
Traversing the Infinite Realities

(Okay, before you read the synopsis, I'm just gonna say this but you can a 100% skip to Vol3 because think of it as a different novel at that point, but I still recommend reading Vol1 and Vol2 so you can understand the later chapters and why everyone else is confuse at the start of Vol3 The synopsis for Vol3 would be: Born as a normal boy, Rintarou never had much of a dream other than living a normal life. But with strange dreams that appeared out of nowhere, he starts to see a new perspective on the reality he knows, for there is not just one but instead Infinite Realities. With a genius brain and a dumb poopy doopy brain annoying lizard by his side, he sets out on an adventure to Traverse the Infinite Realities, to gain power or reach the top, he'll follow a path set out only followed by few in the multiverse But you won't understand the strange things happening without reading Vol1 and Vol2 so you should still read it when you don't know what's going on) One day, a normal teenage boy with the name of a certain anime character was fuming with rage at the thought that he was writing for free! He realized that there are so much possibilities to become rich! And one defining thought rested on his mind, to become a nsfw furry artist on Twatter and rake in the money of so much furry coomers, he will start a Patronage, a Pansly, an Onlypans account, he started to create plans for his world domination of lust until that one fateful moment happened as finally, eons of planning shall now commence in this one grand saga of Rintarou Okabe, the dense, insane, chuuni protagonist of this 3rd novel of mine, go check out my other novels you sussy baka! Also follow me on Twatter, I post hints and cryptic messages for the upcoming plot of my novels and get some juicy info like what my voice sounds like. It's @NoNameDeityWN. (Started in January 2, 2022 - 39th day of writing) (3rd novel)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Ch 110 – Juggernaut Drive Experiment

As I walk toward school with a bored face, I look around the open path with a calm smile at how much I have progressed in a matter of months.

From a weak little human to a monstrous hybrid wielding two Longinus, it has been a really fun adventure and for now, I would want to take a short break before I go to another alternate universe for who knows what.

"Hmm, I wonder how I could improve Mechanical God v5? It's already Ultimate Class on v4 but I'm stuck in that stage, maybe I'll go to a universe where there are magical ores? I've been in a serious lack of magical materials to tinker with so maybe I'll do that next time," with a sigh, I click my shoes and directly appear in front of Kuoh within an instant, but as I did, I instantly felt magical signatures waving about in the distance in the accursed schoolhouse.

"Hmm? The element of fire?" with curiosity, I click my shoes once more and appear right in front of the Occult Research Club's schoolhouse and took a peek through the windows to see a fiery magical circle in the ground reminiscent of the summoning circles for devils.

And as I watch the fiery red magic circle lit up, flames with the thematic of a phoenix burst from the circle as a certain devil clan pop up in mind.

"The Phenex clan? How surprising," with intrigue, a bowl of popcorn appears in my hand and went to much on it, enjoying the drama that was going to ensue.

"Oho? An arranged marriage? Typical bloodline stuff, how medieval and boorish, they should just go for the incense root for "purer" bloodline," oh how funny am I truly? My jokes are just the toppiest of tops.

So with my curiosity hook, I continue to watch them argue and after a while, I got the gist of it.

"Hmm, the phenex bloodline is a bit interesting… well why not!" as a black and white magic circle appears below me, I appear in another parallel reality where the same stuff has happened and with a katana appearing directly in the grasp of my hands.

"Ddraig, wake up," I mutter under my breath as a groggy voice appears from nowhere.

[Huh? What's wrong?] asks Ddraig, confused with why Rintarou is calling him.

"Just watch, I'm about to enact my vengeance on Rias already," with the sword being unsheathed, the fabric of space itself was cut into two from the sharp edge of the sword.

[Oh, well I'll stay silent then] said Ddraig, and as I watch him mentally make a bowl of random snacks, I chuckle and start my grand entrance.

"Hup," with a swish, my vision blurred for a split second and I appeared right in the middle of the room on top of the table as everyone else was shocked for a bit by this sudden intruder.

"Rating game this, rating game that! Well fuck that, I'll just end it right here!" with one swift motion, the blade of my sword was unsheathed and as a blue line appeared right in the neck of Riser, his whole body burst into flames as he was chopped into mincemeat, trying to desperately regenerate himself but with another cut, his already mince body got chopped into finer meat as the fire died down leaving everyone else agape at the sudden turn of events.

"O- Okabe-san?" said Kaiba while having a raised eyebrow.

"Yo, Kiba-senpai, fancy meeting you here huh? I knew you were trying to mind fuck me in the dumpsters, so the sword was yours huh?" I said, and with a chuckle, a green glow appears on my left arm as the Boosted Gear appears from nowhere.

"B- Boosted Gear?!" said Akeno, clearly shocked at how I have the Boosted Gear.

"Ngh, I've been wanting to exact my revenge since the last time you force me to run away from the toilet stall, now I've got a chance!" with a BOOST from the Boosted Gear, my power rose by 2 times as I swing my sword once more, but as I was about to release a space attack, I felt the sword coming to a halt as the white-haired maid surprisingly grasps the edge of the sword without fail.

"Oho? An Ultimate Class devil pampering the princess of the Gregory Clan? How sweet, say, what if I told you I can unbind you from the Evil Pieces? I can grant you freedom if I want to," I said with a grin, vanishing from my previous place and appearing right behind Issei.

And with one swift push to Issei's chest, a red glow pops out on the other end as he kneeled down on the ground with trembling arms.

"Issei!" shouted Rias as she went to rush towards Issei, trying to see if he was okay.

"You bastard!" shouted Kiba as multiple blades erupted from the ground below me.

"Oho? Sword Birth?" with a swift cut from my blade, blue lines erupted everywhere as his sword was all cut in half except from the one in his hand, clearly shocking everyone else in the room as Kiba was a Middle-Class Devil.

"I'll show you true power!" with one swift cut, blue lines erupted all around the room as both the white-haired girl and the blond-haired girl's head was cut off while everyone else gained multiple cuts along their body including the maid which clearly shocked her for a bit, not expecting that I was able to move faster than she expected and wasn't able to stop my blade in the nick of time.

"AHHH!" shouted Akeno before lightning erupted all around the room like a thunderstorm but my revenge wasn't over yet!

"BOOST!" let out the Boosted Gear as I cut the air one more time and effectively cut off the lightning girl's and Kaiba's heads while leaving Issei and Rias alone as I went to teleport one more time to evade the maid's swift punch.

"Who are you!" shouted the maid as she did a literal jump in the air to change her direction and land a swift kick towards me, but I simply block it off with my sword as a smirk donned on my face.

"The name's Okabe Rintarou, and I'm here to kill Rias Gremory!" with a quick turn, her foot slid off the sword while I launch a kick by turning my body towards her along with multiple green veins lighting up all over my body, and with one single kick, a loud explosion was heard as half of the schoolhouse was destroyed with the maid's body shooting into the far distance destroying multiple trees along the way.

"Kukuku, how ironic Rias Gremory, you were trying to mind control me a few weeks ago and now your life is in danger because of that. You know what they say, actions have their consequences!" with one swift kick to her stomach, she puked out blood while the sheathe of my sword lay on top of Issei's chest who looked at me with dilating eyes.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Issei oh Issei, the wielder of Ddraig is a huge disappointment instead. Why don't I change that for a spin? Change the fate of a Red Dragon Emperor!" as shadowy tendrils erupted from my hand, a shadowy creature went to enter Issei's head forcibly without his consent and was knocked unconscious.

"Now, why don't w- kuk!" with a swift motion, I draw out the sword to block a rapid beam of red energy going toward me.

"HA!" shouted a voice from the distance as a large beam of fire shot towards me, but with another swift cut, the space in front of me distorted as the flames were cut and dispelled, and with a click of my shoes, I appear right behind the maid while swinging my sword with full force.

But with a swift motion, she turned around within an instant and kick the handle of my sword throwing it far away into the air but as she did that, I sent a kick to her stomach by retracting and shooting my legs forwards, making her go flying into the distance as the Yamato drops down in my arms once more.


With more energy coursing through my body, multiple runes appeared high in the air with the main element being wood, and as the runes shine brightly in the sky, the trees around me started to contort, and out came gigantic roots from the ground.

As if the roots were raging serpents, they shot towards the maid in the distance who was flying at sonic speeds while my hair, eyes, and circuits turned to the color of black and white as a dangerous aura donned on the area around me.

With the maid flying high above the air, she whips out dangerous demonic power to destroy the hundreds of woody roots shooting towards her, distracting her from the plan Rintarou was preparing to do as his sword he aptly named Yamato a few seconds ago glows Void Black.

And as the maid nears Rintarou who was in a horse stance buckling up his legs, Rintarou's eyes open wide while a dangerous amount of mana funneled into his blade, and with a grin, he mutters the name of his special attack.

"Void Slash!" with one swift pull, Rintarou does a quick draw with the Yamato and as that happens, the fabrics of space itself bend to the blade of the sword as a gigantic beam of darkness shot toward the maid, eradicating everything in its way to the void of space, and with that, the fight was over the moment Rintarou sheathes back his sword.

"Whew! It was pretty challenging doing the right calculations from a newly made formula in the heat of the moment," with a sigh of relief, Rintarou appears back in the destroyed schoolhouse where Rias lay unconscious in rubble and destroyed rocks.

And beside her, was Issei standing with a dangerous red aura erupting from his body while the Boosted Gear on his left arm glows dark red.

[Huh, the experiment seems to be working? Though it's a bit disturbing that we're using other versions of me as experimental subjects.] Ddraig said, a bit disturbed by what they are doing but they've done untold crimes already so this one is just another drop to their ocean of sins.

"Yeah, but let's just watch for now," with a swift slash, our presence fully disappeared as if we were simply unnoticed ghosts.

"I, who am about to awaken," suddenly mutters Issei, which intrigued both Rintarou and Issei as they closely listened to his chant.

"Am the Heavenly Dragon who has stolen the principles of domination from God," as the chant continues, the Boosted Gear in issei's left arm glowed red while a set of red armor dons on his whole body as a dangerous aura erupted from his body.

"I laugh at the "infinite", and I grieve at the "dream"," with the chant further continuing, a mad aura started to shine in Issei's green eyes while a pair of wings erupted from his back.

"I shall become the Red Dragon of Domination," as he said that, more dragon-like features started to appear all over the armor.

"And I shall sink this world to the depths of the crimson purgatory!" as the final verse was uttered, the glow of green and red erupted from his orbs, and out came a beast of pure destruction, the Red Dragon Emperor.

"Juggernaut Drive!" shouts the beast as an explosion of energy erupts from his body, destroying all of Kuoh within an instant while we simply watch high above the air with intrigue.

[So he loses his sanity? Presumably due to the negative emotions we forcibly made him go through.]

"Also, due to the consciousness of past users being there, it must have also amplified the negative thoughts of Issei," as we watch Issei fly around Japan through a random satellite I hacked, cities upon cities were destroyed as millions of lives were taken by our experimental subject.

And as the beast of destruction continued to ravage all around the world without stop, an entity appeared from nowhere which captures our curiosity.

"There she is, the Dragon of Infinity, Ophis!" with a clap of my hands, I watch her stop Issei's rampage with one hand, clearly showing how much superior she was compared to us right now.

[Huh, we're still far away from the peak, isn't that right? Partner.] said Ddraig as we watch a certain enraged crimson-haired devil appear in the distance to help take down Issei.

"Mmm, but let's have a fun adventure along the way, through the infinite realities we shall travel! Committing crimes and having fun! Our adventures shall be ones to remember!" with a press of a button beside me, we disappeared from that reality while the world ending bomb I implanted in Issei activated, but killing those two beings might as well be impossible for they're world-class beings, though Ophis might already be solar at this point so oh well.

AN: This is 2195 words, you're welcome.

The Sword of Damocles hangs above each and everyone one of you with its ever present threat of despair, so send me some power stones with your power of friendship and save the thousands perhaps even millions to come who will read this masterpiece immortalized in the tunnels of time.

(May 7, 2022 – 164th day of writing)