
Tread Lightly: Among Monsters And Men

In a twisted version of the Old West, where Native American fables come to life, the land is teeming with blight and cessation. Skinwalkers, Bakwas, Urayuli, and even the dreaded Wendigo roam freely, constantly terrorizing humanity. In this unforgiving landscape, survival becomes the supreme dream, luxury an impossibility. But hope lies in Ether, an eccentric substance that defies reason, and Sigils, granting individuals extraordinary abilities. So, as men and women from the burgeoning East venture into the treacherous West, they must navigate the nightmares that lurk within the wilderness and the horrors from above, below, and within. Survival becomes a battle for the mind, body, and soul. Each step must be taken lightly, lest they fall prey to a grim fate—a forgotten corpse, a demon's feast, or the plaything of ancient and incomprehensible beings. Fools tread where angels fear to gaze, yet not all fools let themselves wilt. Some are simply too stubborn to break.

Broken_Saint · Action
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530 Chs



Wyatt 'Unbound Wendigo' Graves


With the rhythmic sway of the wagon, I delve deep into the reflection of my body, my mind immersed in the ancient text that speaks of untapped power within the human form. My focus centers on the intricate network of bones first, the silent scaffolding that supports the flesh and breathes life into the body. The teachings I've absorbed on the way to Onyx Gate across Northene hint at a mysterious way to manipulate Ether, channeling it and storing a skill within the very marrow of one's bones. It also mentions more... complicated methods beyond that. Ways to... manipulate very concepts. Those make no sense to me.


As I focus, I let my mind wander to the recent passages I have read to deepen my understanding of what I believe I can grasp in some time.


It begins with a firm foundation and ends with one. The human form has a vast sea of potential waiting to be untapped. So few know the ways to do so, however. Most either stumble upon the right path by happenstance or are birthed with the gifts to walk them.


Delve deep into the marrow, into the origin of blood. Many misunderstand Excavator. It is not pulling a skill from nothing, nor is it ripping it from one's own skeleton. It is imbuing your marrow with commands and orders. It is momentarily overcoming the weakness of one's flesh and bone, transforming it into a strength.


After all, that is what we are best at. Transmuting vulnerabilities into strengths is mankind's hidden gift. Our hands are weak, so we created blades. Our eyes are feeble, so we built telescopes. Our bodies are fragile, so we crafted armor. 


Still, to do so, one must adeptly understand their bones. When I created this skill, I sought only to rip power from where there was nothing. It left endless wounds, most permanent, that will scar even my corpse. Over time, it grew more... elegant. 


Excavator tears strength from where there should be nothing. Yet, there is always more. The way to prevent Excavator from killing the user is to supplement it with another skill. Inscribe. Inscribing Ether into flesh, blood, and bone allows it to be brought out later by Excavator without significant injury. 


So, the first step is to find the deepest region of your skeleton. Then, you must Inscribe it with little passages of Ether. Nothing major. You will know you have succeeded when you feel something swimming within your skin. 


And... never, never attempt Excavator when there is not something Inscribed. For all those who have ever tried but I have turned themselves into a heap of cold flesh.


I take heed of the warning of Louis Fern and begin. With closed eyes, I visualize the pathways of my own skeleton, seeking the reservoirs where this latent power might be harnessed. I aim for the depths of the bones with my senses, yet he never detailed what it was like to reach them. Only that they have no end.


Yet, despite my intense focus, the secrets of manipulating my marrow elude me. The depths remain evasive, slipping through my mental grasp like water through clenched fists. Frustration simmers beneath the surface, but I strive to maintain my composure. Anger never helps when trying to master a new aspect of Ether.


Abruptly, the wagon comes to a halt, jolting me out of my meditative trance—a voice outside calls for me to come out, breaking the profound silence that had enveloped me. The sudden interruption annoys me, but I open my eyes to the world outside the confines of my contemplation without any sign of it. I've made some progress in the past month since leaving Gravecross, but I don't have any clue how long this skill will take to learn. I do know that I need to learn Living Strand, however.


I suppose, though, it is a Dzil. Not only that, but it is one that is so mind-numbingly complex that it borders on impossible. Because, from what I understand, it is two-in-one.


Excavator and Inscribe are each only two halves of a whole. The latter implants skills for later use with intricate weaves of Ether, while the former tears out anything hidden in the depths. From the texts, it is pretty straightforward later on what happens if one uses Excavator without Inscribe.


The Ether within one's frame, the saturation that has built up, is forcibly ripped out. The sensation and effect seem to be a thousand times worse than the careful manipulation required to cure one of Acute Ether saturation.


Reluctantly, I rise from my seated position and step out into the landscape, greeted by unfamiliar surroundings. The sun hangs low on the horizon, casting long shadows over the terrain. Only partially wanting an explanation for the interruption, I peek out from the wagon.


Earl meets my eyes and points ahead. He is walking alongside the wagon with the paved road, something only commonly found within the depths of the Territories like we are now.


"Look! We're coming up to Onyx Gate! It's just over the horizon!"


His voice is filled with excitement as he's always wanted to come here, yet he keeps his tone down nevertheless. There could be people watching us, keeping tabs on us to inform Eli Weiss.


I don't think so because of how we traveled; it was nice and slow to get some relaxation in while also letting Earl put some work in. Yet, there is always a chance we were found out anyway.


So, I reach out and pull him toward me.


"Come in here."


Earl nods and hops into the wagon, sliding beside me and the sleeping Elizabeth. She's been up late every single night drawing out plans, creating ideas for our 'invasion' into Onyx Gate. Silas is on the opposite side of me, reading a book in silence while Primrose files her nails in the back of the wagon.


I pet Dakota with one hand as I let Bonfire man the wagon. He's still hanging in there, somehow. The timetables that everyone else gave were utterly wrong.


Each and every day, I worry I'll wake up and have to kill him, yet the bastard is still kicking. Not that I'm complaining. I don't want him to die, let alone turn into a monster. But it is inevitable.


Shaking my head, I hold up the plans to Earl, making him read them aloud. I know he will memorize them after just two readings, but I need him to look at them first. He's been so busy creating weapons and tools for us all that he hasn't joined Elizabeth at all in planning.


Again, it's something I'm okay with as she's plenty capable, but I still want his input on any ideas or routes.


"First order of business. Get into Onyx Gate. All plans and ideas are null and void if we cannot successfully infiltrate the city. Ideally, undetected by Eli Weiss. This will be the most difficult part, and it doesn't end with us simply entering. Our Ether must be hidden upon nearing the city. We cannot be found even after getting inside. That will fall to Blodwyn."


Earl nods at me while taking a pause for air. Then, he continues with the words on the page, neatly written to be easily understood. While he speaks, I find Primrose paying close attention as well.


"With Blodwyn's Mute, we will have to get past the guards undetected. There are two options here. We either pay our way in and pray that no one recognizes Bonfire, Wyatt, or Primrose, or we sneak our way in entirely. Option B was chosen for its higher likelihood of success. After the duel in Kingstown, the Wendigo's face is known throughout the Territories on posters and newspapers. Plus, Both Bonfire and Primrose are... renowned in their own rights."


Earl turns back to me with a raised eyebrow, obviously wanting to ask a question, but I point back at the paper.


"Keep going. Hold your questions for later. She worked hard on this. Over a month of meticulous planning, actually."


My friend nods before continuing once more without any sign of annoyance.


"The walls of Onyx Gate surround the entire Territory and are guarded by Sigiled at every point. However, manpower isn't infinite. There will be points with fewer Sigiled. We will exploit this. Upon investigation of the number fielded by the Hunter organizations that guard the walls, there are approximately ten thousand to maintain the wall. A high number, but not when it must be stretched thin over the miles of wall. Furthermore, many of these will be low Sigileds, easily tricked or shrouded by our skills."


At this point, Primrose interrupts, pointing at the sleeping girl. She doesn't seem entirely satisfied with Elizabeth's role in this.


"What about her? Is she just going to sleep through this whole damned thing? Are we supposed to carry her or something?"


I nod and answer her quickly before taking the sheet from Earl.


"Yes. She has planned this whole thing out so that we do not even need her. In her own words, she's expendable. Now, of course, I don't believe that, but the fact remains that she's put this thing together that won't even require her expertise."


I place down the sheet of paper on the small table set between us all and run my finger along the text. Primrose follows along, and I can't help but be so proud of Elizabeth. A year ago, she couldn't read or write. Now, here she is detailing explicit and complicated plans in wording.


My words don't stop until I lay out the whole thing for everyone, even the crazy man outside the wagon.




As the sun dips below the horizon, casting shadows over the looming wall, my six partners and I slink toward our chosen target. The section of Onyx Gate before us is a formidable obstacle, standing over twenty paces tall and just as thick at its summit. This is where it all begins.


Tomas and many of the remaining soldiers of Bent, along with Blake, are to follow us, but such a large group cannot possibly sneak into Onyx Gate. They'll have to wait for Maddox to finish his ransacking of Qune. A small bit of air leaves my nose at the prospect of allying myself with that man... It can wait, though. There are priorities.


We've meticulously timed our approach, waiting for the shift change after sundown, ensuring only a pair of guards stand watch at this isolated section. Glancing behind me, I find the mind of this operation crouched beside Silas toward the back. I meet Elizabeth's gaze before shiting back the focus.


The chosen spot, tucked away in the middle of nowhere on the northern side of Onyx Gate, is our gateway into the city. The darkness provides a cloak for our movements as we take a collective breath, preparing ourselves for what is about to happen. If we mess up, we'll have a whole city against us. Not immediately, but it will be fast enough that it will not be easy for us all to escape. Bonfire and I likely can, but... everyone else? Not quite. Beside me, Primrose readies herself, shifting into the gaseous form that allows her to move with the night wind.


With a silent signal, she hurtles toward the two guards perched atop the wall. The darkness works in our favor as they remain oblivious to her presence while her form provides zero noise, thanks to the wind. Swift and silent, she wraps around one guard, suffocating him. The man struggles vehemently, and his partner stands with a choked gasp that stops partway.


He stops because I focus my mind on him with Insight, thrusting my will into his thoughts. It isn't effective at damaging someone, nor does it last very long when they are fighting against me, but it works for what we need it to do. At the same time, I extend my arm, the chains reaching up and over the wall to sap away the strength of the guards, tightening their fetters.


Manipulating Ether while contesting the guard's mind isn't easy, but the man, caught off guard in the enveloping darkness, succumbs to the intrusion, his body bending under pressure. I force the man to kneel and stare at the ground without moving. The goal for this isn't to kill them. We need them to be alive and think something abnormal happened.


My recent practice with my skills has come in handy, and I launch myself to the top of the wall with the same chains used to weaken the two. Meanwhile, those behind me climb in a similar way. Earl has made... sets of maneuverability tools after seeing how I move with my chains. Fueled partially by Primrose's compressed gas and something else I don't entirely understand, pointed wires tuck into the wall before hauling Silas, Elizabeth, and Earl up to us as well, with the Undead carrying Dakota.


Elizabeth stares at all of us while glancing at the slight damage left on the wall. She doesn't seem pleased with the effect of Earl's Jumpers, but the woman doesn't comment on it.


I meet her focus and reiterate what's next. My voice is calm and quiet, making the overall noise as soft as possible. There aren't any trees nearby, but that doesn't stop the paranoia.


"We have one minute before another set of guards should be walking past here. Give me time to affect their minds. Find any important information they might have on them, and then we go."


Everyone nods silently before moving to do as I ask.


Meanwhile, I crouch beside the kneeling man. I can see him trapped behind his own pupils.


Warden, huh?


I don't think I could have done this before the enhancement to all of... everything.


I think this is meant to be the actual path of Philosopher, but between Blodwyn and my Absolutions, I've mucked it up a bit. A controller, one that is careful and precise while strengthening and weakening others, is what I'm supposed to be. Investigators, manipulators, orators, all of the above. That is what a Philosopher should be closer to than a simple brawler like me. They are meant to be the free ones while contorting all others. I should lean into it.


More ways to solve a problem never hurt.


Reaching forward, I touch the man's shoulder, attempting something I don't really think is possible. However... I've had it happen to me before. If I can manipulate their body and their Ether, I must also have a grasp on their mind.


And so, I tighten the man's chains as profoundly as I can, the man quickly changing from a second Sigiled unit to a human with the finesse and strength of a toddler. Then, staring into his eyes, I repeat the same sentence again and again.


"You are drunk, so drunk that you passed out and forgot the past hour."


I repeat the phrase as I pour alcohol into his mouth. The man's eyes quickly glaze over before closing entirely. I'm not a hundred percent sure it worked, but I continue to do the same thing to the other guard.


They do seem pretty out of it, though, and time is ticking. It should be enough. We did tests with this on Primrose, and it was pretty effective, affecting her short-term memory but not her long-term.


I assume my impacts on the mind are far lesser than my mother's might. Aniwye, after all, is far wiser and more experienced with all this. I am but a toddler trying to emulate what she has done from personal experience.


Standing between the two unconscious guards, I find the others already climbing down from the wall toward the inside of Onyx Gate. Searching my surroundings, I see a bit of light along the wall heading this way.




I crouch down as deep as I can go and set the two how it would look if they passed out drinking on the wall. The plan isn't perfect and has a few holes, but we're betting on the incompetence of humanity.


Not all of them are all that competent. Two low Sigileds getting drunk on duty? It's not impossible; hell, according to Silas, it's common. Most, however, keep themselves from getting piss drunk, but again, not unheard of.


Slinking away, I slide off the wall and land with a quiet roll punctuated by Silence. Then, I shuffle forward toward the streets and buildings only a few hundred feet from the wall, following my friends.


We stick low to the ground and rapidly cross the gap between the wall and the genuine city, cloaked under the shadow of night. Blodwyn's Mute is still silencing our Ether from any possible Augurs or sensors, but an observant watchman could likely find us if we play this wrong.


So, we stay along the earth, taking our time to reach a building. Once we get to it, I close my eyes against the wall, listening within with focused ears, using Temper to block out my other senses.


"Father, why can't I go to the parade today? You are always so protective!? What's going to happen! I just want to have fun with my friends!"


The voice is obviously female, and I remain quiet as the father replies.


"The situation isn't that simple, dear. I just want you to be safe, okay? Don't go out for the night. You can hang out with your friends during the day. School is canceled, remember?"


The father shifts into an annoyed tone, and I even hear the man stand up. He strides through the house before locking a door, not letting his daughter get a word in.


"You are not to leave tonight, okay? Please, Earhardt."


The daughter sighs and pouts before sitting roughly on a chair. I can hear her feet dangle through the air as they scarcely scrape against the floor with soft movements.




I smile as I hear the two prepare for bed, their conversations shifting toward the morrow. They won't be going anywhere, and the plan was to find someone to stay for a night before investigating further.


This family has a cellar.

