
Trials of Lucy

mercyBecky · Teen
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31 Chs

Alison's story

The next day Lucy sat in the cafeteria, with her eyes glued to the phone.

Paul walked up to her and said " hi "

" hello " she said without raising up her head .

" can I sit with you "


He stared at her , then picked up a book in front of her .

Lucia walked towards her " hey darling

" hello babe" she said without raising her head

" something wrong ?"

" no "

" but you aren't staring at me "

" well I thought we aren't friends anymore"

" we are " .

" but the bound is broken "

" who broke it ?"

" you of course , since you started dating Mario you never remembered to spend time with me , go out with me , or come to my house for a sleepover, you left me to my fate "

" it's not what you thinking , my mom started this bond and it's can never break , anything I will so to renew it .

" then go with me to the club this evening"

" sure "

" you two club" Paul asked

they only giggled but didn't answer.

*. *. *. *. *.

Alison walked into Lucy's room , " hey beauty what's up"

" nothing much. "

" you told me you would be going to the club "

she nodded

" I have something to tell you "

" My mum Elisha loved my dad Soo much that she risked her life to give him children , after three years of searching for a child my mom met so many doctor , who told her that she couldn't give birth , she tried till she had me it's was death and life after that doctors warned her never to take such risk again, but my mom never listened she was too blind to see that my dad was okay with one and , my dad never bothered about her childlessness, but told her she was more than 60 children , when she became pregnant my dad became worried , she never cared , he was thankful that she didn't die during childbirth, he became worried again when she took in the second time , well my mom was going to have a baby boy which made her happy but my dad worried , till the day she reached her ninth months.

she took a deep breath and continued " I came to meet my dad crying like a child at the hospital, my mom passed away the baby was in coma I cried my eyes out, but nothing could bring her back , she's gone, she's gone , my dad spent three years with me before leaving the country to do some work , my family members never approved of their marriage , so it was hell in the house I carried my little brother of six years and ran away from gate of hell into hell , I kept my brother with a poor Aunty of my who loved me and my brother ,I left their house cause they were poor and the load on them was too much, my dad paid my school fees directly to the school so I had a hope of going to school, I suffered on the street, I was able to make some cash , which I used in learning how to do makeups and dressing the hair, since I love art and I couldn't paint so I tried painting peoples faces to make them beautiful, since I was good at it , I became a staff some said I was too small to do their make up , but my boss pursued them to try me the later knew I was good and wanted me to do their makeup and dress their hair , I grew working there.