

SUZAN: uhn( to the doctor)

DOCTOR: you can go in now, do not disturb him( Suzan ran inside. she sat down beside Andrew on the bed, she fell a sleep)( one hours later Suzan woke up to see Andrew seated)

SUZAN: are you okay! lay down and rest( Andrew pulled Suzan into is arm. she was startled)

ANDREW: why didn't you tell me you are married?

SUZAN: my marriage is just a contract both families wants this.

ANDREW: we can be sue, you know!( broke the hug)

SUZAN: yes. I will divorce him.

ANDREW: when?

SUZAN: don't think about it. who did this to you?

ANDREW: it's nobody!

SUZAN: Addison did this to you! that man wouldn't leave me alone

ANDREW: how did you know it was him

SUZAN: just confirmed. you knew about my marriage with him. you mentioned all of a sudden so it's him. I will go get food for you.( she stood up,as she was about to walk, Addison walked in. she was surprised) "what(Addison interrupt).

ADDISON: ( angry tone) what are you doing here?

SUZAN: it's none of your business. what are you doing here?

ADDISON: I asked the question first but am a man with respect ( Suzan scoff) I came to see my( smile) best friend .( Suzan looked at him and Andrew)

SUZAN: how is that possible!

ADDISON: ( looking at Andrew)what do you think Andrew?

ANDREW: ( harsh tone) bloody bastard!

ADDISON: that's good. I can never be friends with my enemy.( place is hands on Suzan face) wifey you know it's illegal for you to be with another man( said slyly)

ANDREW: ( raise tone) don't touch my woman face( andrew was about to get up from bed when suzan ran to him )

SUZAN: don't move.

ADDISON: you care about him that's good. I will leave you both for the main time. you should be happy that you will be my queen. I have given you enough time, now I will do what I know is best.

SUZAN: ( raise tone) you bastard! what are you even doing here?

ADDISON: i got information that you are with this man laying on the bed, looking lifeless. next time I wouldn't spare you.( Addison walk out)

SUZAN: should I stay?

ANDREW: I will die of hunger if you do ( Suzan smile)


Mrs Michael is on the phone with Mr john; Suzan grandfather.

MR JOHN: I don't care if she loves him or not. all she have to do is pretend. I need that heart stone and nothing else.

MRS MICHEAL: when suzan don't have is time, how will that happen. Am scared. Addison might end the marriage, our plan will fail. Addison have been ignoring this announcement for a very long time now.

MR JOHN: hmm at least the marriage announcement is coming up.

MRS MICHEAL: Suzan have been seeing that dragon clan Mafia boy. they worked on a project, I tried to avoid them working together, it didn't work as I planned. for the past so many days now they have been going out. if she finds out what he did. she will kill him.

MR JOHN: that's a big problem. we most act fast before Suzan foolishness end us in our grave with nothing to be proud of. Addison loves Suzan that's enough.

MRS MICHEAL: okay ( Mr john cut the call and lay down)

MR JOHN: she wants me dead before my time. I gave her everything and now she is ungrateful.

( on the other side Mrs Michael kept her phone on the table. she took the glass of wine and sip)

"Mom ( she heard the family voice. she turned to see Anna)

MRS MICHEAL: how long have you been standing there?

ANNA: I heard everything. sister already knew that he killed Sammy. she wouldn't spare him.

MRS MICHEAL: ( shocked) what!

ANNA she have been pretending to love him. Addison will be next. we all knew how much she loves Sammy, still you forced her married to Addison. you wrote the young man death time.( raise tone) you and Grandpa are selfish.

MRS MICHEAL: lower your tone. this is for our own good. if she start living with Addison as the true wife and queen, we will be rich. I love my daughter but still I will sacrifice her for thousand of people life's. Sammy is gone for good. this is an opportunity for her to move on.

ANNA: ( dry laugh) ( raise tone )whose life's her involved in this! Suzan is the only one whose life's is being ruined by selfish people who called their selves family. we have everything what else do you want?

MRS MICHEAL: after your father death we were left with nothing all thanks to Suzan. your grandfather made Suzan who she is all for the sake of her marriage with Addison. isn't she selfish! she ruined another life to be happy. Suzan made me a widow. she wouldn't die if she do this little thing after all one life was ruined for her to become who she is. ( Anna walked out. Mrs Micheal breath in)