
In My Dreams

I saw her again... said prince!!! I swear if I don't get married to her no one will....Bianca smiled and looked at him giving him a signal of keep trying.Biance is the favourite maid of the palace,the oldest and also prince personal maid,she has been his maid ever since he was born..she never joke with prince especially when its comes to his personal affairs.. they were still discussing when Frank came in all dressed for work..on seeing prince still on bed his mood changed... frank is prince best friend and a brother, there have been best friends for 26years and still counting....why are you still on bed??? asked frank!!! you know you have an important appointment today and it's almost time...prince feeling so weak said..Am not sure I will be going to work today!! I saw her again in my dreams... frank on hearing that rushed to where prince was and starting asking him alot of questions...prince wasn't even in the mood to answer him...he stood up and went straight to the bathroom.

it was noon and Rachel went to buy things at the supermarket when someone touched on looking back it was prince.... I have told you I am not interested, why can't you leave me alone said Rachel.. But I can't because I love you said prince... Rachel was so angry that she left the store without getting what she came for... prince stood there and said to himself again... "if don't Marry you no one will"


Rachel was so angry when she got home..."why is your face so dull?? you were happy when you left here and where are the things you went to buy??? said cyndy!!!

"I didn't get them again,while I was shopping that good for nothing guy came and started saying his normal words"said Rachel ...cyndy went close to her and started consoling her telling her not to get angry,at a point she stopped and said"Rachy I think you should give him a chance that guy loves you"she said touching her again" leave me alone, I hate him and I can never have anything to do with him" said Rachel walking out on her!!!!!

prince got home looking happy.... prince loves Rachel so much... it all started when he went for a friend's party that was were he first meet Rachel..."Hi am Prince.. you? am Rachel giving each other a hand shake!!! "you're beautiful " said prince "thanks" replied Rachel

they were discussing when prince girlfriend came from no where and starting raining insults on Rachel calling her all such of name..."husband snatcher"giving her a slap... the crowds came over and started raining abuses on Rachel because there heard "husband snatcher" "Rita stop it" said prince "leave me alone lemme teach this girl a lesson.. that's how there go around snatching people's husbands"" Rachel was so embrassed and left ..that why she hate prince up to this day