
Tread Lightly: Among Monsters And Men

In a twisted version of the Old West, where Native American fables come to life, the land is teeming with blight and cessation. Skinwalkers, Bakwas, Urayuli, and even the dreaded Wendigo roam freely, constantly terrorizing humanity. In this unforgiving landscape, survival becomes the supreme dream, luxury an impossibility. But hope lies in Ether, an eccentric substance that defies reason, and Sigils, granting individuals extraordinary abilities. So, as men and women from the burgeoning East venture into the treacherous West, they must navigate the nightmares that lurk within the wilderness and the horrors from above, below, and within. Survival becomes a battle for the mind, body, and soul. Each step must be taken lightly, lest they fall prey to a grim fate—a forgotten corpse, a demon's feast, or the plaything of ancient and incomprehensible beings. Fools tread where angels fear to gaze, yet not all fools let themselves wilt. Some are simply too stubborn to break.

Broken_Saint · Action
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530 Chs

Packing Iron


Earl Garner


Snapping back my hand, I suck on the tip of my index finger, the cut only going deep enough to draw a few droplets of blood. As I cradle my minor wound from trying to get this arm how I want it, the gears and springs not quite adding up, a voice mocks me from behind.

"Maybe... just maybe... you wouldn't have to get papercuts if we could go fight? I'm soooooooooooooo~ bored watching you do this. What about you, Elizabeth?"

I twist around, prepared to retort Primrose, only to find Elizabeth quiet, her gaze focused on the map before her. Glancing toward the door, I notice that Elizabeth's relayers, the ones who send her orders, are outside the door, waiting. She's not the end-all commander by any means. Millie, Tomas, Marshall, and even several other Majors are above her in the chain of command, but she's got the knack for it.

So, being considerate of her ruminations, as her recent third Sigil gave her some insights into leadership with another Lawman, I stay my hand. Instead of bursting out at Primrose, I choose to be the bigger man.

Not that she is one, anyway, nor will she ever snag one with that horrid personality. Can't she just relax? Ever? Primrose always has something to say.

Shaking my head, I return to my gift for Wyatt for everything he's done for me. There is simply too much for me to even name. There are absolutely too many examples, from saving my life to getting me a Sigil to allowing me to do what I love. I just want to pay him back, even if it's only a little.

So, I get to work. A long road is ahead, and I only get to work when I finish brewing and mixing all the medicine needed from the Almanac for the day. There's so much to do, and while I used to think I loved alchemy, I've learned that art is not my ideal course.

Instead, it is magnets, electricity, and metal. Mostly metal, twisting things with gears and springs is positively satisfying. The first two are essential merely because they are the next step beyond gunpowder, but I'm not entirely there yet. Coil still has many issues, the least of which is its power. The weapon breaks easily, overheats quickly, and cannot be produced by anyone other than a wealthy madman for how much it costs.

The only thing I can do for now is wait until I feel ready for my next Sigil. I'm almost sure it's soon, and someone experienced like the Unyielding Wall can tell with a mere glimpse if I ever am unsure. So, I focus on Wyatt's arm, waiting until I have the tools and resources to continue my Coil. Only a few shots remain in it as I've used up all my spare Crimfere to keep it operational. And... Marshall will only sell the steel as it's that uncommon.

My hands dig into the arm for Wyatt, peeling back layer after layer while I work on the inside. The frame is made with a mix of Pigmented Bronze and a dense, Etherized form of Silver so nothing reacts to the magnet in the shoulder. The magnet, of course, uses my blend of Crimfere, as I started this project before I ran out. War is costly. I can't even imagine how the Pygmies keep up their arsenals—oh... no, I know—slave mines.

Speaking of, well, not really, I wonder if I could make a Sigil for the arm such that the magnet could push more than only materials consisting of iron. Most bullets are, but not all are. And many weapons contain anomalous materials that are immune to magnetism.

Hmm... A powerful enough Mentalist would if Abraham's Force skill is any indication of the impact that can come from a mind. But... that would be an active defense, something unsuited for sneak attacks like I want this to be able to prevent.

A Trapper, perhaps? But it would need some combination to give it substance... hmm... Freak? That could work. It's all about explosive strength, after all. If I could somehow twist the Sigil to allow Wyatt to plant charges of something that reacts on a condition, say, lethally fast object, it could passively defend him.

I like that. I like that a lot. But... that idea will have to wait. Twisting the Sigil that far sounds like something I could do way later in my expertise. Hell, I haven't even put a Sigil in an item yet. Maybe when I create another arm, one with a higher Sigil, I can include that. For now, I'll go the Occultist route.

All the while I ponder the possibilities of Sigil combinations, I meticulously tinker with the intricate gears, adjusting their alignment with precision. Minute movements change how far the elbow can bend, and I want it to be flexible yet firm. Each screw, pulley, and lever play a crucial role in the seamless operation of the arm, yet I must ensure each is ideal. This is for Wyatt, after all. Unless I make it perfect according to my talents, he will break it in an hour.

However, I also tighten up the 'surprises' within the mechanical arm. Gliding my fingers toward the wrist that conceals a deadly secret within its design, I pop it open to inspect it. A hidden blade emerges from within the wrist, ready to strike with lethal precision as it gleams with a deadly silver. Mercury. This is... questionable. The element is hazardous, capable of simultaneously eroding the mind and flesh, but that is precisely why it's here—a hidden blade to end any fight. Taking a moment, I slide on gloves and sharpen the edge over a bowl, infusing Ether into it constantly.

I'm still no Craftsman, but anyone can learn Fortify. It's merely that few have a need for gradually infusing Ether when they can't do anything with it. It consumes days of work simply to enhance the object by a minute percentage, but it's better than nothing. This bit of mercury already had a Craftsman work on it, using their own brand of Fortify to make the mercury solid instead of liquid. Once I feel it's as sharp as possible with my recent enhancements, I close the hidden blade carefully. It's dangerous, but so are all weapons.

But that's not all. Within the depths of the forearm, a scythe-like blade awaits its moment to be unleashed. Its curved form and razor-sharp edge evoke caution as I rotate the weighty arm over my table, sliding the bowl of shaved mercury into a sink for temporary storage. Taking a moment, I tap the ejector tab, extending the scythe hidden inside. I have got to find a better way for Wyatt to use these things when he has the arm. But as it unfolds, it adds an air of intimidation to my already formidable invention.

I can't help but beam as I take it in. The idea came from seeing a Bear Mantis in the Alchemist's Almanac, quoting how deadly the swing of their arms is and how valuable their carapaces are. This one doesn't have any mercury or anything else odd, as the blade is too long. The mercury would literally crumple under its own weight. Instead, I used tungsten, nonmagnetic, and the reason why the arm is so damned heavy.

For a moment, I watch the blade, thinking of any possible improvements. I stare at it, falling into deep thought, sparks burning in my mind as I consider my options.

Lifting my thumb to my mouth, I pause before removing my glove. Then, I gnaw on my nail with my tooth, my ideal way of thought. What else could I do to enhance this? The blade is already serrated, curved, and made heavy enough to inflict the most damage. It's got lethality, power, and momentum, already. Indeed, I'm missing something. Oh-

"Ughh... come on..."

My thought is broken by Primrose's complaint while Elizabeth carefully trots across the room, handing her paper through the slot in the door. Meanwhile, the slightly older woman is spread out on a table, her arms crossed while her cheek is pushed against the wood.

"Soooo bored..."

Frustration builds since she ruined an idea that was blooming. I can't recall where I was going with that at all. Dammit... I---

"Come on, can't we go and fight? I know you want to use your Coil. This shit is killing me. People are dying while we sit in here wasting time. Johnny needs us to help him."

Finally, she goes too far. I feel a vein almost pop on my forehead as I shout at her, startling Elizabeth.

"People will die if I leave! We are doing important work here, Primrose! And I can't use my Coil anymore, or it will be irreparable since I'm too low on materials! Just fucking shut your trap and let me work! Shit! Do you ever shut up? It feels like you exist only to drive me insane!"

The room quiets entirely, so much so that a pin falling could be hurt as Primrose looks at me, her face falling into contemplation. For a moment, I think she's about to argue based on how she starts talking, but she finally relents to me.

"Hah... You aren't working on medicine right now, but... I know. I've just spent my whole life fighting, and instead, I'm forced to sit in this command room and watch while literally everyone I know risks their lives without me. I mean, I could be fighting alongside Marshall! The Marshall Travis! Elizabeth could still give orders on the wall while I strike with my fumes, but... I know how important your little project is. Especially after what you pulled off with the Coil. I'll--"

Primrose pauses as she leans back in her chair, her legs kicking off the wood as she stares at the ceiling.

"I'd instead help than be quiet. Is there anything I can do to help your alchemy-mumbo-jumbo?"

The room quiets again, but this time in shock and awe. I meet Elizabeth's eyes as she breaks into laughter, almost falling onto the ground. In response, Primrose whirls around with a shout of her own, sending me to the ground as I hug my chest, trying to breathe.

"What?! What's so damned funny!? Hey! Hey!?"

Elizabeth recovers first, her seriousness overwhelming all as she stands and drags herself to the chair, a slight giggle on her tongue.

"You, Primrose, are the absolute last person I'd ever expect to want to help Earl work. But... go ahead. I ain't gonna stop you. If you're going to speak, at least be productive."

Gradually, I pull myself back up to my worktable, hardly containing myself as I watch Primrose's face turn red, the color approaching that of her scarf. I expect her to storm out like usual when she gets embarrassed, but instead, she walks over to me and reaches for the bowl of mercury.

"What's this--"


I scream at her to not touch it, and she faintly reacts in time, yanking her hand back. Then, she looks at me, hurt, as if she's sad I don't want her help. Grabbing my face, I sigh.

"That's solid mercury. You touch it, and it will soak into your skin, eroding your brain and muscles until you die. I'll gladly take your help, though. Your gaseous form will actually be helpful... We could do...."

I attempt to make peace with her. Even after all our arguments, she is still a friend. Primrose's face shows a bit of fear at my words because of the mercury, and she points at the bowl.

"You work with this stuff all the time?"

Nodding, I show her the hidden blade, explaining its purpose.

"Yeah, it's a soft metal, normally a liquid, that is highly toxic, so a clean cut could spell death hours, days, or even years after, depending on the dose left in the body. It's meant to break off and melt inside the target's body. A tiny bit is enough to kill a normal human. Five ten-thousandths of a pound is lethal. For a Sigiled, it would be more, but I doubt many are immune besides Occultists and perhaps Freaks."

Her face twists, a grin entering her countenance despite the grim reality of what I said.

"That's... genius. If I could find a way to use that with my Fumes..."

I nod at her, understanding her meaning.

"It would be insane. Though, I find it hard to believe you could manage that with Ether alone. Maybe if you become an Angel? Something at that level is for sure a Dzil."

She nods, egging me on to continue, so I do.

"This is the scythe made of a dense metal, and speaking of it, I could use your help. I want to make it burst out with extreme speed, allowing it to stab or cut through anything at a standstill, and I think we could use your Gas. How far can you condense it? I've seen you do concussion bombs before, but what is your limit?"

Primrose tilts her head, unsure.

"Dunno. Never tried. Seemed... pointless."

Shaking my head, I turn to the next part.

"Of course. None of you ever test your limits. You only ever meet them when you need to. Now, this is the magnet. It's meant to minorly divert strikes that contain metal due to the rapid spin I have going using the other magnets inside the frame, alongside the movement of the arm itself. The magnet stops spinning if it goes a while without momentum, but with a powerful enough movement, even more of a magnetic field is generated. Altogether, it produces a slight current, but I need to make significant changes for it ever to be a game changer. Eventually, I want it also to charge the wires of a miniature Coil that I have been putting together in the wrist. The magnet is also why the whole arm includes no ferromagnetic material."

Surprisingly, Primrose doesn't scoff or pull away like usual from my long rants. Instead, she gets close and pays attention. She must be bored out of her mind, whatever. I can use an assistant.

"Anything else?"

She questions me as I pull back to reveal the tunnel where multi-layered wires lie, waiting for me to perfect my magnet. I shake my head as I get to work.

"Not at the moment. However, I have a canister over there. That one, yup. Try to push as much of your Gas through one side, to pressurize the inside. When you feel like you're at your limit, close the front, and twist the knob all the way before letting go of your Ether. Once that's done, I can test the force of your skill's explosion. I'd rather not have to use gunpowder in the arm if I can make a tiny container for gas to expand and push the blade out."

She raises her eyebrows but gets to work, doing just as I said. Meanwhile, I continue to thread the wires inside the wrist, tightening any screws or fixing any things that seem off.

It needs to be perfect. I will give it to Wyatt only when I can't improve it any further.

As I think this, though, I see Elizabeth smirking in the corner of my eye. Turning to face her, I see the woman tilting an eyebrow behind me at Primrose. All I do is shrug my shoulders before returning to work.

Primrose is weird, annoying, irascible, and downright antagonistic, but she's reliable. The lady with the scarf that somehow always stays clean has never not been there when we needed her. I respect that---


The air shatters as Primrose slides across the floor, rolling as her face is covered in soot and grime. I glance at her, and missing any blood, I focus on the container she was filling a second ago. She broke it.

She broke it?


That... I once put the equivalent of a stick of dynamite in that thing, and it held. And... she ruined it with pressurized gas.


This is gonna be fun.