
Tree of Evolution

owen write lived 30 years climbing up the ladder of evaluation reaching the higher echelons of evolved lifeforms. sadly, in a weakend stat after a tough battle against the vampire crown prince,he gets betrayed by his so called best friends. they fatally wound him with no other feelings other than greed in there eyes over his evaluationary points. what they didn't know was that he unlocked a new technique that corrupts the very DNA of cells called blood corruption. with his life force slipping away and the confusion clearing up, rage, rage starts burning from the depth of his soul and madness appearing in his eyes. useing his every last bit of what was left of his life force and energy stored in his body to activate blood corruption. "why? you do know that without me you 2 are still going to be weaker than the vampire king even with my added evaluationary points with you!" said owen write shouting at them loudly with his voice cracking at the end do to his now dry mouth. as he was hearing there master plot rage just burned more brightly and madness filled his mind. as they where giving there bad guy speech, he secretly prepared his technique secretly. his pupils turned crimson and his irises turning red. with a war cry he projected the the technique outwards causing a red coloured explosion that flattened the ruined city around them killing the three of them. in his last moments he felt relieved that he doesn't need to struggle anymore, with no to think about taking on the burden of humanity's survival. as is consciousness faded away and his thoughts blurred he went to sleep into eternal darkness but before he new it he saw a light again. his vision focused but by bit before he could see a dirt and blood covered man with hope and glee in his eyes but couldn't cover the guilt deep inside and fairy looking woman that was covered in tears of happiness before everything went to black again. --------------------------- follow along with owen write on a new planet called valinor as he regains his memories grows up, find happiness in a new family, becoming stronger, killing monsters, getting cheats and making money.

PoeticSonic · Urban
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3 Chs

power levels

exclaimer! just because the there are entities with these power levels stated doesn't mean our mc is going to actually reach them....if you are disappoint that he doesn't then sorry to break it to you, as for the majority of you that are sighing in relief, I am with you! I hate it when stories take too long to finish....

student level


master level


grandmaster level


supernatural level


planet level


star level


dwarf star level


void level


cosmic level


deity level


natural law entity level


other than level system there is also the star system.

the star system is not about the quantity of the amount of energy or power somebody has but about quality of the life forms. 0-3 stars are lower life forms, 4-6 are mid level life forms, 7-9 are high level life forms, finally 10 star life forms aka deities.

humans: 30% of humans are 0 stars with no ability to grow above the initial student level. 49% of humans are 1 star with the ability to evolve naturally into the late stages of student level and with decent chance of reaching the master level if they worked on themselves really hard and or used outside resources. 20% of humans are 2 star live forms, able to reach master level if there was no health problems and advanced to late stages of master level, they also have a low level of reaching grandmaster level. there are 1% of humans who reach student level in adolescence without training, master level with ease and grandmaster level with some hardwork, but unable to reach into the supernatural level unless they get outside help. there are humans that reach 4 stars but they are anomalies that are few and far in between .

middle level life forms 4-6 stars: majority are able to reach levels where they can control energy and matter around them .

high level life forms 7-9: they are at a level in which they can control energy from birth and can tap into cosmic energy if they cultivated long enough.

10SR life forms: since there existence they have lived in the cosmic layer with a slight understanding to cosmic law after a long time.