
Treacherous Heart

She absolutely despises their very existence She cannot stand these species called “MEN” Because for her they only want one thing “ I strongly dislike men to my very core, they are all the same, they are predators and they only ever want one thing”.……………………. But deep deep down does Aurora really think that or is it just a naive innocence Or maybe just a facade?……….. Get ready to lose yourself in this heart wrenching story of Jason and Aurora because once he finds her, he’s never going to let go, he will unwind every single layer until she is bare under his gaze “Or so he thought”………… —————————————————- Excerpt: “where is the…………” Auroras voice trailed off seeing Jason stand there looking at her as if he was going to attack her any minute. it was as if she was the prey and he the predator. “you know there is something you have not said yet.” “what do you mean?” Auroras stern voice resonated in the room. “say it” Jason stood infront of the door, whilst he stared at her with an unwavering gaze. The door shut and locked behind him. “say what?, what do you want me to say?” “You know very well Rora, don’t make me come there otherwise you will not like what happens next.” oh she knew what he was talking about, she knew very well. “I don’t know what you are talking about, stop talking to me.” He took some steps closer to her. she quickly made her way towards the door. but try as she might the door was jammed. “Looks like I have a little wild animal loose in the castle who loves to run and play hide and seek.” She turned towards him. “Actually your right because when the predator is that hideous is it not obvious that the innocent animal would want to hide.” she smirked an evil one at him.

RAVENR · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

Not Your Forte

One could hear the beautiful prayers of the birds. Tweeting along the early hours of the rising sunlight. The birds were witnessing a soul practice on the soil of the ground. All they could here were the sharp sounds of air being cut again and again by the blinding sliver blades.

Aurora recalled what had happened yesterday. She was caught by Jason's arms he lifted her and carried her back to the couch she always slept on. He had not allowed anyone but himself to check if her pulse was fine. For some reason though she had fainted she still had a memory almost as if she was not unconscious but though her eyes were open witnessing everything. He had not touched her and just left her there to rest after draping a blanket over her.

Why, why someone tell me why?, Why is his kindness so pure?, why do I feel his purity?, why is he not lying for lust why? Whilst her thoughts continued to question the sharp sounds of the blades got sharper and sharper. The speed of weilding grew faster and faster.

Beth walked through the halls in the morning when she caught something moving outside. Once she looked through one of the windows in the hall she recognised the princess. She witnessed how the princess was lost almost as if in a world of her own. Her speed,agility was so sharp and crisp it was like she had trained for many many years though she was just 19. But on closer inspection she could see how the princess eyes were closed throughout the whole process. She did not know how long she stood there for, seemingly watching the princess constantly practice her fluid movements without tiring once. Her movements were telling an untold story which held Beth captivated.

The princess fell to one knee stabbing the innocent ground beneath her, her hand on the hilt of the sword and her head resting upon that lower arm. As the sun rose it cast a wordless picture of the princess surrendering to the sun whilst it ascended in its warm glory in the sky. Her tweeting audience going quiet to pay there respects. The skies baring witness to the unfolding. Beth stepped away from the window with a frown marred between her eyebrows. Slowly walking away from the scene.

Unbeknownst to both of them it was not just Beth who had witnessed this. Aurora stayed there with her eyes shut. She used her left hand to clutch her chest tightly. 'well hopefully you have learned your lesson this time.' When Aurora finally opened her eyes he was standing right there infront of her his shadow casting a glance upon her.

Jason rolled his white shirt sleeves up, his black bold flames standing out upon his skin. His chest was on display infront of the sunlight. Jason could recognise the smell of the moon fairy blood but when he scanned his heaven chosen there was no blood visible to his eyes. Once he was done rolling up his sleeves and leaving his 4 top buttons of his chest undone he went to the wall were the weapons were hanging off.

"Good morning, You passed out from the lack of oxygen last night."

"Does that happen often?"

He stood infront of the table checking if the sharpness of the blade was to his preferred standard. Jason went to the cabinet next to the wall to take out his sword which Aurora could not help but stare at its beauty. She had seen it before but him holding it confirmed it was his. He took out the sword and uncased it. This sword had a long triangle point at the very tip of the sword. His blade was blinding sharp. The sword did have a ability to decieve as it was pantent silver in colour but looked as if he had held a white lightning bolt. His hilt was a thick carved dragon. The dragon was detailed but most of all he had blue eyes which when touched by light transformed to pitch black.


Aurora turned her back on him continuing her practice. Jason watched as his wife practiced her sword techniques."Very clumsy movements, needs improvement." Aurora could hear his stupid comments but chose to ignore him.

Jason knew she could hear him. "Hmm, still clumsy."

"How about this, let's have a dual and see who really is the clumsy and in need of improvement one shall we, however without using your vampgon abilities". She turned facing Jason noticing him smirk. Jason watched as she lifted one of her eyebrows waiting for his answer.

"Don't mind if I do but princess I have a condition too, if I win then you will have to fullfil one of my requests. If you win I shall fulfil one of your requests."

" I agree… for I keep my words I wonder if you are a man of your words."

"Oh, that I am." Jason and Aurora walked to the centre walking in a slow circle.

"We will see." Her underlying words meaning more than what was spoken.

With that they both clashed. The swords creating sparks as they met. Aurora and Jason danced with their swords clashing each other without a break. Both of them were using one of their hands to wield. Jason tried to corner Aurora to the wall but it did not work as she rolled away. Her golden river was tied in a low long plait which hit Jason's cheek as she turned. His face turned slightly and he smiled.

Her smell was divine and he was going crazy. They were a duo of turns and twists. Aurora smartly got him to move back whilst he continued on blocking his way with his sword.they were both moving back and forth with their skilled wielding.

When Aurora was about to swing her sword once again Jason used his sword to twist the hand she was using to hold the sword causing her to spin with her back landing on to his open chest. Jason had trapped her between him and the sword. He spoke huskily near her ear "you smell so divine." That caused a tingle sensation to go through her a frown touched her eyebrows.

She shivered and pushed him back using her back and arm. Aurora used her sword to push him against the wall using the arm he had the sword in she pinned his wrist to the wall. With her sword near his neck "That's what all you men say and I dont recall asking for your opinion." Jason swivlled the sword off the wall with his other hand. Causing Aurora to be pushed back with the force of the baldes. He noticed how Aurora had realised she touched his bare wrist.

Jason could see how she was turning slightly red. But the minute he trapped her with the sword she turned even a deeper shade of red. Aurora knew that her body was beginning to spiral out of control. She did not have the power to contain the shades that appeared on her cheeks especially from the man infront of her to view.

Aurora turned fast on the ground using her back leg to trip Jason on the ground. Jason had not expected Aurora to act so fast as he was busy staring at her red cheeks. He fell back and landed on his back. Aurora came to stand on his side putting the tip of her sword on his bare chest just where his heart was.

Aurora glanced upon where she had purposely put the tip of her blade. "Oh,looks like you were right you are rather clumsy and in need of improvement. That's why you should not do what is not your forte don't you think? And I trust that as the man that you are you will keep your words in the near coming days." He smiled at her.

She turned and started to walk away. "First it was the neck then the heart." This made her stop in her tracks without turning "well what can I do when the heart is the weakest place of a vampgon." She smirked an evil one and walked inside.

Jason watched her back dissapear. His smile grew wider whilst his eyes transformed into black holes.