I almost broke in into two pieces. They were working perfectly for me, up to my standings, I put the clothes neatly on my bed, shortly afterwards from sitting back in my seat, I pulled the medium sized chest closer to me, inside laid a few pounds of dry jerky, a recipe cook book, some cooking utensils, coffee grounds an a coffee maker canister, a booklet on how to make water filtration system an of course the basic how to create your own generator.
'Creating my own generator might be beneficial to not just me but the tribe as well.' I hit the cigarette as I thought about this for a moment or two. I continued searching through the chest, I found a basic knife with a leather holster and I some more some canned foods; beans, cream corn, mixed vegetables and spam. I started organizing piles; weapons, clothes, armour, chit, cooking utensils and food. I opened the large chest an what lied inside almost made fall over in shock, inside lied the contents listed; three medium leather pouches full of chits, multiple bars for creating weapons an armour, a small pouch full of gems and a letter from the leader of the Knights of Kal.
'To my new neighboring Lord, that my adviser Tibuyas has sold a piece of his property to, consider this a will of good gesture and of my respects to a man of mystery. I hear that you competing tonight in our first match of unarmed combat, I most impatiently can't wait to see how you do. I wish the best of luck and may lady fortune smile upon you tonight.
I sat there contemplating in my chair, listening to the noises all around me, from the burning wood outside crackling every few seconds to the sound laughter coming children, the teenagers talking about the local gossip amongst the different tribes and than I heard a voice like an angel. I focused on it until...
'No way, it can't be. Could it?' I thought to myself before I quickly moved from my chair looking for the person who's voice that belonged to, and when I didn't find the person nor the voice, I came back to my tent, to see Raven getting dressed and she was singing. The angel's voice belonged to Raven, I couldn't believe it, I moved quietly toward my bed, Inot disturb her singing, I laid down and I just listened to her voice. Soon I was fast asleep, this time I was at a unknown place with a cabin by a lake and elderly man waited for me.
"You brother, sister and you were too young to remember this place but your mother an I brought you three up here to meet with my best friend your uncle Olan. You guy's had a blast up there. Listen my time here is short so I must be brief, things are not what they appear. Be vigilant, always be vigilant, remember trust in what I tought you and that will guide through anything. You are stronger than you know Louis. Never forget that my son." my father smiled and through me leather billfold. I caught it, I looked away for an split second and when I opened my eyes I was back in the tent, in my bed, but in my hands was the leather billfold that my father just through me, I immediately jumped out of bed, dropping the leather billfold as I did, Raven stopped singing and ran over to me to make sure that I was okay.
"You alright Nomad?" Raven looked at with a facial expression that had a mix of concern and worry.
"Yeah, just spooked myself is all. I guess I'm nervous about my first match tonight, pre-fight jitters my father used to call it and you? How are you feeling after that blissful shower, I do assume it was amazing?" I changed the conversation, while reassuring her everything was fine, quickly tried to hide leather billfold before she noticed it.
'Thank god.' I thought to myself as I hid it without her noticing, as she poured me a glass of water.
"My mother used to say the same thing but about school or work, but I'm sure in it's own way their's a similarity. I have faith in you though Nomad, as for me I got you and the camp behind me, so I got this, I think." Raven gave a goofy look after she gave me the glass of water, she sat on my medium sized chest, than quickly she leaped up.
"Go get in shower, I'll go get us some grub and hopefully by the time you get back, you'll be cleaned up." Raven turned an left the tent, I grabbed the clothes I set aside for my self, I looked in the shower an their was soap and liquid shampoo. I quickly threw my clean clothes to the side, I tossed my dirty clothes off as fast as I could, I turned on the water, it was cool at first than it got hot and I loved it. The dirt flakes off of my skin and my hair immediately, I started with my hair first, I grabbed the shampoo an scrubbed every crevice of my scull before washing my hair completely out, than I started to work on my body, pieces of dirt caked with dead skin was off very quickly, I got out and dried myself off before getting out to get dressed. I walked out of the shower, I grabbed my boxers first, I put on the brand new pants that fit me perfectly, I continued to get dressed andjust as I was about to finish Raven came in with a platter of various sorts of food. The food smelled amazing, my stomache growled out of hunger, I sat down, Raven gave me half of what was on the platter and we sat on my bed eating with out speaking but making vulgar sounds because the food tasted amazing. There was potatoes, carrots, corn, peas, fresh bread and some of the elk meat that was left over from earlier. Afterwards I gave Raven a cigarette an I pulled one for myself as well, I pulled out the zippo lighter that I had recieved earlier, I sparked it to life and lit both cigarettes. I relaxed for a little while, I hadn't finished going through my large chest just yet, I reopened it, I searched further into the contents, sadly there was nothing, that was until I was just about to close it when something caught my eye on the side of the chest, I felt for a mechanism of some sort, I didn't know what I was searching for, I just know it would be something that shouldn't be there, after a few moments I found it, it was a button, I clicked it and a side panel opened on the outside. I pulled it out, inside were some sort of papers, like blue prints but only with chemistry involved, other sheets included plans to build personal solar panels for free clean energy and last blue print was of how to make a new metal ingot called Viridium. Strong, light and very durable. I showed Raven an she got excited for some reason unknown to me but I had a feeling that I was about to find out.
"Tomorrow we are gonna go see an old friend of mine. He knows what to do with intel like this. His name is Maxwell, he's a little weird but that'll grow on you." she looked at the pages again and she shook her head while taking a hit off of the cigarette now and again.
"Sounds good to me but first I need to focus on this match coming up soon." I responded as my heart began to race and the adrenaline started to pump throughout my body.
"Oh, that reminds me. Give me one moment." Raven left the tent and sort returned with an leather armour set, it was a vest, one shoulder pad, two leather gauntlets, and a black leather mask that covered the nose an down. I looked at her, I put down the armour and I hugged her.
"Thank you Raven. This means a lot to me." I stared into her eyes for a few moments, time seemed to be nonexistent at that moment, we quickly separated shortly afterwards and I got the armour on, I hit the cigarette a few more times before putting it out so I could put the armour on but before I did, I quickly took off the gauntlets with the hidden wrist blades off, I took a tattered clothes an wiped the dried blood away from the blade, Raven noticed me cleaning off the blade and we looked at each other not saying anything. She smiled, nodded and walked away. I sighed in relief because everything that has happened to me from Raven saving my life, becoming a leader of survivors and entering this tournament.
'I'm looking for redemption.' I thought to myself as I first put on the a darker shirt, than the vest, the shoulder leather pad than strapped to the vest, the wrist leather bracers were next to be equipped, I grabbed the boots that came from the automobile that came from Tibuyas I put those on, I put on my sister necklace that was in my pocket and finally I put on my leather fingerless gloves with the custom metal plating that I put together. I felt like I was missing something, I ripped the cloth with my left hand from my right sleeve, to makeshift a mask of sorts to come my face from nose and down. Pleased with myself I walked out of my tent, I took on the view of the camp now a little more dim since lights were turned off to save fuel, I noticed a few people sat on some makeshift seats out of logs by the fire burning in the middle of the camp, I noticed a women playing a wooden guitar, I moved closer to hear what she was playin an old rock from an era that pre-dated the virus and my parents used to play this song when I was young.
'Kansas- Dust In The Wind.' I smiled, tears trickled down my face thinking of my family and a the young girl began to sing, Raven came up, she didn't say anything she laid her head on my chest, I held her with my left arm, I kissed her on the forehead and as she looked up at me, we slowly moved in for a hug, only to be disturbed by a servant who belonged to the tournament match coordinator. My temper grew, but I mustard enough control so it wouldn't boil over and I think Raven was even more pissed than I was, which for some reason shocked me.
"Well spit it out! You obviously interrupted us for an important reason." Raven snapped, quietly but not so quietly so that the messenger could understand her anger.
"O-o-of course my lady, Nomad my lord, your match will begin in thirty minutes. I'm sorry to have disturbed you my lord." the servant bowed and quickly moved to finish his routes. I smiled, Raven and I were still holding each other, we didn't realize that some of the camp was looking at us, we casually separated and she slapped my back.
"Good luck." Raven quickly left afterwards, leaving me with a crazy load of emotions and my head was spinning of the fact.
'We almost kissed." I smiled and I moved towards the castle grounds for my match. It was packed with people outside of the castle grounds, people were talking about the upcoming fights, some were placing bets, I was particularly intrigued by a fellow who was orchestrating the pool of the gambling for the fights.
"How much for Nomad?" I asked the tall man with long black hair, clean shaven, he wore glasses of his own personal design and he carried himself well.
"Against Argus, the butcher of the fallen tribe the Crows! Hahaha! Its ten to one in favor of Argus." he laughed while taking bets simultaneously taking bets from four other people. I slapped a small golden nugget on the table closest to him.
The man looked down and he face went a pale shade of white.
"Put this on Nomad, the Warrior Lord." I smiled and gave him the information of where the camp was.
"You're crazy but I'm glad to take your money." he responded with laughter, as I walked away he was taking other bets, not realizing who I was nor what I was capable of. I moved closer to the battlegrounds, music echoed within and I was shocked at this grand spectacle. Women were serving liquor, women an men dancers could be found, I surveyed the room, I found the two exits from the way I entered an the other was on the opposite of where I entered, I pulled out a cigarette, a women servant came up an lit it for me while she handed me a cup of red liquid. I smelled it I could tell it was red wine off of the smell, I quickly downed it, it was dry but you could taste red grape in it, definitely potent an a homemade batch.