
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Talent? Gee-whiz, I'm incredible! (1)

Trevor stared at the screen, wondering what would the new addition to this reformation would be.

In comparison to the calm-ish state of Trevor, the other ten cultivators and the rest amongst the universe were unbelievably excited.

This universe plan has been going on for several millennia until it was finally initialised. However, the ten great sects made it so that only those under the age of 100 can enter, all those above that age could greatly change the scale of power. On top of this, they wouldn't be able to truly experience the effects of the new universe.

Thus, all of the new cultivators are currently under the age of 100, and are all immensely talented. Some were even born thousands of years ago, but were frozen so that they could enter this universe.

Today is special for all of them, the only day in which this would affect their future cultivation.


[Today, everybody's innate talent will be awakened. This is only applicable for those below the age of 100. For those above the age, their energy system will be cleansed]

[Good luck, the spiritual energy wave will begin shortly.]

Everybody was buzzing with excitement by this announcement. Innate talent. Would that be something like being a math genius or be able to absorb mana 10000 times faster?

People were waiting for this whilst jumping up and down, extremely excited for what would come next.

The few cultivators from the sects however were beyond excited. They all knew that with their talent, they may be able to get at least an insane level talent. If they were unimaginably lucky, they could even get the maximum realm bending, heaven-defying, impossible rank. In all of their Cosmos' history in the past 37 Quintillion years, only 2 people had this talent. One was assassinated by a being 7 tiers above him and the other one had ascended into the next plane of existence.

"Hey Alice, these innate talents should be sectioned off into different groups correct?"

[You are indeed correct Trevor. The ranks go Common, Unique, Legendary, Mythical, Hyper, Insane, NOT ENOUGH AUTHORITY ... NOT ENOUGH AUTHORITY]

"Sigh~~~ More not enough authority. What did I expect. How are the innate talents given may I humbly ask the great system Alice," Trevor slickly and shamelessly asked, hoping that the authority issue will not work.

[It is unknown in the NOT ENOUGH AUTHORITY how the innate talents are applied. NOT ENOUGH AUTHORITY believe that there are special rules that govern this. However, NOT ENOUGH AUTHORITY have agreed that it is basically just luck and your bloodline]

Wow. Not even an authority issue.

Trevor was flabbergasted, not by the not enough authority thing but by the fact that the all knowing system didn't know something.

Trevor quickly tested Alice out to see if she was broken. She wasn't

"Well. Looks like there are people even bigger than this Lord out there."

Trevor grew excited knowing the possible power he could accumulate and the fantasy of relaxation could be beyond his imagination. That was beyond his imagination.

Suddenly, a cool calm breeze quickly swept through him. Though it lasted not even long enough for the nerves to be able to feel it, Trevor could feel it clear as day, as though his entire body had been softly caressed by that beautiful lady...

All of the other beings in the new universe felt the same.

However, the feeling did not last long as many bright lights started appearing throughout the new universe.

These lights were as bright as day and pierced through the sky. Some even shone brightly enough to pierce through the protection of the universe, making some galaxies appear like a holy sun. Some elders and sect masters were jumping in joy when they found some good talent appearing in their sector of the universe.

"Yo, bad luck Golden Divine sect master. There were only 3 people at the Extreme level of innate talent in your section of the universe. Mine had 7."

While one stood there smugly, another being stood there, with his faced crunched like a paper bag. The space and cosmic objects around him was being torn to shreds by the pure anger emanating from him.

As angry as he was, he couldn't do anything to this shitty fellow. He was just a lucky beast who ate a good treasure.

Nonetheless, he didn't act and simply waited for more to come.

Just as the Beast god sect master finished gloating, a massive light appeared from the universe, illuminating many millions of galaxies.

His face was immediately downcast whilst the human sect master had a faint smile upon his face.

My daughter is great.

He looked at the massive dragon beside him with a smirk, not saying a word before continuing to admire the light.

The other 9 beings as well as many, smaller beings, glared enviously at the light.

However, to only 10 people's eyes. A light even greater than the previous one illuminated the entire universe, making it seemingly white, a great comparison to the black of the universe.

However, the light lasted long enough for only the ten to see, the others standing around did not notice and continued to talk about the Jasmine's talent awakening.

As if knowing what the others were thinking, all ten of them immediately launched their supreme power to surround the universe and locate the being who made the light.

However, after two seconds of searching and scouring each cell millions of times, they could not loacte this being at all.

He was probably hidden by the laws.

Knowing that their efforts would be fruitless, they stopped. As the ten strongest beings in the cosmos, if they couldn't do it, nobody else could do. They only needed to wait a few thousand years for this being to appear and show off his talent like that idiot many years ago.

They all fell silent making plans. A friend will be the best, anything else is death.


In an unknown dimension.

Reality here is a kaleidoscope of fragmented dimensions, swirling in an eternal dance of chaos.

Time flows like a fickle breeze, sometimes stagnant and other times rushing in unpredictable torrents, and at some moments even backwards.

Space becomes a distorted maze, where distances expand and contract at whim, defying logic and confounding perception.

In this ethereal expanse, the very fabric of existence is fluid, and one must navigate through the shifting currents of uncertainty, where every step holds the potential for both discovery and disarray.

A human body appeared somewhere in the middle of nowhere, countless tiny chains surrounded his body as a light brighter than any celestial object, white like snow, and larger than universes.

His eye were closed and it seemed as if his body had stopped working. Even the movement of his atoms had stopped. If one touched his body they would realise that it was cold. Too cold for a dead man.

Many eyes larger than one could imagine, at distances further than the strongest being Trevor could imagine, could imagine, appeared staring at a singular spot.

Some stared in envy and some didn't care. But the majority were beyond shocked.

They could see exactly what was happening.

A few even tried to take the defenceless body for themselves, but an unknown power kept them trillions of light years away. Although this is a distance that Trevor could not comprehend, this distance is less than a step for them.

Annoyed, they vanished faster than they appeared.

The rippling space stopped doing so.