
Traversing Another World—This Isn't Science! Obtaining a Godly Tool

This is a simple story about an ordinary person living leisurely in another world, cultivating fields, growing flowers, and, in his free time, delving into unscientific science. Until the end.

Sealiest · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 6: Recommendation Form

The exchange of thoughts in an instant felt like a myriad.

Duke had completely figured out Little Yi's role. It was like having a second brain, a supercomputer-like brain.

The more data collected, the more tasks Little Yi could handle. Its thinking ability would also become stronger.


Opening his eyes, Duke felt that the world before him had completely changed. Compared to before unlocking the Spiritual Sea, the world became more vibrant and colorful after the unlocking.

"Little Yi."

"I'm here."

"No problem." Duke just wanted to make sure that even without entering the Spiritual Sea, he could have a direct mental conversation with Little Yi. "By the way, can you collect everything my eyes have seen?"


"Can I access these contents at will?"

"Of course."


Duke was amazed at the power of the golden finger, surpassing all expectations.

Now he could finally be sure that he could live well in this extraordinary world, experience the most magnificent scenery, and explore the profound mysteries of the spiritual magic system.


The future is bright and splendid.

But unlocking the Spiritual Sea is not a one-step ascent.

It only means that Duke has the talent for practicing spiritual magic.

"I have just unlocked the Spiritual Sea. To be precise, I am not even considered a spiritual apprentice. I need to go to the city's Magic Tower for registration to be officially recognized as a spiritual apprentice."

A spiritual apprentice is like an apprentice in the spiritual magic system.

In reality, most people who rely on awakening elixirs to catalyze the unlocking of the Spiritual Sea are ultimately stuck at the level of spiritual apprentices. They cannot advance to become true mages.

For example, the card repairer Best and Old Sam are both drug-induced spiritual apprentices. They will probably never draw a closed energy circuit—a ring—in their entire lives.


The level of a spiritual apprentice is explicitly defined as 0 ring.

They are in the same tier as a messenger owl, a 0-ring spiritual beast, both at the bottom of the pyramid of the spiritual magic system.

"I'm different. Although my spiritual core has not yet condensed, and the energy circuit has not started to take shape... I already have a nine-ring Little Yi and a one-ring Desert Eagle in my Spiritual Sea. My potential is limitless!"

After closing his eyes and resting for a while, Duke relieved the fatigue from summoning the one-ring Desert Eagle.

After that, Duke prepared a delicious meal. With ten gold dragons minus the money spent on purchasing awakening elixirs, he stored the rest in the dragon spirit card. He currently didn't lack money to spend.

After eating and drinking his fill, the feeling of exhaustion was completely gone.

He then left his home.

Snake Head Town was not small, with a total of four streets forming a "well" shape, dividing the small town into a nine-square grid.

Now he needed to go to the central location of the well, where there were well-arranged buildings, the residence area of the Black Snake family and the wealthy people of the town. Among them were also several conspicuous tower-shaped structures.

One of the tallest tower-shaped buildings had a sign hanging in front saying "Magic Tower."

"This is it, the Magic Tower is the resident institution of the town—Magic Society." Duke adjusted his collar and walked toward the entrance.

He was stopped by the gatekeeper as soon as he reached the entrance. "Please show your identification."

"I'm here to register."

"Register as a spiritual apprentice?"


"Follow me." A solemn expression on the gatekeeper's face squeezed out a few smiles. "Little brother, what's your name? Have you successfully opened the Spiritual Sea? Your talent is impressive!"

"I'm called Duke."

"Duke, this way. The place to register as a spiritual apprentice is on the second floor."

The interior of the Magic Society was luxurious, exuding opulence. The gatekeeper warmly led Duke to a spacious office on the second floor before leaving.

"Hello, may I ask where a spiritual apprentice registers?" Duke inquired.

"Go to desk number four."

The office was circular in layout, with partitioned rooms in the center. Duke quickly found desk number four, where four staff members were stationed.

Three young staff members quickly asked and recorded Duke's personal information.

"Duke, male, born on May 16, 4396 of the Storm Calendar; an orphan from the 'Black Snake Nest' war, residing at 443 Second Street, Snake Head Town in the Black Snake family's territory."

While the young staff members were busy filling out the form, a middle-aged woman sitting behind the desk waved at Duke with a kind gesture. "Come, have a seat."

Duke didn't hesitate and sat down.

The middle-aged woman smiled, "I'm Murlavi, responsible for qualification verification. I must inform you that only the Magic Tower in the Black Serpent City qualifies for registering spiritual apprentices. I can only verify your qualifications here and then recommend you to register at the Magic Tower."

"I understand."

"So, did you naturally meditate to unlock the Spiritual Sea?" Murlavi squinted her eyes, looking somewhat expectant.

Duke shook his head, "No, I used awakening elixirs."

"Oh." Murlavi's enthusiasm visibly slowed down, and her tone lost some of its warmth. "You're indeed lucky; not many awaken using awakening elixirs."

"Yes, very fortunate."

"Tell me about your experience of unlocking the Spiritual Sea."

Duke briefly explained, and Murlavi asked for some details, confirming that Duke had indeed opened the Spiritual Sea.

Just as the young staff members finished organizing a form, Murlavi signaled for Duke to sign his name on the recommendation form. She then signed and stamped the form with the official seal of the Magic Society.

She didn't immediately hand the recommendation form to Duke. In a calm tone, she said, "Duke, before recommending you to register at the Black Serpent City Magic Tower, I have another option for you... Snake Head Town is the Black Snake family's territory. You can choose to join the Black Snake family, go to the Magic Tower to register as a spiritual apprentice in the name of a Black Snake family vassal."

Without waiting for Duke's response, another staff member added, "Being a vassal of the Black Snake family is a precious opportunity, and you can enjoy many benefits!"

Then, the staff members continued to elaborate on these benefits.

Another staff member chimed in, "Yes, yes, the Black Snake family is a rising major family. Being a vassal and enjoying such benefits is truly enviable!"

These benefits were indeed tempting. An ordinary spiritual apprentice might be swayed.

However, Duke was unmoved. Rights and obligations were always reciprocal, and with grand ambitions, he naturally didn't want to be bound to the wheels of the Black Snake family. Moreover, as an Earthling, he wasn't accustomed to being a vassal and taking orders from another family.

After pretending to think for a moment, he responded, "Sorry, Ms. Murlavi, but I'd like to try developing on my own first."

Murlavi's tone became completely cold, but she didn't make things difficult for Duke. She casually placed the recommendation form on the table. "Well then, young man, good luck."

A spiritual apprentice who only awakened the Spiritual Sea by using drugs was inconsequential.

As Duke picked up the recommendation form and prepared to leave, Murlavi said casually, "The day after tomorrow, the Magic Society has a special car going to the Black Serpent City. You can take the car for free with this recommendation form."

"Thank you, I understand."

As Duke left, a young staff member muttered somewhat resentfully, "Aunt, this Duke actually refused the family's recruitment."

Murlavi's lips curled slightly. "Young people always have unrealistic aspirations. Let him experience it; he'll know the benefits of being sheltered by a large family."

"Hmph, by then, the family may not necessarily take him in."