
Background of the story

I know I wasn't the best sister ever but I know I didn't deserve this. My own sister betrayed me, on my wedding night. Apparently she and my new husband were in love since they met. They said it was "love at first sight." I felt like such an idiot for trusting him with all of me, when he never even loved me.

After everything cool down and he left I asked her "why?" She didn't even say that she was sorry, all she did was laugh in my face. She said that I always got what I want and she "Just for once wanted to get something that I wanted and felt what I had." I couldn't believe it, she was the star child, she was smart and kind. I stared to tear up and cry. She didn't react as kind as I thought, she just laughed and said "it's ok, you won't have to worry anymore, goodbye."

I was so confused at what she was saying. When I was about to ask what she was saying, she hit me. Then she grabbed a gun and said " this is it, I'll make sure they know what really happened. You were so devastated once you found out that your husband found his one true love, so you killed your self just like the coward you are."

Then BAM she shot me in the heart. As I was bleeding out on the floor I was just think, this is going to be it, I'm going to die. My eyes started to shut and I was dying. Then it went black and I saw nothing. But suddenly there was light.

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