
Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Chapter excerpt: Charlton knew what was running in her head and in truth he wanted to mock her. ’You truly are a whore, aren’t you?’ he wanted to say. However, he was not planning to make this a one-time thing and he had more in store for her. So instead, he leaned forward as he started kissing her tears away. "Serena, I love you so much, do you know that? So please, don’t give me that look." Serena’s tears did not stop but what was the use. They were already like this and no matter how much she denies it, that she even let something like this happen… there’s only one conclusion. She still loved Charlton. Or at least she was that greedy for his love. She could not push him away so she could only raise her arms and envelope him in her embrace. "We’re going to burn in hell for this…." She whispered. Charlton burrowed his head on the juncture of her neck. He licked and kissed that part, careful not to leave a mark as they still will be meeting with the others later. He smirked when he felt her tremble. Why was she so easy? Regardless, he was enjoying what she can offer before he ruins her himself. "All the more reason to get as much heaven as we can now." He said, then he started moving. -- A year after his father’s death, grand duke Charlton Daniel finally responds to the summon of his uncle, the king, to return to the capital. Of course, his reason for compliance was not due to his subservience to the crown. Four years ago, his life has been turned upside down. His lover betrayed him for his cousin, the crown prince. His father was sent to prison because of a crime with dubious evidence. While he, himself, was sent to exile with a mission to capture the revolutionists. All of which, he took in strides because of his steadfast belief in humanity and justice. However, time changes everyone. Four years may seem short, but to some, it’s enough to change their perceptions and priorities. Once a pacifist at heart, Charlton is now going to return to the royal capital with a personal vendetta. -- To the public eye, Serena William, nee Maxwell, was living the perfect life. She was beautiful, rich, happily married, and has the unwavering support of her maternal family. Oh, and did I mention that she was also the crown princess and the most loved personage? Yes, that she was. Kind, generous, and approachable. She was a woman who was completely unlike any other. No one in the royal family was as well loved by the masses as she was. At least, that’s how her life was perceived to be. Behind closed doors, life was not as glamoured up as it was in the tabloids. Her first pregnancy ended up in stillbirth, while the next two ended up in miscarriages. Was this her retribution? She could not help but ask herself. This led to her guilt and self-blame which further developed her insecurity, and even inferiority complex. Aside from what she was undergoing herself, it doesn’t help that the queen mother kept on rubbing salt to injury by implying that she should let her lady-in-waiting, the queen’s first choice for crown princess, take over. Crown prince Geoffrey William was Serena’s saving grace, her knight in the shining armor, the man who sticked with her through thick and thin. Would she ever be willing to make way for another woman for his own good? Then worse, comes her old flame who seems to still be enamored with her. What lengths would she be willing to take to keep the pandora’s box shut? However, there are no secrets that time does not reveal. What will she do when she later finds out what her greatest champion did to her? -- Hearts will break, heads will roll. All is fair in love and war. This novel is not for the faint hearted. — This novel is the sequel to the first titled, ‘Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the Villainess’, and is set four (4) years after the royal wedding. (But you don’t need to read the first to understand this one, sequence is not important)

champilyn · History
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157 Chs

Chapter 10: Persuading Charlton IV

"You don't even have to ask Christopher. If it's within my capacity, then I would gladly offer my assistance. So, what's this predicament about, and how could I be of service?" Charlton asked. He doubted that there's no hidden agenda regarding what Christopher might be asking of him. However, he understood too well that friendships, such as theirs, needed a give and take relationship. Given that Christopher was the vice minister of justice, and his family was known to be politically neutral, he would be needing his help all too soon.

"Thank you, Charlton. That's a relief to hear." Christopher replied as he released the deep breath that he has been holding. Then he continued, "As you may know, my sister has just turned 22 this year, and we could no longer put off her marriage…"

"Wait wait, hold up. What's that gotta do with Charlton? don't tell me this is some elaborate scheme to have him marry your sister?" Hugo interjected. What? Although he was not that bright, he spent enough time with his mother and sisters to know that when words like that were spoken, you should know what comes next.

Christopher coughed. Hugo, this buffoon, most of the time, he couldn't even comprehend the issue even when the answer was being laid in front of him, but now when he needed to maintain that ineptitude of his, he actually hit the nail on the head.

Charlton looked at Hugo, his eyes widening as if telling him to shut his trap and apologize.

Hugo felt incredulous with Charlton giving him that look because he knew he was right. However, he has spent enough time with the guy and had a certain level of respect for him. He trusted that Charlton wouldn't fall for such a simple scheme that even he, despite his usual denseness, can see through.

Thus, Hugo awkwardly laughed before saying, "Sorry for that Christopher. I was just teasing you as usual. Hehe… please continue…"

Christopher cleared his throat. Well, truth was, if the situation was the other way around, he would also come to the same conclusion. Anyhow, that should be the least of his concerns. The issue he will present has some validity so that will clear everything up, hopefully.

"As I was saying, my sister has reached the age where, on average, a lady should have already been married so our family has finally decided to get her a match this season. Although it's not difficult considering that there's always a line of suitors vying for her hand, the growing interest, and though minimal, still unwelcomed interloping of the crown princess on my sister's marriage prospects has led us to a certain predicament. Currently, we already have indisputable reasons to believe that she wants to match my sister Annalys, to her brother Lord Leonard Maxwell."

Hugo snorted, then he guffawed. "What the hell? And I thought it was something vile. Really? Lord Leonard Maxwell as your predicament? My sister would be willing to die just for the opportunity. But man… are you for real? If lord Leonard, a marquis, the heir of one of the richest dukedom, the vice minister of finance, and the brother of our future, wait, the next certain queen of Windsor, is not even qualified as your sister's potential spouse, then who or what the heck is? I mean, I can't even imagine how high the bars of your expectations are. Lord Leonard, really? Perhaps if he looked ugly, or if he has some disability, or perhaps a number of mistresses I don't know of, then maybe I can understand your or maybe your sister's discontent, but no!!! He is single, able, has no track record of broken hearts behind him, and to top it off, even to me, and I'm a man, I can say with conviction just how attractive he is. I get that your sister is undeniably pretty and is one of the most eligible bachelorettes of her age, but I'm sorry to say, she's not all that. Hey, does she or maybe even you and your family have the delusions that she's some kind of a goddess incarnate or something?"

If the involvement of Serena did not catch the rapt attention of Charlton first, he would have, try as he might stop himself for politeness' sake, also have a good laugh with Hugo. But since he was more focused and curious on why Serena was trying to make that match, he did not. Instead, he contemplated on her possible motivations because although he has only been in a relationship with her for 3 years, he would like to assume that he knew her well.

Serena was selfish and self-centered, but he knew that she loved her family. Even when they were on the heights of passion in their sordid love affair and were talking about hypothetical situations where they accidentally get caught one day, she would still reason and find ways where her family could get out of their predicament unscathed.

Was it possible that Leonard fell in love with Annalys and was now trying to marry her? Very unlikely. He knew Leonard since they were seven and it would be out of his character to ask for Serena's help in matters such as marriage. So, the one behind this must be Serena.

Why was Serena getting involved, or maybe the words should be, trying to control her brother's lifelong event? Did she change? Or was it that he did not know her well enough? No. He does not think so. Perhaps this was the case because she was getting desperate. But why? Was there trouble in paradise? If that were the case, then it would only be advantageous for him and would make it easier for him to exact his revenge. However, based on the picture he just saw in the newspaper, it was improbable. Serena could not even fake it even if she tried. Then again, she did make a fool out of him, so maybe he could be wrong.

He shook his head. There he goes again letting her consume his thoughts. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before focusing his attention on Christopher.

Christopher who could only flush in embarrassment with Hugo's words (since there was truth to it) finally recovered seeing how Charlton did not laugh along and was even looking at him seriously, as if asking him to continue.



Update schedule: Tuesday to Saturday 12:05am (gmt+8).

Btw sorry if there are a lot of thoughts going on in the initial chapters, i need to emphasize why charlton was wanting to do what he wants to and for what reasons he must do it that way.

champilyncreators' thoughts