
Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Chapter excerpt: Charlton knew what was running in her head and in truth he wanted to mock her. ’You truly are a whore, aren’t you?’ he wanted to say. However, he was not planning to make this a one-time thing and he had more in store for her. So instead, he leaned forward as he started kissing her tears away. "Serena, I love you so much, do you know that? So please, don’t give me that look." Serena’s tears did not stop but what was the use. They were already like this and no matter how much she denies it, that she even let something like this happen… there’s only one conclusion. She still loved Charlton. Or at least she was that greedy for his love. She could not push him away so she could only raise her arms and envelope him in her embrace. "We’re going to burn in hell for this…." She whispered. Charlton burrowed his head on the juncture of her neck. He licked and kissed that part, careful not to leave a mark as they still will be meeting with the others later. He smirked when he felt her tremble. Why was she so easy? Regardless, he was enjoying what she can offer before he ruins her himself. "All the more reason to get as much heaven as we can now." He said, then he started moving. -- A year after his father’s death, grand duke Charlton Daniel finally responds to the summon of his uncle, the king, to return to the capital. Of course, his reason for compliance was not due to his subservience to the crown. Four years ago, his life has been turned upside down. His lover betrayed him for his cousin, the crown prince. His father was sent to prison because of a crime with dubious evidence. While he, himself, was sent to exile with a mission to capture the revolutionists. All of which, he took in strides because of his steadfast belief in humanity and justice. However, time changes everyone. Four years may seem short, but to some, it’s enough to change their perceptions and priorities. Once a pacifist at heart, Charlton is now going to return to the royal capital with a personal vendetta. -- To the public eye, Serena William, nee Maxwell, was living the perfect life. She was beautiful, rich, happily married, and has the unwavering support of her maternal family. Oh, and did I mention that she was also the crown princess and the most loved personage? Yes, that she was. Kind, generous, and approachable. She was a woman who was completely unlike any other. No one in the royal family was as well loved by the masses as she was. At least, that’s how her life was perceived to be. Behind closed doors, life was not as glamoured up as it was in the tabloids. Her first pregnancy ended up in stillbirth, while the next two ended up in miscarriages. Was this her retribution? She could not help but ask herself. This led to her guilt and self-blame which further developed her insecurity, and even inferiority complex. Aside from what she was undergoing herself, it doesn’t help that the queen mother kept on rubbing salt to injury by implying that she should let her lady-in-waiting, the queen’s first choice for crown princess, take over. Crown prince Geoffrey William was Serena’s saving grace, her knight in the shining armor, the man who sticked with her through thick and thin. Would she ever be willing to make way for another woman for his own good? Then worse, comes her old flame who seems to still be enamored with her. What lengths would she be willing to take to keep the pandora’s box shut? However, there are no secrets that time does not reveal. What will she do when she later finds out what her greatest champion did to her? -- Hearts will break, heads will roll. All is fair in love and war. This novel is not for the faint hearted. — This novel is the sequel to the first titled, ‘Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the Villainess’, and is set four (4) years after the royal wedding. (But you don’t need to read the first to understand this one, sequence is not important)

champilyn · History
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157 Chs

Chapter 12: Persuading Charlton VI

"You should not fail to take into consideration that my family has always been the recipient of the position vice minister of justice. Given that title, it's within our responsibility to always maintain a politically neutral stance. To let my sister, Annalys, marry Lord Leonard would mean that inevitably, at the end of the day, we would have to choose a side and it's obvious which side it would be. In other words, we would no longer be able to maintain that neutrality. Do you understand?" Christopher explained.

Hugo pursed his lips. Well, he did understand what Christopher said but that didn't mean he agreed with it. What neutrality? To him, it's bullshit. Maintaining a neutral stance was only an excuse to those wusses who didn't have enough balls to pick a side. That's why he never liked Christopher and his family. They always took advantage of their position and used it as their shield so that they can continue playing safe. They're too… what was his father's term for it? Oh yes, they were too sly.

The thought of his father reminded him of another reason why he disliked Christopher, his father would always compare him to the bloke and would tell him that if he had even half of Christopher's talent in politics, he could rest in peace. Anyhow, never mind. He hated politics.

In the end, Hugo can only grudgingly nod.

Christopher exhaled melodramatically before saying, "Thank you. Now, can I finally continue without further interruptions?"

Hugo, no longer in the mood to play smart aleck, grunted in response.

"Charlton, do you have a little puppy as a pet here somewhere? Because I think I heard it growl." Christopher sarcastically said.

Charlton chuckled as he shook his head, "No, I don't. Perhaps you heard wrong." He answered. Then he nudged Hugo's leather clad foot with his, warning him not to take the bait.

Hugo was pissed and for a moment, he almost rebuked Christopher. However, Charlton's nudge reminded him that if he does, it would only mean that he was admitting to Christopher's words! Thus, he could only clench his jaw and cross his arms in front of his chest.

Christopher's eyes turned into crescents, he had to admit, he did take some pleasure in one-upping Hugo. Though they were hardly rivals, they were still of the same age with similar social footing (both were son and heir of dukes).

"So, as I was saying, politically, we have that as a valid reason. However, remember that my sister is the lady-in-waiting of the crown princess. So, there's a stigma that we're actually already leaning towards their side and a union with lord Leonard would only solidify it. Aside from that, we can't possibly give that reason to the crown princess once she fully decides to meddle in my sister's marriage.

Now, aside from the political, there's also a personal reason why we, I mean, my parents, do not want the match. Although, as Hugo said, Leonard, on the surface, may be too good of a match for my sister, my parents would beg to differ.

It is no secret that Leonard is only an adopted son to the Maxwell's, and though he is the irrefutable heir to their dukedom and already has the title marquis now, it doesn't change the fact that his blood was not originally noble.

To my parents, and if I'm not mistaken, most of the upper nobility, no matter how much you dress Leonard up, he would still only be a pauper."

"Fuck, that's harsh." Hugo could not help but comment. However, he knew that there was truth to what Christopher said. Why else would Leonard still be single now? Like he got even his own sisters lining up wanting to marry him, but his father (Hugo's) won't even consider no matter how much they beg. Although, of course, Leonard's seeming indifference to women not his sister (Serena) may have also played a part.

Noticing Charlton and Christopher's stares after his words, Hugo awkwardly chuckled before saying, "Oh, please don't mind me. Carry on."

Christopher just shook his head and chose to ignore Hugo's unsolicited comment. Then he continued, "Aside from those, my sister does not have any amorous feeling for Leonard, and in fact, it was she who first voiced out that she was against the potential match.

To tell you frankly, my family and I wouldn't have known that the crown princess had this idea until my sister told us. At first, we only thought that it was only the crown princess' passing fancy, but just yesterday, my sister received a request from Leonard asking permission to escort her to the Charlotte's ball. Fortunately, it was only a personal request, and my sister could and had turned it down saying she already had me as her partner.

To be honest, at this moment, it might seem like we're exaggerating since we haven't received Leonard's suit, but we don't want to risk it. Again, my sister is the lady-in-waiting of the crown princess, not to mention that she could have her way on deciding my sister's marriage, if Leonard's family does press their suit, then what reasons could we have to reject them without offending the crown princess and inevitably the crown prince? As Hugo said, there's nothing wrong with Leonard."

Christopher stopped at that. He knew that he was already able to table his concern and he knew that Charlton should have already understood his unspoken words. The ball was now on his court.

"Well, there's still me?" Hugo suggested. What? Though he did not like Christopher, he found his sister pleasant to the eyes.

"Excuse me?" Christopher could not help but ask unbelievably. "Not to mention that no one in my family would ever agree, in what way do you have the delusions that you can compare to Leonard?"

Hugo, well, what can he say in response? There's the blood thing, but loathe was he to admit, that's his only advantage. Thus, he decided to swallow his spit and simply look like a kicked puppy at the side.
