
Treacherous Heart

She absolutely despises their very existence She cannot stand these species called “MEN” Because for her they only want one thing “ I strongly dislike men to my very core, they are all the same, they are predators and they only ever want one thing”.……………………. But deep deep down does Aurora really think that or is it just a naive innocence Or maybe just a facade?……….. Get ready to lose yourself in this heart wrenching story of Jason and Aurora because once he finds her, he’s never going to let go, he will unwind every single layer until she is bare under his gaze “Or so he thought”………… —————————————————- Excerpt: “where is the…………” Auroras voice trailed off seeing Jason stand there looking at her as if he was going to attack her any minute. it was as if she was the prey and he the predator. “you know there is something you have not said yet.” “what do you mean?” Auroras stern voice resonated in the room. “say it” Jason stood infront of the door, whilst he stared at her with an unwavering gaze. The door shut and locked behind him. “say what?, what do you want me to say?” “You know very well Rora, don’t make me come there otherwise you will not like what happens next.” oh she knew what he was talking about, she knew very well. “I don’t know what you are talking about, stop talking to me.” He took some steps closer to her. she quickly made her way towards the door. but try as she might the door was jammed. “Looks like I have a little wild animal loose in the castle who loves to run and play hide and seek.” She turned towards him. “Actually your right because when the predator is that hideous is it not obvious that the innocent animal would want to hide.” she smirked an evil one at him.

RAVENR · Fantasy
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52 Chs


Once Emily managed to speed squeeze that out of her mouth Emily, Sofia and Alice all looked at Auroras face in anticipation only to see that she was absolutely blank faced as usual, there was no reaction, Aurora was just casually sitting there waiting for more information but when silence reigned "wow I hope I don't suffer from cardiac arrest and die from the heart stopping news" came the words from Aurora

"And Why did I not expect anything different" commented Alice "I don't understand what you want me to say, oh that explains all of this does it not?" Aurora spoke pointing at all the things laid out in the room. " No no you don't understand Aurora it is not just any dinner dance ball this is the castle we are talking about here there will be the queen, king and the duke you will get to see them."

"Forget about that Emily there will be young lads, and men there too" squirmed Sofia "and we will have a chance to meet them, talk to them dance with them you know what I mean girls" Sofia had a very suggestive smirk on her face whilst lifting both of her brows up and down.

Ignoring Sofia, Alice spoke "Aurora there will be many people, acquaintances and there will be food, entertainment, men of course and lots more we came to take you with us even though we all know what you are like we are sisters after all and we all love you and care for you that's why we came to invite you too"

Everyone nodded in agreement to what Alice said. Sofia and Emily spoke "exactly we are all sisters and that's why you should come because we love you" suddenly it went quiet and the girls were once again waiting and Watching Aurora "well, my aunt already mentioned this to me very briefly about the dinner dance ball as we were sent the invitations and she let me think about it I have to tell her my final decision later. Coincidentally you all come and tell me about that too so my answer is" and they all braced themselves "that I will tell you my final answer before you all leave"

They all had a semi look of relief, Sofia nodded "Yay I can't wait I am looking forward to your answer I think it will be positive anyway. Let's move onto something interesting shall we. so apparently lots of people are going there to find there match or even partners in short some will be there to court one another."

"The young ladies will deliberately try showing of their charms to try and trap the gentlemen so they go luring to them but they will only get attracted to us because we will be the only ones who will be able to smitten them with our natural us don't you think? imagine if anyone of us get picked I mean I am more than ready" mentioned Emily

Emily, Alice and Sofia all laughed but Aurora sat there just listening still in trance that these girls were really her friends but she knew that they were good at heart and that's why they were all close friends almost sisters.

Alice smiled as she said "I don't know, we could try our luck couldn't we your right after all Emily imagine if my knight will come galloping on a horse in the garden whilst charming all the women but his hand only reaches out for me" to this the girls all had blushes already whilst talking, but Aurora let out a loud snicker everyone knowingly looked at her and started to laugh.