

My Name is kit S Willson, 5 ft 6, tanned skin Black hair, Oynx eyes, skinny, but with a slight muscle tone. the things that I like the things that I dislike. don't Matter anymore.


It's simple,

I am dead.

All I am is a random soul floating in a peculiar void. quiet, black, and endless, Like a sea of space that stretched for miles. I Lost count of how many days after 3. and since then I was Just floating around bored out of my mind.

????"My what a strange little fellow"


"So this is my fate," I said depressed "Stuck in a strange void for so long I am hearing voices in my head...I am going crazy"

"You are not going crazy young one" the voice chuckled

I glanced around 'I don't see anyone...so...'

An orb of light appeared before it expanded to form a human-shaped light.

"Who are you?"

"You might know me as the One Above All the one that watches over the omniverse Kit or should I say Gohan."

"..." I stared blankly at the strange being "Look I don't know if you do any drugs or can considering you are just made of light but uh...

"Do I look like Gohan to you?"

He merely chuckled and snapped his fingers It was then I saw everything from the birth up till My death at the hands of a black hole during the cell games."

"I-Impossible" I Stampered Back this was just too much to take in "How..."

The being chuckled, "quite simple really, you see when Gohan went through the rip between space and time he was close towards death the god of your world fused your soul with his too save him however he had to seal away your powers to keep the balance of power in the world."

I stood their shell shocked, this was insane. I still had one question in mind.

"But...why me?...there are trillions of people in this world of all of them why did It half to be me?"

The being pulsed

"You are a special kind of Soul, You and Gohan's souls are Almost Identical so it was easy to fuse if fused with random soul from a different reality that soul would be destroyed."

I stared at him shocked beyond belief, 'This is like some kind of fan-fiction story.' which lasted a few seconds before I snapped my self out of my funk.

"Will I be able to return?"

"You Will Be Able to return...in time"

"Right now though... I will offer you two gifts"

One he snapped his fingers and a rush of information appeared in my brain My eyes widened You gave me knowledge of the world gate?" I asked stunned.

He chuckled, "Indeed with this technique, you will be able to use the world gate to travel different worlds, "Fiction" as you call it although I doubt that it would be considered fictional considering ...You know "

I nodded slowly

"Anyway...for your second Gift, choose two wishes of your choice."

Contemplated, for a few seconds with my finger on my chin before I looked at him and smiled,

'With the Abilities of a supreme kai I will not only be immortal I will Also be able to use Godly Ki, Magic materialization(very important to suit my needs) Kai Kai (Basically, Teleport) Healing, rejuvenation, telepathy, telekineses.'

'The next thing I want to wish for is to be an avatar. from the movies the last Airbender why? It's simple. I Always wanted to control the 5 elements'

"Okay then, I would like the capabilities of the Supreme Kai and the Avatar...the avatar from the cartoon the last Airbender. Is that okay?"

"Easy wish to grant," He said as he snapped his fingers and My soul became brighter and brighter until finally the light dimmed showing me looking like the classic Gohan from the cell games" wearing a piccolo outfit although I had Kotara earings on each side.

Knowledge of how to master the supreme kai techniques and the elements poured into my brain.

"farewell and good luck" the being said before disappearing.

Thank you." I whispered My expression then turned to that of concentration." to use the newly given knowledge to open the portal to the new world

A vortex appeared in front of me

"Haha,...It worked" I grinned as I walked in

Things are about to get exciting.