
Trials of the Multiverse

Picture this: you kick the bucket, and God appears in front of you like, [Hold up, you can live once again, reincarnated in whatever Anime world you want] Sounds cool, right? But nope, it's a total scam! To score a second shot at life, you gotta survive 100 trials. And guess what? It's not all rainbows and unicorns. You gotta take down anime characters in each trial. Like, seriously? Couldn't catch a break, could we? And here's the kicker - no second life, no overpowered Mary Sue status, no harem unless you clear these crazy trials. Oh, and did I mention? You gotta face off with the likes of Saitama. Good luck with that! Join Akira, the Protagonist of this story, on this wild ride where life 2.0 ain't so easy to get. Intrigued? Dive into the chaos and see if Akira can level up his way to a second shot at greatness! --- Check my Patreon for chapters in advance and to support me! patreon.com/TrialsoftheMultiverse Discord: https://discord.gg/mEy8NUDFne Some Author's Notes: - English is not my main language, but I am confident in delivering something of decent quality, so don't worry. - The Main World after the Trials will be chosen later. As of now, All I want is to write some interesting fight scene. First Trial: Spy x Family Second Trial: Eminence in Shadow The picture for this novel is the MC, Akira.

Slayer_King_One · Anime & Comics
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148 Chs

Wolf In Sheep's Clothing(2)

--- Asuna ---

The situation had degenerated so quickly that I didn't even have a chance to butt in.

I had been waiting for the Boss Fight to end, hoping to finally have a proper confrontation with Haru.

This was my chance, the moment I had been waiting for.

If I didn't catch him now, this would never be cleared up, and it would remain one of my biggest regrets.

I was just about to call out to Haru, not caring if I made a scene or appeared pathetic to everyone else.

To me, this was a precious opportunity.


But I was one step too late, marking my second biggest regret to note.

Kirito suddenly unleashed his sword, moving at a fast speed as the clash between his sword and the shield clashed with such force that my words were instantly muffled out.

I didn't know him that well, but I knew he wouldn't mindlessly attack a player unless it was for a really serious circumstance.

As I predicted, there was indeed one, and it was far heavier than anything I could have imagined.

While I was busy mulling over the shocking piece of news, my movements were suddenly restricted as Heatcliff began his duel-style clown parade to end the game.

Players all around me cursed and were scared to leave their fate in the hands of Kirito, but I couldn't care less.

The fear of death has only lessened the more Boss Monsters I have seen almost chewing my body apart.

This isn't important.

My eyes never left Haru, my expression torn in sadness and regret.

I want to move.

I really do, to reach him...

No, If only I had moved just a moment sooner, I could have achieved what I've been wanting to for so long.

How pathetic.

But just as I was about to sink deeper and deeper into my feelings and regrets, I noticed Haru moving slightly.


As everyone was focused on the exchange between Heatcliff and Kirito, no one else noticed.

But to me, whose whole world had unknowingly become that charming man with black hair and red eyes, it was a detail that couldn't escape my notice.

It was neither a coincidence nor a mistake.

Even though all players cannot move, he can.

The reason he's not acting directly must be...

'Kirito is just bait. He's trying to do something.'

It's such a low thing to do, but since I've been the very person used as bait countless times against Boss Monsters, I can tell this is exactly to his style.

I gulped, wondering what he was planning to do.

More than that, I was concerned for his safety.

If Heatcliff noticed him, he would be killed...

Anything but that, please.

Gritting my teeth, I tried desperately to move. I forced every ounce of strength into my limbs, willing them to shift even a single centimeter.


Muscles strained and sweat beaded on my forehead as I fought against the invisible force binding me.

Yet, despite all my efforts, I remained rooted in place.

The power holding me wouldn't budge.

Frustration and sorrow welled up inside me. I was once again left behind, unable to act. Perhaps this weakness of mine was one of the reasons he abandoned me.

The thought was disheartening, cutting deeper than any blade.

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I struggled in vain, my heart heavy with the weight of my helplessness.

Once again, I couldn't stand by your side.

I'm sorry.


As expected, his plan succeeded. No, in the first place, I have never seen this man make a mistake even once.

I watched bitterly as the fight concluded, Kayaba defeated, and Kirito still alive.

This was a happy ending only Haru could achieve.

We were finally freed from this death game.

Cheers erupted around me, players shouting in rough, jubilant voices

"All Hail the Death Reaper!!"

"The other black-haired swordsman was also so cool! He went head to head against such a cheat character!"

They rejoiced at the thought of no longer dying such nonsensical deaths.

They drank on this happiness, but who was I to refuse them?

After all, we did finally manage to screw this game over...

While the players celebrated, I managed a small smile, but a sadness lingered within me.

I glanced at Haru, remembering how I used to be by his side. Now, it seemed I had no chance left for that. The game had ended, and everything should have been resolved.




But contrary to my expectations...

'Wait, why can't I move yet?'

Confusion washed over me. Kayaba was defeated.

Haru seemed to have acquired the power to send us back. So... what was he doing?

That's when I noticed something changing in the atmosphere between the two victors.

Kirito's expression visibly darkened, his eyes narrowing with a mix of rage and disbelief. His jaw clenched tightly, and his grip on his sword tightened until his knuckles turned white.

That kind of rage on someone like him was not normal at all.

He looked ready to strike.

In stark contrast, Haru wore a gentle smile.

That kind of smile... it was honestly terrifying.

I'd spent so much time with him, yet I had never seen this expression on his face before. It wasn't the triumphant grin of someone drunk on power like Kayaba. No, this was something entirely different.

Despite the gentle curve of his lips, there was something deeply unsettling about it. It felt like a mask barely concealing a storm of emotions underneath. As I looked at him, a single word came to mind, escaping my lips in a barely audible whisper.


I couldn't comprehend what drove this anger or how it had come to be. The cheering players, who didn't realize something had gone terribly wrong, drowned out their words. Their joyous cries of victory filled the air, but the uncanny chills I felt down my spine were so intense I couldn't sit still.

Something had triggered this anger within him, but what it was, I couldn't yet understand. All I knew was that whatever was coming next, it wouldn't be the ending we had all hoped for.

If only I could move a muscle, though!

Moreover... why am I the only one that cannot move!?

...What is happening?

The feeling that something was terribly wrong intensified as I saw a sword materialize in front of Haru.

It appeared ordinary, but with a crucial difference: chains bound the weapon from its handle to the tip of its blade, giving it an ominous aura.

I had never seen this kind of weapon before, but my instinct was telling me it was dangerous, really dangerous!

'...Are you two really planning to fight!?'

Kirito raised as he had positioned himself to attack him...

Just why...

My doubts, though, were soon answered.

"You all are really naive. It is true that Kayaba has been defeated, but the game has not ended yet."

He grinned, but even so, no one went along with him.

My heart sank, shock twisting into sheer horror.

'This... this is not you!'

I refused to accept that you would do something so cruel.

My mind raced, desperately trying to make sense of his words, but they only brought more darkness.

'There must be a reason I am not seeing...'

There must be one.

My vision grew foggy, and my breathing turned ragged.

Not even the 75th Floor Boss had managed to plunge me into such depths of despair.

The celebration around me froze. Players turned their attention to Haru in disbelief, their faces mirroring my own terror. The cheers of victory died in their throats, replaced by a suffocating silence.

My thoughts spiraled, consumed by an overwhelming sense of dread. This couldn't be happening.

The Haru I knew, the Haru I trusted and admired, would never subject us to this.

I felt like the ground was slipping away beneath my feet, my world crumbling to pieces.

The cold, harsh truth stood before me, threatening to swallow me whole.


Author's Note:

1. The True Villain has revealed himself?

2. Sword-chan, is that you?

Also, can you tell me how did you find Asuna's feelings in this chapter?

Was it overdone, done correctly, or was it not good?

Feel free to tell me your opinion, it's appreciated :D

Note that I have an exam in 2 days so this is the reason why it's taking some time to end this, but I promise you the chapters after this one will be compacted into more words to fit everything into 2-3 chapters to end this and go to the Next Trial.