
Trazyn Knock-Off

I never thought that my second chance in life would be in a place where depression is like sand on the beach. The earth is dying, and a corporation runs the country. Lucky for me, I was born into a family that owns one of the biggest corporations in the entire country. If only the world were not as fucked as this one. Lucky for me, I get a third chance. =||= I don't know how to synopsis, help. Also, this is the Overlord x Multiverse story. By that alone, you should know that this is a self-indulgent story. You have been warned.

Fangrove · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 14

I sit on the throne and think about how I should respond to this mess. My guild and I were transported to another world, and I don't know what kind of world this is. The voice told me that this world could handle me, which could mean anything.

It can mean there are a lot stronger beings in this world than me, a level 400 player. It can mean there are a lot of beings that can fight toe-to-toe against me. Or is it only a world where it can handle my presence and not break the law of this world?

I shake my head and decide for now to see the world first.

"We need to investigate the world first. So I will go down there and explore it."

"Then please bring us as well, my lord! We will protect you in case someone dares to attack you."

Lorelai said while looking at me. I can see a worried expression on her cold face.

"No. I need you to investigate the castle for me. Hina and Valena will be the ones leading the investigation to make sure everything is in top condition and nothing is missing."

"How about we come?!"

I look to the side and see a twin sister wearing blue and white clothes with a hoodie that looks like a bunny. They are Rori and Ruri, a twin sister and master of the scythe. They are the other two NPCs I had in the throne room other than Hina and Valena.

If Valena is a tank and Hina is our support, Rori and Ruri are our hit-and-run fighters. They are fast and have many combos because most of their spells and skills have a short cooldown.

I nod my head and say.

"Very well. Rori and Ruri will come and be my bodyguard."


Both of them jump up and down and then stick out their tongues at the other NPCs. I ignore their antics and look at Hina.

"Hina, I will leave our home in your hands, okay?"

"Fufufufu~ You don't need to worry, my lord~ I will take care of everything~ I will crush them with my hand~."

Ah, right. I forget that Hina is a Sadomasochistic person. She is a sadist to her enemy and a masochist to the person she loves. That is why I created a Priestess as her basic job and Voodoo Master as her advanced job.

She looks like Miko but can curse you to oblivion if you anger her.

Like to inflict pain on someone she brands as an enemy and wants the person she loves to inflict pain on her. She is a woman that likes pain.

That is the description I write in her bio. I also remember writing about her going to the dungeon to volunteer as a torturer for anyone we capture. Past Sullivan, what are you thinking?

I look at Valena and say.

"Valena, make sure Hina is not going overboard, okay?"

"Of course, my lord!"

"Awww, my lord~ You don't trust me?~"

"I trust you, Hina. However, you are doing it a little bit too well. I don't want to taint our home with filth."

"Awwww~ Then I will make sure to clean them well~."

I shudder a little at her seductive tone and how her kimono flowed down to show me her breasts. Little Sullivan, you need to hold it together, boy! You don't need to salute her at the moment! We need to look dignified to our creation!

I know I created them just for you but not now!

I take a deep breath and get up from my throne. Rori and Ruri follow me to the outside, where I walk to the edge of my floating island (After the expansion) and decide to test whether my spell is still working.

I take a deep breath and say.

"[Mass Fly]"

Our body glows a little before the three of us start to float away from the ground. When I activate the spell, instinctively, I already know how to fly.

The three of us fly down and arrive on the ground. I can feel the earth underneath me when my feet touch the ground. I blink a few times as I get used to the feeling. Is this what a druid feels like?

I know that [Nature's Herald] is supposed to be one with nature but holy shit! I can see a lot from standing here alone.

"What happened here?"

I snap from my thoughts when Rori (The one wearing the blue and white clothes) says that.

"I don't know what happened but this area is tainted by demonic energy."

I look at the destroyed forest and feel a little bit sad. Not only because of my job as a [Druid] but also because it is rare to see trees from Earth, and seeing them destroyed breaks my heart. I touch the ground and activate my spell.

I take out my staff and stab it into the ground.

"[Summon: Aurora]"

A second later, I can see a beautiful woman appear in front of me. She has beautiful white hair and silver eyes. On her back is a pair of silver-see-through wings.

This is Aurora, my tamed monster. She is a level 70 monster that I tamed when I got a [High Tamer] job when I tried to get the [God of Life] job. However, because I'm a grinder, she is now a level 100 tamed monster, and her [Fairy] race changes into [Fairy Queen].

"Ahhhh~ My master~ What can this lowly self do for you?"

"Aurora. Can you help me scout the area? Ten kilometers should be enough."

"Of course, master~."

Aurora is a scouting and divination fairy that helps me scout anything ahead. She has something called [All-Seeing Fairy] that lets her do this.

I wait for a minute before Aurora opens her eyes, looks at me, and says.

"There is nothing in the ten kilometer radius, master."

"Forest? Mountain?"

"There is a mountain to the east and a lake under the mountain. However, the lake is tainted. There is no sign of life in that place. The same with the mountain, there is not a sign of life there. On the west, I can see burned down forests and just like the rest, there is not a single sign of life."

"I see. This is particular. Then you can go back, Aurora."

"Call me again, master~."

I rub my chin and think about our next step.

"What should we do, my lord? Should we search a little bit more?"

I look at Ruri and shake my head.

"No. Ten kilometers is good enough for now. At least there will not be an immediate danger. We need to get back and think about our next move. I also need to check if [Biforst] is still working or not."

If Bifrost is still working, it will be easier to see if there is a living being on this planet. I use a [Gate] spell, and we are back at the throne room.

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