
The beginning of heroes

Long ago,there had been three children named Tanthalis, Jack, and Krotal(crow-tall). Wanting to be different classes but they wanted to be allies. They lived on a not so ordinary planet called Astea, where 3 main classes existed. Warrior, Magi, and Shadow. These 3 branch off into other skills, like paladins, Necromancer, and assassins. Though it takes much longer to master one of the three main classes, they are much more powerful. With none of the classes agreeing with each other, they made clans. With the 3 clans always at war, there were always a few schools that were willing to teach many different people, RealmBreaker Academy being one of these schools. The three heroes don't know of what is yet to come, but fate is playing her tricks, and they will become an important part of the war of the cosmos. We shall see how they will deal with these unexpected troubles... "How about we go to the academy?" Jack suggested."Hmmmm," Krotal muttered. "I wonder if I can mix fire with death to summon firewraith ." "Krotal," Tanthalis interrupted. "We're going to travel."

-------- "Welcome, new students." Profesor Zeal said. "At this academy, you will learn how to be the greatest Warriors, Shadows, and Magi's. I, myself am a Magi. And I can see the potential in all of you. I hope you will use and cultivate the potential. And I hope that all of you will show all of it. For this academy we will not tolerate the fights between each other because the clans and classes others choose. I hope you enjoy, RealmBreaker Academy." And the academy started…

"Hey." Some warriors said to us. They were most likely the Berserkers, one of the strongest Warrior branches. They just had a large strap with a metal plate to protect the heart. It was quite obvious that they were feared by many. "Just so you know, we run this place. So, don't try us." "Yeah, yeah." Jack said. "We already have a tour guide and we don't need another one." "Jack." Krotal said in a warning voice. "Lets just go." Jack squinted his eyes just a little longer until Krotal tugged on his shirt then they went with the rest of the group. "Huh,they might be a problem." One of the warriors said.

"And these, these are the dorms. They are separated by the clans. I hope you will like it here. Everyone to their dorms, and unpack." The tour guide finished.

"Alright punk." The warriors said when Jack entered the room. "We see that you aren't afraid of us. Time to teach you how." Jack took a punch strait to the face and went flying into his bunk rail. "GAH." Jack cried. Another punch came at a blinding speed in a blow right to the gut. "Ch." Jack only said this time. He got up slowly. "Ooooohhhh. The punks gonna fight us." Then the warriors taunted. Jack's eyes started glowing a crimson red…

Krotal always wondered what the academy looked like. "This is nothing like the pictures showed..." He mumbled. "This is much better!" He yelled flopping onto his bunk, allowing his black and blue Magi robes to sprawl around him. As most of the other Magi's in his cabin used isolation spells, nobody really paid attention. Just saw a red light pass by the warrior bunk window. "Ah, Jack." He mumbled. "What have you gotten yourself into this time."

Tanthalis couldn't believe it! He was going to train with Moskov, the all powerful assassin spearman. Tanthalis was overflowing with excitement to train with Moskov. He was practically foaming with excitement. "Oh god. I'm gonna become the greatest assassin ever!" He yelled.

The last thing Jack remembered was his vision turning crimson red…

"We yeild," the warriors cried. "We yeild!" Yield you say?" Jack said. "Well you can't yield yet. I just got started." The warriors backed up until they hit the walls. "W-we didn't mean to!" One of them cried. "Y-yeah. Droseph and I were just messin' with you." The other said. Jack pulled off his two greatswords: one in each hand. They were leveled at Drosephs and Kask´s chest. "Jack!" Krotal ran in just in time to see what happened. Jack's eyes softened and turned a normal red. "I, I don't know what happened." He said. "You snapped again." Krotal said. "Just like with the wyvern battle." "I, uhhhh." now the entire camp was watching. "They tried to beat me up." Suddenly the greatswords were becoming very heavy. Jack never used them unless he snapped. There was no way he could handle two two handed weapons. "well..." Professor Zeal walked into the cabin. "Droseph and Kask, picking on one of the new kids eh?" "We-we." Kask started. "We didn't do anything. He just started glowing and-and..." "I´ve heard enough!" Kyros (The warrior trainer) yelled. He looked at Jack. "Did you, or did you not, harass these boys?" "It's unfair!¨ Jack yelled. "These people attacked me just because I refused to fear them… Someone should be allowed to put an end to this!" Jack's eyes started looking around frantically, trying to see if he could get some backup here. Apparently not. "Kazak, Vam, Keen!¨ Krotal yelled. Jack was frozen up to his neck before he could strangle someone. ¨Everyone, go back to your cabins and finish unpacking.¨ Moskov said.

When Krotal thought about magic, he saw golems, fireballs, but he never thought about one thing, scrolls. It was the next morning and he, Tanthalis, and Jack went their separate ways. "Okay everybody..." As Professor Zeal ranted on (At least Krotal thought he was ranting) Krotal wondered about what spell he would learn today from the professor. "Maybe dragonrend, ooh ooh, even better! Summon kai." A bunch of scrolls landed in front of Krotal. He looked up and saw everyone staring at him. "Psst." Someone whispered. "Pass out the scrolls." "Oh shoot!" Krotal thought. I must look crazy." He picked up the scrolls and left one for him as he passed them out. Professor Zeal was smiling now. "I never thought reading would be part of magic… oh, now it makes sense… Magic is rigged!" He said to himself. Once Krotal finished passing out the scrolls, professor Zeal told them to study it.

After class...

Krotal was walking to his dorms and saw the person that had helped him and had given him the instructions. "I forgot to say thanks to that person." He thought. "So i'll just walk up to him and say-" Krotal was cut off as it reality dawned on him. That person was a girl! Only, she had short slicked black with shaved sides that made her look like a dude from behind. "I feel so messed up for assuming her gender!!!" Krotal tried to look casual as he walked up to her. "..." He didn't know what to say anymore. You see, he wasn't meant for talking to girls. He always somehow made their conversation weird. "Uhhh," the girl spun around, her eyes were a sea green with a slight glow to them. "Th-thanks I guess" He managed. The girl just looked at him for a second, as if trying to assess whether he would be a friend, or trying to play being her friend so he could catch her off guard. "No problem" she said, then the weirdest thing happened, she smiled. "See you later." And with that, she walked away. You see, no GIRL ever and I mean NEVER, smiled at him. It wasn't that he was ugly, he knows for a fact that HE looks good (though he has some doubts about how Jack looks). Krotal just started, dumbfounded. "That went better than expected."

The last thing Jack thought would happen was Kyros. Kyros was proud of him for handling such great weapons with ease. "How did you do it!" He asked, obviously amazed. "I-I don't know." He told him. "Sometimes I just, you know, snap I guess…" Kyros' right eye simply twitched a few times. "Well," he said, "make sure i'm there next time you snap." An arrow whizzed by Jack's ear. "Hey Kyros!" Droseph yelled. "Your lucky shield is kinda' garbo." Droseph lifted Kyros' shield and that's when they saw it. There was a sword, two arrows, and (for some reason) another shield inside of it. Droseph:1 Kyros:0 "Drosssssssseeeeeeepphhhhh!!!" Kyros yelled. "Oh shoot!" Droseph said and then he ran for his life. Apparently Kyros was faster than him. Droseph was speared. Droseph:1 Kyros:2 Double points for style!

"Oh crud" Tanthalis thought when Moskov said that they would have to climb a tower. "Maybe I could convince-" "Tanthalis," Moskov called. "You can go first." "..." It was like Tanthalis took a punch to the gut! He turned slightly pale. But he had to go. Mustering up his strength he yelled within his mind, "Lets do dis shit!" Tanthalis jumped onto the first ledge. It was loose! He jumped away, landing on the second ledge. "I got this!" He told himself. Third ledge, fourth, fifth! Unfortunately, he put a little too much power in his jumps and the area around him crumbled. While falling, he noticed that the tower was being held up by magic formations. So, without any care, he did a heavy shadow step and appeared in one of the blind spots. Knocking down everything around him, his only focus was on surviving. He nimbly dodged the falling stones around him. After around 10 minutes, Tanthalis dragged his lower body up and over the ledge. His knees were weak, and his elbows folded. Moskov and the rest of the class were waiting for him. "Bro," one said, "there´s an elevator." "Why did I have to climb it then!?!?" Tanthalis simply turned on his back and started panting, already feeling dead inside. "Being a spy…" Moskov said, It is important to read minds. Tanthalis thought about this and realized, "Spies use magic!!! That makes so much sense how they teleport! How could I forget?" Deciding not to embarrass himself further, Tanthalis simply stopped thinking, earning an approving nod from Moskov. "But, because you did such a good job climbing this tower on the first day, that I'll reward you by bringing you on a private mission." "Tanthalis," a guy said. Tanthalis was pretty sure his name was Rak. "Going on private missions is the best! My brother told me about it. He said you got to building hop and got rewarded by The Great Statues!" "Rewarded by The Great Statues huh?" I should invite Krotal and Jack." "Not really…" Moskov said. He tapped his head. "Reading minds remember?" "If your friends are talkative then they can't go…" "Krotal…" Tanthalis thought instantly"

"Hey, hey you." A little furry thing called to Jack. "That's the tiny challenger Venos." People whispered to each other. "I would like to see you in battle. How 'bout a duel?" "That's what he always says!" People whispered in abject terror. Anyone who ever went against him often went insane, causing them to get kicked out of the school. "Yeah whatever man," Jack said and as he sat down an invisible mine blew up under him. "Don't ignore me" he said as he placed mines around. "You little bastard." Jack said in spite in spite of his humiliation. "Lev mo ran!" Krotal called. Soon, every invisible mine Venos placed exploded. "Oh dear," Venos said, Clearly impressed. A black fog passed through the window. The black fog seemed to be split in two, like two comets with black mist as their tail. Jack noticed that one of the comets was significantly smaller than the other. After spinning around twice, the comets blasted towards the ground making a curtain of mist as they turned to their true forms. It was Tanthalis and Moskov who had made their grand entrance. Moskov pointed his spear towards Jack and Krotal. "You two, come with me."

Please let me know what you think. I would appreciate ideas for more characters and ideas on how the story should go.

Taste_Like_Watercreators' thoughts