

Twilight is the daughter of the beautiful Queen Mariana who has a special ability of changing into any form she wishes.The queen has an affair with three powerful kings and when they find out she is pregnant they hunt her down to know who the father is.When Twilight is born the queen dies and Twilight is found along the beach with her mothers body. Will she be able to find out her capabilities and will she bond with her fathers or not?

Starshine_1113 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


A girl was walking along the shores of the beach.She was wearing a floral patterned dress that was light.She had raven black hair that rested along her waist,she had cherry pink lips,her eyelashes fluttered like the wings of a butterfly every time she blinked.Every time she smiled her pearly white teeth are revealed and she has a perfect skin tone which was complimented by the environment.

"Twilight!How long are you planning to stare at the sea?We are gonna be late for the competition."a male said from a distance.Twilight turned around and saw a man who looked to be in his late fifties.

"The competition is starting at four."Twilight said as she walked towards the man.

"Exactly.Right now its quarter past three.If we want to get the best sits we should be there early enough."

Twilight smiled before talking again."Dad,its a surfing competition and it is being held at the Pebble Beach which is where we live so we can get easy access to the best sits in the house."

"Thats right.I aways forget that but my little surfer reminds me always."The man said as the two made their way towards the function.

The man i refered to as my dad is actually my adopted father.You see when i was young i was found washed up at this beach with my mothers corpse by my side.Dante is his real name and he is the one that found me and raised me up to be the woman i am now.He is the one that has cared for me.I am rather curios  to find out who my actual parents are.He always says that I'm not an ordinary human that I'm a rare species and luckily my sixteenth birthday is just a stone throw away and he'll tell me the secret.

"Twilight you look so beautiful."a young male said.

"Cain?Its been so long!"Twilight said as she hugged Cain.

Cain is one of Twilight's childhood friends and one of her best friends.

"Are you participating in the competitions?Cause if you are I'm here to support you all the way."

"Sorry to burst your bubble but im not participating on the competition and im not planning to do that anytime soon."

"Well that's a bummer.I was looking forward to seeing you crash the competition."Cain said as he clenched his fists.

"Dudes and dudets welcome to the twenty fifth annual surf competitions!!1"

the announcer said and cheering was heard from the people.

"Do you think you can control your werewolf strength for me?"

"I will try my best but im not making any promises."Cain said before Twilight dragged him away to go and get a clear view of the competition.


"Your highness i have a report from the shark king."a male said bowing down before a merman.

"What is it?"the man asked in a serious manner.

"The king said that a woman with raven black hair and a small girl aged about a year with the same features as the woman passed by their land and some of his boys chased after them with the intention to kill.Sadly the Queen suffered some injuries and after that they don't know of her whereabouts."

"So there is a chance that the Queen and the Princess are alive.From the little i know there is a human settlement on that side and from my experience with them i know someone who once helped me and possibly she could be of help.But.."

"But what Rina?"

"Father the thing is that the human was thirty years back then and it has been long and humans don't live long like other species."

"I don't care go and see if you can find your friend and my wife and daughter."the  man said before turning back and looking at the portrait on the wall.

"As you wish your King father.Ill take your leave King father."Rina said as she left the room.

"Your highness are you sure you want the girl as your daughter she could be the daughter of the other two that..."

"SILENCE! Alestor might i remind you that you are talking about my beloved daughter and your possible crown princess!So my advice is that you should watch your tongue.Leave this place immediately!"

"My apologies your highness ill leave."the male said leaving the place with haste.

"I wont let any one speak ill of my Queen Mariana.I dont care if you cheated on me the fact that you trusted me and loved me is enough reason for you to be my Queen and the mother of my beloved Princess."the king said as he looked at the woman and child in the portrait.

The king of Oceana is the ruler of the seven seas.He has three kids the first born being the missing princess.The second born is a male who is adopted by the king a year after the dissappearance he is named prince Linus he is followed by Princess Rina who is the youngest but behaves mature for her age.The king was forced to marry the Queens sister because the people from Marianas clan saw that it was necessary.

The new bride has been poisoning the king so that she can get the throne for herself.This is one of the reasons why Rina voluntered to go and look for the princess even if the chances of her being alive are very slim.The following day Rina left the palace with the determination of bringing back her elder sister and exposing the current Queens plans.


In the lands that was ruled by two great kings sent their most trusted people to look for Mariana and her child in hopes of making the child their successor in the future.