

We had finished our hunt for spirit rings, And this is the result are as follows

~Song Hino~

1. Eri (Mirror Empress)

An auxiliary system spirit, the empress of all mirror type spirit and was said to be unbreakable.

Spirit Rings :

-Light Reflection [A million-year-old]

2. Hyoto (Ice Sword SIW)

A power attack system spirit, come from Hino's soul and grow stronger as he did. An embodiment of one of his emotions.

Spirit Rings :

-Ice control (Absolute Ice) [A million-year-old]

3. Ame (Fire Sword SIW)

A power attack system spirit, come from Hino's soul and grow stronger as he did. The embodiment of one of his emotions.

Spirit Rings :

-Fire control (Absolute Fire) [A million-year-old]

4. Kuhaku (Heavenly Void Tiger)

A power agility system spirit, A tiger who was born within void itself, hold great power and speed.

Spirit Rings :

- None

~Song Wuhan~

1. Spear (Divine Light)

A power attack system spirit, A golden spear with an engraving of a dragon on its hilt and the spearhead was so sharp that it can pierce almost everything.

Spirit Rings :

- None

2. Shield (War Song)

A defense system spirit, A shield which creates a domain around its user. Works like a force field.

Spirit Rings :

-Increases defense by 20%, and block incoming projectile (weak). ( 420 years old)

~Song Xue~

1. Moon & Sun Scepter (Star Chaser)

A control system spirits, A golden staff with a moon and sun on it.

Spirit Rings :

-Bind enemies in a certain radius for a few moments. (400 years old)

*Enemies 5 spirit ranks above the user isn't affected. The same ranks got stalled for 5 seconds, below the user spirit rank is immobilized completely until the user released it or through sheer willpower.

2. Spirit Eyes

A mental support spirit, Eyes which helped allies greatly and make enemies at a disadvantage as it arrived in the war.

Spirit Rings :


Well, we also decided that our family name would be the same and that's Song. Also, it's not like Xue didn't want to find spirit rings for her eyes but It's that the mental type spirit beast seems to be rare and hard to find. Xue is getting a little homesick and even though this place isn't bad and is abundant in spiritual power, we're still 6-year-old children.

"We need to leave soon since, I really miss my family," Xue said, Wuhan nodded in acceptance. "Okay, pack up we would leave soon," I said to them they then started to clear up the campsite. We then went towards the teleportation gate but I noticed something fishy as if this isn't the same gate we came from. But before I could warn my friends something appeared out of the gate. It's a tall man (?) we couldn't see his face properly as he was covered in a black mist. We felt danger radiating from him. It looked around for a while at least that what I think since It was moving its head around. It then looked at us and I think it smiled. Suddenly a strong gust of wind hit and we closed our eyes for a second and that man disappears.

We then looked at each other and understand what each of us meant that is 'what a dangerous thing, I could felt that it could kill us in an instant.' We then looked at the portal hesitantly as we are afraid of what could be behind the gate. "I suggest we look around for another gate if there's one. But if there's none that whether we want or not needed to pass through this gate." They nodded and we started to search in hope for another gate. But we found nothing so we need to pass through the previous gate where that 'something' emerges from.

We prepare our weapon and proceed with caution as something could happen if we let our guard down.

"I guess we have no choice then," I said to them. The looked at me, Wuhan then holds my shoulder "We would face through anything together be it harsh or easy, we would live through it." Hearing this I nodded then I look to Xue who was blushing from Wuhan words, I smirked at this and thought 'Well Xue is always so attentive to Wuhan so she liking him is to be expected.' I looked at the sky for a while and sigh 'It's just like me and... and.. Who was it ?'

Seeing me confused Wuhan shook my body and asked: "You okay?" Xue also looked at me worriedly. I just shook my head and smiled at them "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go through the gate." Both of their looks suddenly change and become serious. They nodded and I led them to the gate. If you guys wondered where's Kuhaku and Co. well they're having fun in my soundscape. Kuhaku loves sleeping and right now he must be sleeping. Well little did I know that they're having a discussion about something important.

~Inside the soulscape~

Right, when Hino and friends about to go towards the portal. Eri, Ame, and Hyoto are having a picnic under the soul tree with Kuhaku sleeping beside the picnic. They're having fun till Kuhaku suddenly wakes up and went full alert.

"What's wrong Kuhaku?" Eri asked while Ame and Hyoto staring curiously. "I felt something weird something familiar. It felt like..." Ame and Hyoto keep staring at him and asked: "Feel like what ?" Kuhaku just continues the suspense "It felt like... Umm, I forgot sorry: v" He scratches his head. Ame and Hyoto got mad and started chasing him while Kuhaku running Eri just sighed at this. After a few whiles, you could see a beaten up tiger with two women riding on top of it. When they got near the tree the two girls went down and puffed their chest out in content while the tiger is just whining around. Eri smirked and hit kuhaku head, "That's what you get for teasing us. What causes you to be like that anyway ?" Kuhaku thought for a while and finally explained some stuff and what he felt.

"So basically you had 2 brothers and one sister." Kuhaku nodded and Eri continued, "And you felt the energy of your brother approaching here in a face speed ?" Kuhaku nodded again. Eri got a little headache, " Your brother is under control of someone and went on a killing spree on planets and he's going here in a fast pace what a problem and he sealed your other brother and sister. Let's hope he doesn't find you." Just as they're talking suddenly a presence emerging from the gate each one of the spirits of Hino got surprised from the amount of darkness he contains and how corrupt he's but inside the soulscape, nothing happened and they felt strangely peaceful. Kuhaku noticing what's happening kind of amazed, "Amazing." he said, Eri and Co looked at him strangely with questioning looks that mean 'what does you mean?'. Kuhaku got out of his stupor and collected himself coughed and said, "It's the soul tree, it protected us and Hino's friend soul from collapsing, it's truly a wonder of how does it do this." The others got surprised but found it normal as it could release Kuhaku from his brother seal. The figure suddenly smiled towards them and it sent chills down their spine. They felt something would happen soon.

The computer is fixed now so happy ^_^. Anyway 1/2

I got a severe case of diarrhea

RekiOScreators' thoughts
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