
Trial Of Love

What is true happiness? When asked, do you answer by stating; having all the best luxurious items in the world, living in a big estate, being able to travel the world, maybe even being famous as a celebrity. For some, it would indeed be a dream come true, while for others it's their reality. Join me as Elizabeth tries to find her true happiness in life whilst discovering love along the way.

_AngelGrace_ · Urban
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515 Chs


It was already sundown when the girl woke up from her sleep. She didn't even bother with lunch and slept through the whole day. She got out of her bed and stepped out of the balcony and there she noticed something strange about the sliding door. 

There was a faint note written on the glass since it was small as well it was really hard to tell. 

Miss Knigthley, I hope you'll find your true happiness some day. Take care, Cris.


That night during Cris' stay in the girl's room. He pondered hard on how to tell the girl he was leaving. He noticed the girl's makeup kit on the table and started writing the note using her eye liner. 

"I bet she'll be pissed off at me for using this." Cris giggled away as he continued to write his note. "Let's see if you'll notice this. If not, then…" He didn't bother about the consequences. What's important was that he kept his word.