
Travelova (English Version)

Diaz ran away from home after learning that his parents were officially divorced. He was forced to run away, leaving his parents frantically looking for him. Coinsiding with the school holidays, he chooses to travel and is forced to spend his holiday with Afika⸺a junior in high school who often gets into trouble with him. Diaz’s attitude suddenly changed towards Afika. After Alan⸺Afika’s first love at school reveals his feelings and wants the careless girl to be his girlfriend. There’s something that keeps Diaz away from Afika. It wasn’t because he hated Afika or lost out to Alan. However, because of his feelings of love for Afika.

seorin_writernim · Teen
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20 Chs

Afika Drama

Afika didn't know whether her father would allow her to go or not. She didn't know how he would react. It was too sudden.

Why didn't Wandi give us the tickets yesterday? So, there was preparation. If it's sudden like this, it's risky too. Father might even refuse and oppose Afika's departure.

"Alright ... take it easy. Let me persuade Mamang," Wandi consoled. "Instead of not getting my money back and losing it. I'd rather give it to my younger cousin who rarely travels. Right?"

"Huh, rarely travels," Afika sneered, a little annoyed. "If you want to give, just give, no need to be snide behind your back."

"Yeah, right! You're such a homebody. Go outside and see the whole universe once in a while. You'll be amazed at God's creation and what it contains," Wandi jokingly replied.

Afika just smiled. Just watch out when she's in front of her father, her older cousin is silent.

Not long after, my father came to the stall. He saw his nephew chatting with his daughter.

"Eh, Wan! Why don't you sit down first?" greeted Afika's father. Wandi's mother's younger brother, whom he called Mamang in Sundanese.

"It'll only take a minute, Mang. I just need to see Afika," said Wandi.

Afika immediately turned to her older cousin. She was waiting for Wandi to speak. Did he really want to help her talk to ask her father for permission or was he just talking.

"Hurry up and tell me first!" muttered Afika as she gave him the code with a glance. Wandi understood.

"Oh yes, Mang. You see... I'm not going on holiday to Jogja. Because I have an extra schedule at the university that I can't leave. So, how about I divert my holiday to Afika. Is that okay, Mang?" Wandi started the conversation. Afika's father immediately took him seriously.

"To Jogja? When?" asked Bapak. He looked at Wandi closely to see the seriousness of his speech.

"Tomorrow, Mang," Wandi replied.

Afika's father seemed to think first. It took a while and made Afika and Wandi anxious to hear his answer. Wandi told a long story about his holiday plans to Jogja with a trusted travel agent. Because Wandi had used the travel agency several times to travel to fill his holiday time.

"So, what do you think?" asked Afika carefully. She didn't want to pressure her father. But she also needed reassurance. Whether he would allow it or not. Let her departure be clear.

"Do you really want to go on holiday?" Father asked Afika back. Before deciding, he wanted to hear his daughter's wishes first.


Afika and Wandi exchanged glances with each other. Then, Afika nodded slowly. She really wanted to go. But if Father didn't allow it, what could be done. She wouldn't force her own will.

"It's okay, Dad. If you don't want me to go, I can stay at home," Afika said with a resigned look on her face.

"Dad didn't say that. If you want to go, then go," said Afika's father.

"Really, Dad? So, I can go on holiday?" Afika confirmed. Her face was beaming.

Afika's father nodded firmly. He had given her permission to leave. "Okay, now you get ready at home. We're leaving tomorrow morning, right? Rest from now on," Dad advised.

Afika was very enthusiastic. She was happy that her father had allowed her to go on holiday. Then there's only one problem. Who will take her to the tour and travel office tomorrow morning?

"Let me take you there, Mang. I also have to talk to them. Because I have to sign the exchange documents with Afika," Wandi agreed.

"Okay then. I trust you, Wandi." Her father left Afika and Wandi. Then, he went to the kitchen to check some orders.

"Yes!" Afika cheered happily. Without realising it, she and Wandi were already having fun after getting permission from her father.


The next morning, Wandi was already waiting for Afika to come down from her room. He was impatient because Afika was taking so long. Irritated that she didn't come out, Wandi went to see her younger cousin in her room. It was on the second floor. Oh my! He had to remind Afika all the way to her room.

"Fika! Hurry up!" Wandi half shouted while knocking on her bedroom door.

"Yes, it'll be done in a minute," Afika said from inside her room.

"What did you do first? It's taking so long," Wandi replied. Afika opened her bedroom door when Wandi was about to bang on it again.

"Patience! I have to dress up first," Afika reasoned.

"Halah, grooming or not the result is the same. There's no difference," Wandi quipped.

"Yeee ... just jealous."

"Already, hurry up! There's only half an hour left. I had to wake up early to bring you here. This is what happens when you don't have a boyfriend. You're just a nuisance to your cousin's brother," said Wandi.

"That's the obligation of an older brother to his younger brother. Alright, no need to protest. The laws of nature still apply," Afika said as she walked away. She descended the stairs first, leaving Wandi still grumbling at the top.

A few minutes later, the two arrived in front of the tour and travel agency office. Wandi and Afika immediately entered. They went straight to the office to sign the exchange agreement.

After the business was done, Wandi advised Afika to be careful during the trip. He was a little wary as this was Afika's first time travelling alone without supervision from her family. Afika calmed Wandi down. She had also promised to take care of herself during the tour.

"Anyway, you'll let me know later. Because I have to be responsible to Mamang," Wandi reminded.

"Yes, just relax. Everything is under control." Afika had made a promise. She would keep it, too. She wouldn't do anything strange and deviate from the tour activities.

After parting ways with Wandi, Afika was directed to first gather with the other tour participants in a room. At that time, she entered the room and accidentally bumped into Diaz.

"What are you doing here?" Diaz was surprised to see Afika.

"You are? You went on holiday to Jogja too," Afika guessed. Diaz smiled sarcastically.

"Didn't you intend to go on holiday? Yesterday you said it yourself, right? You're already carrying a big backpack," Diaz quipped.

"Surprise!" said Afika.

'Hah, what a liar! Drama girl,' Diaz said to himself.

"Diaz, can I drop by first? I think I need to go to the toilet first," Afika whispered in the middle of the tour guide giving a briefing.

"Yes, hurry up! I'll be leaving in a minute," Diaz told her.

Afika dropped off her backpack and left it with Diaz. Meanwhile, she hurried to the toilet. She couldn't stand it anymore, she said. She had to pee.

While in the toilet, Afika was still wondering. Because she was going to spend this holiday with Diaz. Strange and magical, right? Because there's no wind, no rain, they can suddenly have a holiday together.

Afika returned to the line. They still hadn't left, apparently. She stood next to Diaz and whispered again.

"What was the briefing?" asked Afika.

"Yes, that's what it was. I'll explain it on the way," said Diaz.

What? Were they both in the same seat? Afika frowned. She seemed confused by Diaz's answer. As if he knew what was troubling Afika at the moment, Diaz showed his ticket in front of Afika.

"Huh? We have the same seat?" Afika was surprised. So, the seatmate on the bus during the trip to Jogja should be Wandi.