
Trials of the Multiverse

Picture this: you kick the bucket, and God appears in front of you like, [Hold up, you can live once again, reincarnated in whatever Anime world you want] Sounds cool, right? But nope, it's a total scam! To score a second shot at life, you gotta survive 100 trials. And guess what? It's not all rainbows and unicorns. You gotta take down anime characters in each trial. Like, seriously? Couldn't catch a break, could we? And here's the kicker - no second life, no overpowered Mary Sue status, no harem unless you clear these crazy trials. Oh, and did I mention? You gotta face off with the likes of Saitama. Good luck with that! Join Akira, the Protagonist of this story, on this wild ride where life 2.0 ain't so easy to get. Intrigued? Dive into the chaos and see if Akira can level up his way to a second shot at greatness! --- Check my Patreon for chapters in advance and to support me! patreon.com/TrialsoftheMultiverse Discord: https://discord.gg/mEy8NUDFne Some Author's Notes: - English is not my main language, but I am confident in delivering something of decent quality, so don't worry. - The Main World after the Trials will be chosen later. As of now, All I want is to write some interesting fight scene. First Trial: Spy x Family Second Trial: Eminence in Shadow The picture for this novel is the MC, Akira.

Slayer_King_One · Anime & Comics
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160 Chs

Third Trial Rating

--- Akira ---

'...I'm drifting through this space again'

At a glance, I recognized it.

This was the same space I found myself in when I dealt with Lilith.

Only now, as I found myself here, did those memories come flooding back.

...No way in hell could I have forgotten this information.

It seems there's much more to this space than meets the eye.

Compared to the first time, the urge to just let go and rest is just as strong, and the suction pulling me down is still as relentless as I remembered.

But with the experience I have, coupled with that feminine voice's words, I know it won't be a huge issue to get out of here again.

Sure, there might be no Alexia to help me this time, but wasn't I supposed to meet her again in the future? If I succumb to this, she'd probably come to find my soul just to kick my ass.

Moreover, I now have another little fellow waiting for me to wake up.

How could I rest when my mind is concerned about her? With this new will, there's no danger of losing myself.

In fact, I could simply leave this space easily.

But instead of immediately doing so, there's one thing I need to do, or rather, check.

I gently let my voice out.

"...Are you here?"

Silence lingered for a moment after my words, but I wasn't disappointed.

[I've always been here]

Its tone was as gentle as I remembered.

With my mind clear, I came to the conclusion what I felt wasn't an illusion.

This sense of trust and familiarity was something I genuinely had towards this voice.

My expression couldn't help but grow complicated.


Its laugh was pleasant to listen to, but I felt kind of made fun of.

[Since when did you become the type to overthink things? You can't piece together the whole picture right now either way, so is it not better to hold on the questions? You can ask me when I'll be able to answer them]

I slowly nodded, understanding she knew me quite well.

Also, it's not like she doesn't want to tell me, but rather she couldn't, huh.

That must mean it's something involving my level being too low, or it's simply the System.

What a pain in the ass.

Still, I decided not to ponder further.

Even if I knew the truth, I'd likely forget it all over again anyway.

So, there was no point in doubting or questioning anything at the moment.

Leaving all those aside, there was one thing I wanted to do back then but couldn't because time was ticking.

Defying the gravity holding me, I locked myself in place and bowed my head.

If I knew where the voice was, I would've bowed in that direction, but since I had no idea, I simply let my feelings guide me on that point.

"Thank you for everything you did for me."

[...There's no need for you to bow or anything. I simply did what I had to do. I'm just happy you're alive, that's all]

There was no surprise in its voice. It kind of expected me to act this way, I guess.

From my perspective, she was my savior. Not expressing gratitude when it's due is not my style.

"I see," I replied, closing my eyes for a second.

Although our conversation is short, I felt warmth spreading in my chest.

My lips couldn't help but curve upwards,

"It's now time for me to go..."

I sighed.

"I guess I'll see you again next time I'm on the verge of death"

It's not that rare for me, at this point.

[If possible, I'd like to not see you again]

I chuckle.

"It's impossible. Knowing myself, I'll keep on risking everything to get stronger and achieve my goals"

That is my ultimate convinction.

[I know that already. I just wish you were a bit more cautious]

...I exercise my right to remain silent.

[Now, you should return to your daughter. She is trying to communicate with you, but she cannot interfere with this place]

Oh...I see. 

I don't know how fast time passes in here compared to the outside, but judging from last time, it must be an awful rate. 

The last time, just a few minutes meant 3 days in reality. I don't know how the [Rest Room] will adapt to this, but I better hurry.

"It hasn't been long, but even so, I enjoyed chatting with you. See you later, —."

She probably had no intention to tell me a name to help identify herself. As such, I arbitrarily used the first name that came to mind.

Even if I'm wrong, for now it's fine. I'll hear her thoughts about this next time.

With that determination, I willed myself out.

The space around me began to bend and crack, the sound of breaking glass exploding all around.

The fractures spread rapidly, ultimately collapsing the space all around me.

Before I knew it, my surroundings had already changed.

As I opened my eyes, I recognized the familiar ceiling of the Rest Room.


Just as I started to ponder what had happened, a crying voice erupted in my thoughts, calling my name.

"Yui," I realized, focusing my attention on her distressed voice. Hearing her cry made my heart ache, and I wanted to console her immediately.

But first, I needed some context. "How long have I been out for?" I asked gently.

["Three hours"] she replied tearfully.

That left me with only nine hours before the next trial.

But that wasn't important right now.

I quickly realized that in those three hours, Yui must have seen quite a bit of my memories. I smiled softly

"Why are you crying, Yui?"

The answer might seem obvious, but in reality, it's not.

["Your story is so sad,"] she sobbed, her voice trembling with emotion. ["I saw you go through the events of the Trials, and the immense pain no human should have to endure. You had to hold on your own for so long before you could even think of being happy."]

Her feelings spilled over as she continued, her sobs punctuating her words. ["It just makes me so sad, and when I think about it... I can't stop the tears. I wish I could hold you right now, but I can't..."]

I listened quietly, not eager to interrupt her.

Her words cut deep, but they also brought a strange sense of comfort.

When she finished, I smiled softly, feeling like a small weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

"Yui, I'm really happy that you're getting emotional for me. You know I can't talk about this with anyone else."

At least, not at the moment.

I'm still waiting for you to awaken, Sword.

"But thanks to you, I feel like someone is there for me. I know it's asking a lot for a child like you to understand all this; it sounds stupid even to me. But our relationship has never been normal, has it?"

We may argue that Yui, as a full fledged AI, is by no means a child. 

But is it alright to treat her completely as an adult merely because of that?

The answer is no. She deserves to be spoiled.

That is the minimum, given the fact I'll end up relying on her a lot in the future.

I have no need to force her to be a grown up.

With time, she'll mature on her own, and she'll be the one to choose when she should stop being a kid.

She sniffled, her voice still shaking as she replied, ["You're right."]

"We're a team now," I continued, my voice firm but gentle. "We'll tackle the future events together. No matter what, I'll make sure to take good care of you because a sweet girl like you deserves it."

I spoke from my heart, but even I did not expect the emotional reply that came next.

["Even you deserve happiness, Haru! No matter what other people have to say, you're a fantastic person!"]

Her words warmed my heart. I smiled, feeling a profound sense of peace. "That's enough for me, Yui."

I wasn't really keen on caring about what other people thought, but who in this world does not like someone recognizing them for who they are? Even I am no exception.

After a brief pause, Yui's voice came again, quieter now, but filled with sincerity. ["Should I call you Haru or Akira from now on? Whatever you want, I'll do."]

There would be no reason for her to keep calling me Haru, to be honest.

I guess she kept on doing that because she wanted to be sure of it.

"Call me by my real name from now on," I replied gently.

["Understood, Akira,"] she said, her voice soft but resolute.

Well, although I would love to keep chatting with her, sadly I have limited time.

First of all, I must check the Trial Rating and the rewards.

As soon as I focused on that, the relative prompts materialized in front of me.

[Congratulations. You have completed the 3rd Trial of Fate]



You have achieved [Transcendent] Combat Prowess (Game Character)

You have reached level 10 with 5 Martial Arts or more

You have reached level 15 with 5 Martial Arts or more

You have reached level 20 with 5 Martial Arts or more (Epic Achievement)




You have used Magic in a Non-Magical World (Legendary Achievement)

You have awakened more than 4% of your Sword Talent with unconventional methods (Legendary Achievement)




You have managed to evolve the [Mind Library] using unconventional methods (Mythical Achievement)

You have gained a power comparable to an [Absolute Skill] without relying on the System (Mythical Achievement)


[Final Considerations: You have done everything in your power to gain the most out of an unconventional Trial]

[Rating: SSS+]

[As per your Rating, you will be given enormous rewards]


Author's Note:

4th Trial, here we go!

Next Chapter, we'll discuss all the rewards, Akira's status...etc.

I don't know if I'll manage in just one chapter, but either way, we'll soon enter the 4th Trial.

150 chapters! Wohooo!

I bet none of you thought we'd reach this far, lmao.

Don't worry, we'll keep climbing higher. We shall raise to the heavens!!!


Soon, I'll hold out some poll related to the novel, so be sure to check the discord out :)