
System Info

This chapter presents the difference on equipments, skills, title, class and bloodline. Anyone can skip this info if they want.

Equipments: Sword, Dagger, Bow, Mace, Spear, Staff, Axe, Shield, etc.

The equipment are decided by it's rarity.

White - Common equipments. The lowest and the most easiest to get.

Green - Uncommon equipments. It requires quite time to get but it's worth it than common.

Blue - Rare equipments. It is the most popular equipment for beginners because of it's high stats and low requirements.

Violet - Epic equipments. This equipment is one of the most hard to get equipment because of the requirements to at least drop one of this. The drop chance is almost impossible.

Gold - Legendary equipment. This can only be aquired trough hidden or legendary quest if one could complete the seemingly impossible task.

Black - Extreme equipment. Just impossible to get. You must pray to the gods to get it.

Bloodline is the starting boost of all the players and can be the natural cause of unbalanced world in trial of Chaos.

Bloodline give passive and active skills depending on the players bloodline. The bloodline is divided in it's rarity too.

Common Bloodline: Human, Beastman, Fishman, Goblin, etc.

Uncommon Bloodline: Elf, Harpy, Mermaid, Undead, etc.

Rare Bloodline: High Elf, Tiger, Lion, etc.

Epic Bloodline: Wyvern, Demon, Angel, etc.

Legendary Bloodline: Dragon, etc.

Extreme Bloodline: ???

Class, the class of every player is flexible that means it could be change of evolve to anything. Once again it is dived in it's power.

Common Class: All beginner class is in common one.

Uncommon Class: An evolve version of the common classes.

Rare Class: Can be obtained in evolving the uncommon class or can be claimed as an achievement.

Unique Class: This class everpowered the lower classes. Unfortunately this is the point of evolving the common class.

Legendary Class: Impossible to claim in normal achievement I swear.

Extreme Class: ???

Skills, skills has been the main dmg, support, defense, and aoe output in a lot of game. That goes here too. The skills are divided by it's power and rarity.

Common Skill: When you select a class you will get a common skill along with some bloodline passive and active skills.

Uncommon Skill: Quite powerful than uncommon skill.

Rare Skill: Can be obtained through quest or chest.

Unique Skill: Uniques both passive and active skills are over the top. Some of this skills are too overpower.

Legendary Skill: Can't be described. It's awesome.

Extreme Skill: ...

Lastly the title. The title gives of the power of influence through selected areas. You can gain fame through titles. Again the title is divided based on it's influence. I will give example each.

Common Titles: [Knight] can now enter the knight barracks.

Uncommon Title: [Alchemist] Can now purchased a land on selected city.

Rare Title: [Captain of the Knights] Can now go on the second floor of the barracks. And can request troops from the barracks.

Unique Title: [Marquis] A title given by the King and can has a lot of benefits on it.

Legendary Title: [Dragon Knight] Recognized by a Dragon and given some of it's power to the owner of this title.

Extreme Title: .....

Well that's all I had to infor you all... Hope the ex don't bother you at all.